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Posts posted by BRUC3

  1. Just wondering if anyone may be able to help...

    The wife come home the other day, parked the car as normal and that was that.

    The next day, she went to the car, got in as normal and and the car didn't start. All the lights come on,all electrics still work, normal voltage reading,security light goes out etc... Everything is as should, other than the car doesn't crank!

    I have shifted the gearstick through the gears as I've heard about the parking sensor sometimes being out of sync, checked the terminals,hooked it up to my transit and tried jumping it but to no avail.

    The relay under the bonnet is ticking when I turn the ignition on, and there's a high pitch noise when I leave the key in the start position. Il try attaching a video, but the cars worthless to anyone else other than the wife and I!

    Any help would be much appreciated!!!

  2. I done the headlights myself, and posted a guide on here how to do it too. Search my name and it sh0uld come up :)

    Cheers for the replys chaps! Much prefer the standard wheels! I ordered the others when I bought the car as the originals were so bad, and the new ones were so cheap!

    When they turned up they were a fair bit more 'blingy' than I thought they were going to be, so planned on refurbing the originals once my mrs was driving the car!

  3. This saturday I decided to take the plunge and get the old girl mot'd, insured and taxed.

    Flew straight through the mot, so no complaints here, and I also fitted the recently refurbed wheels!

    Seeing as the weather was so nice sunday, I thought I ought to give it a wash for the first time in 9 months as the amount crap that had built up on it was something else!

    Obviously I had to take a few snaps, so here they are! :)

    Just need to fit the springs now!!!





  4. Thought i would make another guide on how to split your is200 headlights. I decided to do this, as I found I still had to do a fair bit of digging around previous posts on both this forum, and various other forums!

    The usual this is just a guide, and by no means should be taken as factual blah blah etc applies! I wont be held responsible should you melt hour headlights, burn your house down, stab yourself with a screwdriver/ knife or ***** your parents off due to funny smells coming from the oven or bent crockery!

    I wont bother with how to remove your headlights just yet, as I followed a pretty decent guide somewhere else, but will show you how to put em back in later!

    First up, pre heat your oven to 120 degrees c! NOT 250 as I did with my first headlight! I followed a vid from youtube, and only realised it was farenheight after I had nearly melted my light unit!

    Then take your headlight and put it in the oven.

    I left mine in there for about 4 minutes, and then started the splitting process. I found it easiest to start from the inner part of the headlight (opposite end to the indicator).

    I used a not overly sharp general crockery knife. Not a sharp one! Just a normal one....

    This is the weapon of choice!


    See, not sharp!

    First up I lifted the obvious clips.

    This allowed me to move the lense about a mm away from the body. (remember your working from the inner part!)


    I then placed the light back in the oven for another 2 minutes. I found it best to do it this way as it meant the unit was still cool enough to handle, but the glue retains the warmth a lot longer than the glue, making it less prone to bending the housing!

    Next up I got the knife a bit further in, and started to really get somewhere! I unclipped any brackets I found as I went. I worked my way around the bottom of the headlight.


    Once I had a good bit if movement in the lense, I put the unit back in the oven for another 2 minutes, and then finished splitting the lense. I had to work the knife in at some points, and it was pretty straight forward until I got to the indicator part where I had to give the lense bit of a wobble.

    This left me with 2 parts!

    The lense and the unit!

    Ta Daaaa!!!!


    You can see the glue on both the unit and the lense...


    Next up was to remove the pony looking chrome part. This is easy, but you have to make sure you lift the clip pictured below, or else you may snap it, which will lead to a black hole opening up and you headlight project will be lost forever. FOREVER!


    After you have lifted the clip, simply pull the chrome insert away, and admire your handy work! If you have got this far without breaking anything your on a home run!


    Next was the indicator lense. Turn the chrome part over, and you should see 2 small clips. Un-clip them (be carefull if your keeping the lense as I found these were very brittle. I broke one of mine!), and lift the lense out.


    Some of you may want to keep it, others wont. I think it looks pants, so I put it in the best place possible...


    Thats my indicator lense in my bin incase anyone didn't realise...

    So now your left with a lense, a light unit, and an indicator-less chrome insert!


    Next up is to sand the chrome insert. I used 600 wet and dry sandpaper, with a decent amount of water. This keys the surface giving your primer something to adhere to. This is mega important that you get as much of the chrome part keyed as possible, and any areas left un-touched is a weak spot for the paint peeling. Thats the last thing you want after all the hard work!

