Well I also quoted Go-LPG where they state cylinder head temperatures are higher. This what can damage non platinum and iridium plugs.
This is kind of moot though, Lexus vehicles will typically have those two types of plugs and so LPG will work fine with what comes out of the factory. Just don't fit cheap basic plugs, but then I wouldn't recommend them even if you weren't using LPG.
@Bluesman I'm really not sure why you give any special credibility to having a BSc (Hons) degree. What subject was it in, what grade and when was it obtained - it could be in a completely irrelevant field or too long along to provide any value to the discussion in hand.
Not sure anyone is disputing that fact that LPG only contains 85% the energy of petrol, but that isn't the only factor that affects the environment the plugs are subjected to. The speed of burn is relevant.