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Everything posted by ChrisIS200SportTTE

  1. I still can't find the thread sorry. Must have a wierd title! Lol... But as Ian said, no details of the conversion just the problems afterwards!
  2. Thanks, that's sounds worrying but not many reports of that problem thankfully. :) Anyway Mo, I hope you decide on the car you want and that some of the information on this forum has been helpful to you :)
  3. Somebody on this forum has actually done this. I can't find the thread at the moment. I'll search again. He was having big problems tho, he said everything was fitted as it should be but just wouldn't go into gear!
  4. First I've heard of that and I'm a member of 3 Lexus forum's. But yeah all cars have their faults, nobody makes a perfect, never go wrong car. It just seems the Lexus diesel is more prone to things going wrong than other Lexus models.
  5. Thing is if the OP had said "I'm thinking about a 250 auto" then every response would have been positive and on the lines of "great car" and "can't go wrong" The fact that the diesel creates such a debate should be cause for concern.
  6. Yeah this has been going on for years with Toyota/Lexus. I know on the IS the mat on the drivers side should be held into place by a hook :)
  7. Agreed, but not on car forums. The OP wanted to know about the 220d. I'm sure he wants to know the bad as well as good :)
  8. Yeah I saw it. Was a great watch. :) On Mike Hawthorne's disqualification, Sir Stirling Moss said he didn't want to win the title that! What a man!
  9. Ok so I'm sorry if I upset some 220d owners. That's the 220d guys and the CT200h guys that I've upset now! I wasn't trying to hate on your car guys, I was honestly trying to help and warn of the problems that do arise with the 220d. Even the Lexus service manager said don't get a 220d to me when I asked his opinion. He said get a 250....He also said its the most common vehicle he gets in and pretty much always HG or EGR. And yes Lexus fix the problems under warranty which is great but that's gonna be of no comfort to you if it's -2'C, chucking it down with rain at 2am and your HG goes.... Oh and the reason not many Lexus on Autotrader etc is because your probably comparing that to the number of BMW's, Mercs etc on there of the same age. Lexus have never sold in high volume so there are less of them about. But like I said, the car is a pleasure to drive if it's in good health. I've done about 2500- 3000 miles in my brother in laws as ive driven it a lot and I did 1000 miles overnight once on a drive to Germany last year. I feel I should mention 6th gear as well. Bizarre ratios which renders 6th useless under 80mph. Great for the autobahn, not so great for driving legally in the UK.
  10. Sorry don't mean to be a doom and gloom merchant, just don't want anybody else to be as unhappy as my brother in law after buying his. He was sure he was buying trouble free motoring when purchasing a Lexus but the truth has been far from it. It's a good car when its running well, smooth, refined etc but there's always the niggling fact in the back of your mind that the HG is gonna go! Ok so 95% is obviously an exaggeration, but it is a high percentage that go wrong! The fact remains that a petrol Lexus engine if maintained properly will run up to and past 250k. There's no way a 200d or 220d will get to that mileage without a couple of engine rebuilds however well you maintain it.
  11. Sorry but the 220d is a problem car. The evidence is there for all to see. I'm glad you have a good 1 colbecoz :) Doesn't change the fact that the head gasket in your car is a weak part! No amount of maintenance or good car keeping changes that. It's been good up to know but let me ask you this, would you be happy knowing that your head gasket was not covered by a free repair from Lexus? My brother in laws 220d is coming up to the age limit where Lexus will fix it for free. He's had nothing but trouble with it, dashboard cracks, vibrating rear view mirror, poor mpg return, EGR problems etc... The only thing that hasn't gone wrong is the head gasket unbelievably. Guess what, he's selling it before he's out of the extended warranty! :(
  12. Hi there. First of all Q1. No 95% of IS220d's are not fine. In fact it's prob the other way around! Lexus have extended their own warranty to 111k miles or 7 years for head gasket as they know it's a design fault of the car. There's also a reason Lexus don't offer a diesel in the range anymore.... Their rubbish at making them! Read these threads and if you want more advice try and get in touch with member normski. He had a 220d and knows prett much everything about the car. He also offers good advice :)
  13. See I told you I'd be wrong! Out of curiousity I just went on Autotrader and yes nearly all of them for sale are manuals! Why did I have such a problem finding a manual then?? Lol... Anyway enjoy owning a Lex Rick. :)
  14. Is it? I thought the auto was more common as when I was looking for my IS they all seemed to be SE Auto's. I'm prob wrong tho
  15. Hiya shabz23, just wondering if you took a photo of the pothole and the resulting damage. i have heard of people claiming successfully against the council for this sort of thing. Would be worth a go if you are able to prove that it was definitely the pot hole that caused the damage. Might get you a contribution (or more) towards a replacement wheel. I agree. If it was a public highway then you have a case. After all what do we pay road tax for??
  16. Ouch, I had a CT200 on 48 hour test drive. Me and the mrs were seriously considering buying brand new as we were so impressed with Lexus after owning 2 IS200's. I couldn't wait to give it back and get back in my 11 year old IS! The consensus seems to be older Lexus were built better and with more care than newer ones
  17. Ok cool so Sunday 5th May. Maybe steve2006 could edit the thread title to include the date. Well count me in, looking forward to it. 2. ChrisIS200SportTTE
  18. Are seriously saying that Lexus sell a car without a spare wheel! Not what I expect from a luxury car brand! Absurd!! I got a full alloy spare in mine!
  19. Lol :) I think you might be ok with just towing that!
  20. Sorry to be stupid but what's the actual date? May 6th? Which is a bank holiday Monday or Sunday 5th May?
  21. I wouldn't tow anything with a CT200h! It can just about carry its own weight along
  22. Maybe you should start a new thread with the date of the meet as the thread title?
  23. Your car being a 2000 reg makes it tricky cos that's when they started changing the stereos from bottom loaders to top loaders! :(
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