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    IS300 Sportcross
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  1. Happy Birthday griderjn!

  2. sir, i think you may have been a little ill-advised here. i lived in Japan for three and a half years, and had several cars. one of them actually turned 10 years old on me, and i do not recall this inspection. the JCI inspection, quite similar to the MOT, can be very intrusive. the findings on the JCI inspection are used to calculate your insurance premium. when/if your vehicle is involved in an accident, if your car is less than road worthy this can have an effect on the settlement, even if the accident is not your fault. the main reason vehicles find their way over here, is simple, the Japanese do not have room on their island to store automobiles that they no longer drive. they used to mostly just scrap them and recycle the materials, then some entrepreneurial men started selling clips, which eventually evolved into exporting used vehicles. the United Kingdom has more lenient restrictions on motor vehicles concerning road use, therefore, an automobile that is less than road worthy to the Japanese has usually been far better maintained than cars half its age in Britain.
  3. When i got my replacement keys the NETZ mechanic pulled the barrel out of the driver side door. He either used a number from the barrel to program the key, or programed the barrel with a number from the key.
  4. order the part through your friendly neighborhood Toyota Dealer
  5. What kind of Altezza do you have? Z or L edition? Auto or Manual? Any modifications? What is the Odometer reading? This is a good forum, lots more model specific info on TezzaWorld though. Hope you enjoy your car.
  6. i just do not understand what it is you guys have against pneumatic wrenches.
  8. does your car have a turbo timer? if so, does it work correctly? if not, do you let your car warm up, and cool down? you may have a bad turbo charger... if it is bad, and you do not have a turbo timer, your next purchase is a turbo timer, then a new turbo... i am probably totally way off base here, and i surely hope that i am. but i would have someone look at your turbo.
  9. i think it may be a combination of several factors. simply put, fewer Altezzas were built in the later years. additionally, their popularity came about after they had been around for a few years. thus, the people who really wanted them, but could only afford second hands ones are starting to snatch them up now. if you think about it a car lasts several years if it is properly taken care of... why get rid of a car that has nothing wrong with it? have you tried the newer ones go fast, they love those things in Russia and down in Australia...
  10. sounds like your ABS is kicking in. you need to check your diagnostics and see if you have an ABS or TRC fault. if there is no fault indicated you should be all right. you may just need to pull your speed sensors and clean them off a bit. i got mine off using a 10mm socket on a ratchet when i reinstalled my speed sensors i put some silicone grease in the cavity. this does a couple of things: 1. silicone acts as a dielectric and magnifies(or something?) the sine wave that the speed rotor produces 2. the grease also protects the sensor from other dirt and grime if your ABS is kicking in, and you do not have an indicated fault, it is possible that your speed sensors are getting mix-matched signals. someone also told me that if you have an aftermarket exhaust and the note is really low, this can affect the nearest speed sensor, but i am not sure how true that is... meaning i could not confirm this in any way, but the dude seemed pretty sure of himself. take that for what it is worth. also check each sensor to see if it is still magnetic by seeing if it will stick to your ratchet. if you have a lift and compressed air the job will take you a total of about 30-45 minutes. without, you have to jack and remove each tire individually, not as quick, but still super easy. also a good time to rotate your tires if you have not recently, and check your brake pads and rotors for wear and tear. hope this helps.
  11. i bought stuff from them when i was in japan. i was not so much suggesting you buy those specific items, but those are the only ECU substitutes that i know of for the Altezza that can handle turbo charged fuel requirements. the greddy e-manage are a little easier to come by than the TOM's T.E.C. but most turbo charged Altezzas are running the Trust/Greddy kit, so the E-manage kind of goes with it... but the A'PEXi are supposed to be the better of all three. you may be able to take it somewhere to get it adjusted. I personally do not know how to adjust an ECU. but that is the whole concept of the A'PEXi, you are supposed to be able to adjust the fuel distribution to your specific needs. I am not sure if it will learn and self adjust. a few questions to think about: how do you know the A'PEXi is faulty? have you adjusted the fuel map yourself? what grade fuel are you running? turbos should run highest octane available, i think. are your radiator and intercooler each running well, no leaks or low on fluids? when was the last time you changed your engine oil? You may want to change out all of your fluids, and check your spark plugs. Over in Japan, a lot of guys will run the shorter life span plugs for the extra strong spark, so may need new plugs. What are the symptoms that led you to determine your ECU was bad? And where is E910 with all the real answers to all this stuff. He knows more about Altezza than Toyota engineer! good luck with your problems sir, i hope i have pointed you in the right direction.
  12. I do not think that the factory ECU will handle the "boosted" fuel requirements. I could, however, be wrong. I am guessing you will need something like: http://www.upgarage....08001007403/001 or http://www.upgarage....10161002730/008 i am not trying to be a smart @$$ here, but why don't you send the A'PEXi ECU (SAFC?)back to the factory? is it faulty because you fried it, or is it faulty because it does not work right? just curious, because i am debating on whether to get the A'PEXi SAFC or an E-Manage from Trust/Greddy.
  13. has a black bonnet
  14. there is an IS200 at above breaker, but it has the non limited slip diff (A02A).
  15. There is a black IS200 with a newly rebuilt motor in it at the above breaker. The reason the car is in the breaker is it was rolled. The operator of the breaker, Trevor, said he would sell the motor for 500 quid. This is just a courtesy post, if it is in the wrong place or violates policy, I apologize.
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