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Everything posted by bluenose1940

  1. So very sorry to hear that you're not well Mark. Here's to a very speedy recovery. Good luck. Go on to Autotrader and have a scan through all of the piccy's to keep your spirits up, and remind yourself of what you have got to look forward to. Every good wish.
  2. I have been trickle charging the battery on my car and am wondering what the reading should be when it is fully charged. Just had a look now and it is showing a reading of 12,79 volts. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi Richard, my car was 12months old when I bought it and the tracker was already fitted. When you sell the car the new owner has to register the unit again in their name. I was able to take advantage of an offer that gave me membership for as long as I own the car. That cost me £399.00 which is cheap when compared to paying an annual subscription. I don't think that they provide that option anymore.
  4. If I'm honest, I can't remember. What I find worrying is if I left the power button in anything other than 'off' but then I wouldn't have thought that the car would have locked. If the button isn't in the 'off' position, am I likely to do any damage when I connect the charger or when I reconnect the earth lead?
  5. Got my feet up watching a bit of telly (Dragons Den actually) and suddenly the phone goes and it's TRACKER to tell me that they have received a low battery warning signal from my car. I thanked them but told them that my car is still quite safe on my drive. Question is, what has caused the battery to go flat. Yesterday I was tinkering around with various audio settings etc etc and, was interrupted by my wife telling me that I was needed on the phone, I quickly pressed the power button (I thought) and then locked the car and took the call. If I had left anything on, or didn't press the power button properly, would I have still been able to lock the car? I don't recall hearing any warning beep or anything when I did lock it. I will have to open the car with the manual key and put the battery on charge first thing tomorrow. What I am concerned about is, how can I tell if I did turn the power off correctly or, if I left anything else switched on, as I don't want any sparks flying when I connect the charger, I will obviously disconnect the earth lead before recharging but, what about when I come to reconnect it, this is when I am most likely to get sparks. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Not much sleep between now and Saturday then eh! Welcome to the 300h club, you'll love it!
  7. Rayanns this is absolutely brilliant, thank you. Question please, would it be possible for you to post a link to it in say pdf format so that it can be easily printed of for constant reference. I'm not sure how easy it would be to get decent output from the thread. Thanks again. I'm sure that it will come in useful for many of us.
  8. Welcome to the club Mark. What a brilliant find eh! I'm sure that you will get great pleasure from it. If the car has been sat around for as long as you say, it might just be worth a trip to a quality tyre supplier to have them checked over. They might look great from a quick glance and, although the tread might look good, they do tend to perish/deteriorate when garaged/stood idle for a long time. Better to be safe than sorry and to have a blow-out when you're seeing 'what she can do' Enjoy the car and the LOC.
  9. Yes I like to turn the volume up when listening to the intro to Chris Rea's Road to Hell.
  10. I was walking along the seafront the other day and the usual 'Boy Racers' were out doing their 'cruising' with the usual BOOM BOOM BOOM echoing all around. And then it suddenly dawned on me. As teenagers (we've all been one!) we tinkered about with the exhaust systems on our Mini's and Escorts, making them 'straight-through' and noisey. We fitted big speakers and amplifiers with the bass set as high as possible, no treble or mid-range settings for us!!! We would constantly belt out the music of Radio 1, Radio Luxembourg and Radio Caroline. And now, we just like to glide along as silently as possible, drawing occasional glances from pedestrians who seem to be thinking 'has that car got an engine?' Our music players are finely tuned to give the near perfect balance of bass, mid-range and treble settings, giving us tthe impression of being in a concert hall. My radio is often, Radio 2, TalkSport or Radio 4. Thank heavens for my three IS's How most of us change as we get older eh!!!!! Are there many members on here with similar thoughts.
