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Everything posted by Malc

  1. I remember they used to be on Morris 1000's and the likes of the old pre-war MGs and Triumph sports cars shows my age Malc
  2. And I thought us diehard LS400 owners only had to steer clear of the Ls430s !!!! Wot on earth has happened to the Lexus ethos with the production of these " prestigious " post LS400 cars ? :eerrrmm: As mentioned above, you could get one of the very very best LS400's for the cost of your premature failure repair. Malc
  3. Maybe I'm just an old sceptic BUT I feel that even if I moved back to my old address they would find a good enough reason to increase the premium yet again and tell me that they just will NOT give an explanation as to why ! Unethical and obfuscation comes to mind ..................... anywhichway ......... the customer is destined and programmed to LOSE Malc Thank you for your further thoughts btw.
  4. Well here we are guys and gals .... the definitive response .... it seems that I am NOT entitled to an explanation !!!! Is this a natural process do you think, that entitlement to explanations are not a part of normal business ethics !!! Any views please ? Thanks Malc " Mr M Our Reference: Dear Mr I write further to your e-mail sent earlier today. Regrettably, I am unable to provide you with any information as to how our premiums are calculated due to the business sensitive information that this would contain. In order for me to be able to review your concerns again I would need to be in receipt of additional information not provided to me in the original complaint. Unfortunately, having read your letter there does not appear to be any new information for me to investigate. Therefore our final decision letter of 10th June 2013, will need to stand and although I can appreciate that this will not be the decision that you would wish to receive, I hope that I have been able to clarify this matter. Yours sincerely "
  5. Hi guys, I have now bitten the bullet and found the time to continue with this balls aching business. I have emailed them the following, simple and succinct. I shall keep you posted on developments and thank you all thus far for your help and guidance. Malc " Please would you now give to me, the full and comprehensive detail as to why the premium has increased by providing me with all the relevant statistics used, in order that I can check them or have them checked on my behalf. " end
  6. Looks a really nice Mk3 ......................... probably last the next owner forever !!! Malc
  7. My guy with the £35 welding fix assures me that it will probably last for many many years ... he's been looking after our cars now for 6 years and I have no reason to doubt what has to date been his sound judgement and work ethic. Guess it depends on the skill of the engineer doing the work ...... as in many things in life ! Malc
  8. Hi, just had my Mk3 exhaust bits around there welded to pass the MOT and to sort out the emissions ............ took my guy about an hour ...... a tricky but simple £35 fix :outforcount: Not sure if it's the same issue with the Mk4 ...... don't know where you are .... . if you're near Margate in Kent I'll pass on his details to you. By the way, the exhaust emissions changing to reflect how the car should be has resulted in the performance improving staggeringly ( the sensors now read properly I guess ) and you might find that with the emissions right and the sensor right reading then the engine just might not cut-out. Malc
  9. Hi, used the car in the day ......... and not so hot as it has been ........... then yesterday evening decided to drive into Elmley National Nature Reserve, about 2 miles from me ( wow it's a fantastic place ) and the rev counter needle was just stuck for the first 10 mins. Just stuck ............ freed itself then, so I guess the heat effect maybe expanded the needle or summat ? Malc
  10. .......... but surely they are the Bentleys !!!! :outforcount: Malc
  11. From the first off the line to the very last of the LS 400s they are just stunning cars ...... both from looks and quality of build and as we can now experience ... amazing longevity, like no other car on the road today ( ex RRs of which maybe some 98% of all ever built are still roadworthy ). Malc
  12. Looks an absolute steal .... wish I was in the market for a second Mk3 Malc
  13. Yes it does thanks ... . an earlier helpful thought gave me the Police Crime data figures per postcode and my new one seems to be just one more ( totally insignificant ) reported incident for the period ! My premium went up £141 for the remainder of term and totally, hugely disproportionate to the risk in my view .... let's see where I next get to with requesting the " proof " as outlined above before I go to The Ombudsman ........... balls aching isn't it all eh !!! Most people would just put it all down to experience and just thoroughly dis-recommend SAGA as being total rip-off merchants but I would now really like to make an example of them and be able to show publicly just cause and reason for my discontent rather than just have a bad feeling about it all. Interesting that some 600+ views have been made of this item Malc
  14. Thank you Lexmanic . I have put this on the backburner for a while to try to come to terms with my thoughts that Saga are really ripping me off ............ and I sincerely think they are ........... I shall put your point to them succinctly ... " STILL entitled to the truth to have it proved, in detail, as to why his premium has increased. He should be given the stats so he can check them." Thank you. Malc
  15. Ian, so pleased it was such an inexpensive fix ....... when I had that same problem in my 1992 LS400, many years ago the radiator was, thankfully good. UAE makes and sells to the UK other surprising stuff too .... just had a new bathroom installed and the toilet and washbasin were imported form ....... UAE ! Amazing ..... and sad I guess for UK manufacturing. ( They are just in throes , or were, of a building strike I'm told ( Dubai anyway ) .... for more wages, . the workers on the ground earn @ $200 per month ! Guess their manufacturing costs are just about as low as they can get.) Malc
  16. Never heard of this before ........... wonder if it's an electrical issue ???? Malc
  17. I am awaiting the day when I hear the blindingly obvious from the Govt that they are removing the benefits of low pricing on LPG in non-public transport ! They could surely so simply add taxation at any level to LPG pump prices from whichever source one was to fill-up ! Malc
  18. Didn't realise the 460 had a chain, is it at all susceptible ? like cam chains can be in so many other marques ?? Malc
  19. Seems quite incredible .......... are you totally sure that there's no misalignment somewhere in the suspension set-up ......... have you had the electronic four wheel alignment stuff done .......... probably about 50 squid but will doubtless be good value if it shows summat awry and then save on the cost of rubber at each corner. Malc
  20. And the comments from Profess please ????? ... I wouldn't want to be the guinea pig with my LS400 ............ Any warranty I would insist upon would have to be cash backed and cast iron methinks ! and not to p..s away with the rest of the H2O .... Malc
  21. Needles in haystacks come to mind, especially as it's a Mk3 :outforcount: malc
  22. Is it just the lacquer coat then ? whereabouts is it on the car ? Malc
  23. I try to park in the shade for the very, very rare occasion that it actually gets THAT hot ! Malc
  24. Just thought the Mk4 cambelt change was at 100k miles !!! Malc
  25. Just a thought ....... . the cambelt needs only to have been changed the once at 100k miles ....... he says 3 times ... and the open bonnet shows lots of autumnal dead stuff .... has it been around since last autumn being sold I wonder ........ otherwise, at first glance, seems great value at only £1000. Malc
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