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  1. Happy Birthday Oldbiker!

  2. As my car is within 3 months of the end of the manufactures warranty I enquired how much a warranty extention would cost. This went well until I asked the key question what is the difference between the extended warranty and the original warrany .....................Dont know said the dealer................Dont know said Lexas Warranty but I will put you through to the assessor.........................22 minutes later same question, long rambling answer finishing with we are not Lexus you know we are their partner.....................Really who are you ...................I am TWG...............and what is TWG..............we are an insurance company......................So you have a vested interest in using the small print to not pay.......................I wouldnt say that........................After 5 years are you able to take on the Hybrid drive train as to comes out of Lexus warranty ??? .............................NO.....................who will one. Called Lexus customer care who confirmed the salient’s of all of the above. If I purchased a Ford I can get a 5 year warranty from Ford for £300 ( this includes the 3 year warranty) Lexas want £1800 and is backed by TWG who are well written up on the web for their reluctance to pay. By the way the Lexus is supposed to be a more reliable car that a Ford, clearly Ford are prepared to back their cars with more vigor than Lexus. I am frankly appalled by this nonsense from a so called premier brand, my only choice is to sell it while it is still worth something as after 5 years and no one will warrant the Hybrid drive the value will tumble to a fraction of its real worth. One very ****** off Lexus driver. Please feel free to ask your dealer if the above is true....................................
  3. Why on earth would you want to do this? It goes off when you put the belt on and you never hear it again. Surely you do not drive without a belt? Seems a silly idea. Duncan My post went to the question as to how to disable the audible seat belt warning, not whether it was a good idea to do it. That matter has long been debated on this forum and, if you are interested in that aspect, you can search for the various views that have been expressed. The reason most of us want to turn off this noise is when either the rear seat belt has tightened so the passenger cant breath and it has to released momentarily to reset it or reparking in a carpark. I don't need an idiot car buzzing at me to tell me what I already know. I find most Lexus drivers are intelligent enough to know if they are belted or not.
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