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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Ok, wow, seems a lot of money !!! I would be skint too, that's why I bought a Lexus for ( my ) the low maintenance costs ....... and I hope to keep mine forever too .......... my third in 10 years of daily LS400 pleasure. Well done, keep at it, these cars will last us for so long as we want them too methinks. Malc
  2. Can't help you with your query I'm afraid BUT Oh my ! what have you had done to spend so much on this car ? I've only ever known my LS400s to be relatively low cost maintenance wise. Malc
  3. You're going to make the ultimate electric chair then for when the mother-in-law calls for tea ??? Seriously, it looks brilliant, a full set of wheels and a small motor and you can go back seat driving with a vengeance. Malc
  4. Fingers XD for you ...... just read on Yahoo finance news the outcome of " Best Car Insurers " survey for 2012 and NFU came tops again .......... there's a comprehensive list given of the Top 40. Malc
  5. Possibly read my other thread in the Lexus General Discussions Forum .......... and subject .............. Mid Stream change of address and Insurer's Rip-Off ............................. my dreadful experiences continuing with Saga :arrrggg-matey: The after care really does matter. It's up to 1166 viewings already ! Malc
  6. Depends where u live in Cambs but I'd have thought we were all pretty safe with elderly Lexuses NOT being pinched .... they couldn't afford the petrol for a starter, let alone driving it away with the inbuilt security which I know they have. Even my Mk1 had some sort of theft inhibitor ! Malc
  7. King Bart, don't be at all put off by a very high mileage car. If the servicing and cambelt is up-to-date then you should be ok. The drive train is indestructible on the LS400. I've had a Mk1 and a Mk2 and now my Mk3 and been driving the LS400s for 10 years now. Never experienced an issue other than maintenance and minor aggro like a rear light bulb not lasting more than 16 years ! Enjoy your car, good inexpensive one's are around, you've just got to hunt one out ! Malc
  8. Lexmanic hi, looking forward to your next advices please. Thanks. Malc
  9. Can't believe your rear bulb has only lasted 14 years ................ thought min 17 years longevity for one of those !!!! Malc
  10. Of course you have done the right thing .... the mondeo will be a rustbox and on the scrapheap donkeys years before the Lexus. Both your heart and your head have told you you're doing exactly the right thing .......... so just stop worrying Malc
  11. Bonnet struts from Lexus will cost the earth ......... buy others Malc
  12. When i did my near 3000 mile tour of Scotland last September ( from Kent ) I felt the same as you ..... brilliant Grand Touring car. But I don't think I got to use the Cruise Control at all !!!! and if memory serves me well I think I averaged a tad over 30mpg too. Malc
  13. Cambelt just been changed ....... looks a no brainer at £2k I'd have thought. Nice looking car which will last you forever if you wanted I guess. Malc
  14. a permanent drain on your resources, constant worry of breaking down, many trips inside the cab of a breakdown wagon, many many visits to the repairer and many more visits to the petrol station ,,,,,,,,, the list is probably endless Malc
  15. then hand it back ! like grandchildren .... could be sooooo expensive if you hang on to it / them Malc
  16. Deep pockets needed, you often see them on the back of breakdown trucks also when my brother had one the tyres cost a fortune and just don't last any mileage at all .......... the sheer weight of the beast wears them down sooooo quickly. Hydraulic pipes are also a huge cost when they fail ( we had a nightmare with one in the garage I owned years ago ) ...... just everything costs a fortune by comparison to a LS400 Go there at your peril !!! Malc
  17. Hey guys, thanks for all your input and cerebral energies here, it's very much appreciated, thank you. Do any of you know if there is a Govt or whatever investigation going on right now into Insurance car / other premium rip-offs or howsoever it's being termed ? I seem to recall reading something of this but maybe not, I'm not sure. On Friday I hosted a business breakfast for one of our local MPs ( I'm chair of a local branch of a national business organisation ) and just thought that if there is some sort of Enquiry on-going I might just reflect the story to him to see if there's any interest to make this a cause celebre or whatever, at least some real life ammo for them to go forward with maybe. Thoughts guys ??? Thanks. Malc
  18. Thank you guys ................ this is probably really just the tip of the iceberg that encompasses Insurance Company rip-off procedures against the buying public. Maybe this is something that whomsoever is trying to get to the bottom of Car Insurance premium rip-offs should like to use as a case study and to pursue ! Does anyone know what that body might be ? is there anyone professional here with the thought and the skills to take this on board on a " pro bono " basis I wonder ???? Just a thought guys. :arrrggg-matey: Malc
  19. Dave, thank you. I suppose the disingenuous " sensitivities " statement is what winds me up most .............. if as you think the issues are simply those which you're thinking they might be then why on earth is Saga and it's Underwriters simply not being up-front and telling me ......... what on earth is so " sensitive " about that I wonder. There just has to be some other nefarious reasoning behind their obfuscation, a Want to cloud transparency, cloak and dagger stuff ...... if not then why on earth not be up-front about it all I wonder. Time to ponder and probably make that call !!! Malc
  20. I think my problem is that my old postcode compared to my new postcode revealed just one more crime in the reporting period . from the police database that a LOC member kindly gave on here. My original premium was say @£480 and the increase in premium for the remaining 10 month period was @£141. Totally disproportionate in my view and as I am totally unable, at this time, to get a reasoned argument from Saga as to why the disproportionate increase in premium came about I do actually want some real, simple, honest proof or reasoning rather than just feeling totally ripped-off. If Saga was able to give anything by way of a reasonable explanation then I might be happier BUT just to say the information is sensitive and whatever is totally a wind-up in my view and obfuscating the reality of the matter. Secrecy seems to abound and probably needs ripping apart in these modern times of transparency ! Malc
  21. Hi everyone ................... it would seem that even doing the SAR they will not give me the useful detail I need ...................... does anyone know if this is within the rules ??? Thanks. Malc Dear Mr I write further to your e-mail of 1st August, the content of which has been noted. Should you wish to pursue your request for a Subject Data Access Request, you will have to write to the Data Protection officer and enclose a cheque for ten pounds. You can contact them at the following address: The Data Protection Officer. Enbrook Park Sandgate Folkestone Kent CT20 3SE Whilst I the above request, I must advise that a Subject Data Access Request will not include the commercially sensitive information that you have previously requested. Furthermore, I have also noted your comments about your intention to approach the Financial Ombudsman Service and we will await to hear from them regarding your complaint. Yours sincerely END
  22. Suggest it goes straight back into the auction and you buy yourself a good LS400 as a replacement. Unless you have potentially very deep pockets to sort out all the issues. Malc
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