  11. Welcome Andy, whereabouts in Devon then? I'm in Exmouth. See here -
  12. Welcome back, sorry to hear of your troubles. I'm sure we all wish you well.
  13. A perfect example of where a dashcam or CCTV would be absolutely invaluable!!!!!!
  14. Hopefully you are alone Philip, at least those are my thoughts anyway. Without the cameras, the scumbags will get away with anything and everything on a regular basis. Did you actually read the detail of my original post? People jump red lights everyday, I don't get overly concerned by that, just a little irritated but, when a driver actually pulls out from behind me in stationary traffic waiting at a red light, and then proceeds across the junction, then I'm afraid that that takes the biscuit! I wonder what your thoughts would have been had you have been making a left turn at those lights, and you had had a head-on collision with a car that was on your side of the road (which you would not have expected at a light controlled junction), as this driver would have been. Would you not have been thankful that someone was able produce crystal clear evidence that shows that he was at fault and driving dangerously? Equally, there may have been a pedestrian who saw that the lights had changed to red and the first car in the line had stopped, and so he assumes it is safe to cross, but no, some idiot pulls out from that line of traffic and he has to jump out of the way, or worse still gets mown down! What if that pedestrian was a member of your family? Sorry but I am a fan of CCTV, the more the better as far as I am concerned. I have first hand experience of shoplifters taking my profits away. My thoughts are that if you can't abide by the rules of society then you should be removed from it until such time as you learn respect for others and their property, but that's another story.
  15. I started a thread called 'Dascams' recently where I mentioned an incident that I had reported to the police. I'm wondering if I shouldn't have wasted my time after reading this. Shocking is all I can say. I have a cousin who worked on the ambulances in Birmingham many years ago and, on the staff notice board was a clear warning to everyone, I can't remember the exact wording but it meant what it said "Lose your licence - lose your job" How times change eh!
  16. Our passports needed renewing and so I posted them off at about 3pm last Friday, this morning they arrived at 8.10am. Four and a bit days, including a Saturday and Sunday, is that brilliant service or what!!!!!!! Just thought it was worth mentioning.
  17. very nice...............welcome to the club.......................enjoy your lovely car. I've had the 220d, superb car...................the 250 SE-L even more I've got the 300h Premier, super duper superb! You will no longer walk round to the local shops, you will always find an excuse to drive round!!!
  18. Thanks for that Keith, i'll pop up to my local branch tomorrow.
  19. Hi Colin, have you had the latest software long enough to evaluate it, if so is it worth going for? I think that I read somewhere that there is another 'biggy update' due in the not-too-distant future, so I might wait for that. Largely depends on how long the release might be, and what you say about your update.
  20. Congratulations to your daughter, hope you all have a super day. When you are proudly watching her on Monday you will be saying to yourself, "Where on earth has that time gone, it was only yesterday i was holding her in my arms" I went to my youngest grandchilds presentation evening on Thursday and i was thinking exactly that.
  21. What a shame about the weather today! Never mind, I'm sure that you will enjoy your stay. It was beautiful on the seafront yesterday, lovely sunshine, loads of folk on the beach, very busy. It will lokk a little different today i'm afraid. The antique warehouse on the quay in Topsham is worth a visit.
  22. Took a snapshot whilst out walking the dog yesterday, just down the road from my house. Born and brought up in a council back-to-back in Birmingham, took the plunge and came down here 40 years ago this year, right decision methinks! Am I a lucky beggar or what!
  23. Hi Tony, I too drive the Premier version and up to now have not had much of a problem with my DAB, apart from the very infrequent 'signal fade' I will try to monitor it a bit more for you and get back to you with my findings. The reason/s for my posting a reply is twofold really, the one already mentioned above, and secondly, I live in Exmouth, about 10 miles from Exeter!!
  24. These cargo nets are indeed extremely useful. Mine was in use all of the time when I had my 250. Unfortunately they no longer provide the hooks by the light clusters in the 300h, just the ones on the floor of the boot. I kept mine so that I could carry on using it when I changed my car but to no avail!
  25. What can I say other than "I am absolutely amazed and disgusted" The police have got back to me this morning and they have advised me that the car in question is a hire car from a company in Leicester and as such, they will not be contacting them to get the name and address of the driver. They do not think that the firm will be forthcoming with the required information anyway. I personally think that they should be forced to provide such information. It is of course possible that the person concerned (the offending driver) could well have given false information as to his/her identity from the outset and so any investigative work on the part of the police would have been wasted. What annoys me most is the fact that this person may well be driving like this on a regular basis and, it will be only when he is involved in a collision or accident of some sort, that he will be brought to book. I really was hoping that at the very least, the police would have knocked his door and gave him a shock by saying that his driving technique leaves a lot to be desired and that they would be watching out for any future incidents involving him/her. The only good thing to come out of this is that the police commented on how good my camera/s are!
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