    Heres my insert keyed.



    Rememeber, when it comes to any finishing work, preperation is the key! Get this right and you will end up with a decent finish!

    I left my chrome surround somewhere warm for the evening to ensure that it is completly dry. Theres loads of small creveses for water to sit in, and paint and water dont mix!

    So that's as far as I have got at the moment, but I will be spraying it sometime this week. I will continue the guide and just edit it as I go...!

    Like I mentioned at the top, this isn't factual! If you ****** it up, its your problem not mine!

    Hope it helps!

  5. I used Halfrauds satin black paint.

    First etched them up with wet and dry sand paper, couple of coats of grey plastic primer, and then finished off with 3 coats of satin black...

    Put em all back together and used silicone to seal it back up!

    I'm yet to do the NS headlight, so think I may give it a try using the original glue as I have done even more reading up on them and seems I made the common trick of having the oven to 250 centigrade, instead of 250 farenheit!

    just a couple of pics of the process!


    Just painted first coat


    Getting ready to seal up!


    Surround and lense together


    Before and after!


    Original headlight


    Modified headlight!

    Hopefully they wont fog up!

    Should be a hell of a lot easier to take apart though if they do!

    Only mistake I made is when fitting the headlight back to the car, I got everything back in place and bolted up, and then realised I had the side light plug trapped between the headlight and the car, so I can connect the side light up at the moment! Doh!!!

    Thats todays job....

  6. Hey all,

    This weekend I split my headlights to spray the inside black. I noticed some of you who have done this no longer have the orange lens in there...

    Do you just not bother putting it back in, or do you tint it first and then put it back in?

    Any help would be great, also some pics of with and without would be good to see too!


  7. This morning I decided I would start the old girl up, and move her so I can do a few bits and pieces on it for when I put it back on the road. (10th March)

    The car fired up first time on the jump leads and still sounds sweet as a nut. The Battery however is well and truley shagged and isn't holding any charge, so as soon as you move the steering wheel the car dies! A quick trip to me old mans garage later and I have a temp Battery on just so I could ove the car to outside my house. Correct fitment Battery is currently on order!

    Im just about to have some lunch, and after that im going to remove the headlights and attempt to spilt them. Wheels Are all sprayed up, just got the centre caps to paint, and the springs are still sat in my garage! This is something that will be done when the car is back on the road!

    Will post some pics later when I have started on the headlights!

  8. Long time no speaky all!

    Had my Lexus for a long time now, but have probably only done about 2000 miles in it!

    I bought it just before the little un' was born, drove it until my existing insurance poilcy ran out and never bothered insuring it again! Its been sat in my parking space now for near on a year un-touched and un-loved!

    The finance agreement runs out on the mrs Smart car beginning of march, so as soon as that goes back the old girl is going back on the road!

    The oroginal alloys are away being refurbished in a dark gun metal colour as we speak, and im planning on fitting the -50mm springs I've had sat in my garage for the last 18 months!

    Does anyone know where the guide has gone? It comes up with 404 error :(

    I thought I would start to get the car ready in advance as this gives me time to let plenty of penetrating oil soak in, nothing gets rushed and I can check all the bushes etc as I go leaving me time to order any new parts needed!

    Anyways, if anyone could let us know where he's gone that would be great! And heres a few shots from when I first got the car! Will dig out my orginal thread just incase anyones interested! :)






    Edit- My original thread from when I first bought my car :)

  9. Im getting my standard is200 wheels painted as my current ones are too blingy!

    My cars black, and im unsure on what colour to paint them! dont like white, its a family car so dont want anything like red, and not overly sold on black!

    Having said that, if anyones got any pics of the above or anything else Id love to see them to get a rough idea!!!


  10. So he's saying that your head gasket has gone?

    A big give away is a white 'mayonaise' substance on the underside of the oil cap...

    If the gasket has gone, get it changed sooner rather than later, but by no means the 'death' of the car?!

  11. Holy thread revival!!!

    I'm getting my standard wheels painted soon, but was wondering on what colour to do them. Any suggestions or pics? Thinking a dark anthracite colour...

    Also once the wheels are on, I'l probably fit the springs Ive had sat in my garage for a year as babys now nearly 1!!!

    Cars still running smooth as a nut, even though she has got 108k on the clock now! :)

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