A flush isn't just removing the pan, that is the same as using the drain plug. 2/3 of the fluid is contained within the torque converter and the valve body.
You can use a flushing machine, which isn't advisable on older vehicles as it can disturb dirt and cause more harm than good, or you can disconnect the line going to the cooler and 0.5 litres at a time pump out by starting the vehicle, stopping and refilling and repeat until clean fluid comes through (also going through all the gears to move all the fluid in the valve body).
The safest way is to just do a drain/refill two or three times, circulating the fluid in-between drains, which will refresh most of the fluid and then do a single drain/refill every 20k miles.
Not sure about the filter on that transmission, most are just a mesh which can be cleaned rather than needing to be replaced.