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  1. Hay thanks very much fort he help this will help me a lot
  2. Hello Im new to this site and i have just joined. Im intrested in buying a lexus IS200 Im wanting a change form an MG ZT I have been driving for ten years and iv always had a Rover OR an MG. Okie i know Rover MG never whare the best of cars but iv always liked them But now have have made my mind up to have a change I have been looking for an car and have come to believe that a IS200 will do me good and the looks make me think that it looks modern But the thing is i dont know what im buying meaning hwat i need to look for as in good abd bad points?? iv got a budget of £3000 i know a bit low but a wife with one child and twins on the way thats what i can spare at the moment I have joined the site hoping i will get help please can you help Thanks Shaz
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