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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Now it's 2015, do have a happy and prosperous and Lexusii inexpensive New Year. Best wishes everyone. Malc
  2. Cynic that I am, I would feel that the Lexus Main Stealer will do the £295 jobbie, tell you it needs all the other gubbins as the job is in progress or even afterwards and you end-up with a £600+ bill. How can the Lexus people tell you that they thought some of the Ls's were chain driven for heaven's sake .................. would you trust them with your car ??? Maybe go with the indy, I will when my time comes............. I just KNOW that I will be getting a first rate job done at the very best price achievable. Malc
  3. Many years ago with my Mk1 I had the cambelt changed at 120k miles and it really did take the non-Lexus mechanic all day to do the job ........ 8 hrs anyway ....... it is a monster job. I didn't replace the waterpump, leaving it to the 180k miles change ( if ever ) and the new owner. Mine is on 165k miles now and awaiting it's next cambelt change at 205k miles methinks, will then see the waterpump replaced whatever it's condition ( unless it needs doing prior of course ) Malc
  4. My last headlamp bulb, about 18 months ago, was only £8 or so and took 5 mins to change !! Malc
  5. Reads brilliant ............... shame it doesn't fully realise it's potential with the known grumpy niggles that have been so well documented on this forum in the past. Wonder if Lexus take any notice at all of what's on these forums with the challenges facing owners of older cars But hey, it's a great car nonetheless ( so you tell me ) I'll steer clear of one tho' ................ keeping to me Mk3 forever if I'm able Did anyone see the repeat Wheeler Dealers last night on the Mk1 Las400 that they bastardised !! Malc
  6. hahahahaha ................... when I was a car dealer ( and driving my first Ls400, all those years ago ) I marvelled and enthused to punters at the little W reg Suzuki Wagon+R in my stock that had a tray under the front passenger seat ........... never did find mine till years later in the Ls400 Malc
  7. At 12 yrs old I think I would be going with your good independent. I've only ever used an indy and my guy seems irreproachable in all he does for me on my cars, including the Lexii that I have had. He's looked after my cars for some 7 yrs now and been an absolute rock :outforcount: .......... and cost me very little money too. Malc
  8. ........ seems daft to me that the Mk1, 2 and 3 never had this discharge problem yet on the Mk4 new technology has failed ! dopey if you ask me Malc
  9. ...... I guess £3k might be it's end value as it has 4 new tyres .............. £2.5k + tyre value Insurers would walk away at £3k methinks............. but settle at £2.5k as a write-off to a private owner. Doubt the Trader paid more than £1500 for it btw. Malc
  10. This Christmas Eve at the Faversham ( Kent ) carols in the market square with the brass band .... about 1000 people and teenagers in T shirts too ........ when I got back to my parked car it read outside temperature at 15 degrees C .......... is that a record for Kent ?? Malc
  11. Once or twice I have returned to the car and found one side lens or other popped out. I guess they are quite easy to pop out when a trolley or a shopping bag nudges them. Just as easy to pop back in too. Malc
  12. I always drive mine in PWR mode .................. someone a while back said that the petrol consumption was no worse for being on PWR .... and I think I agree although really don't bother worrying anymore about how much fuel I use .... i just fill up when the old lady hits the orange. Malc
  13. hahahahahaha ......... just read somewhere that the Ls400 engine is FAA approved .............. you can send me into space with mine at the end for me. ( one of the very few Federal Aviation Approved lumps you can put straight into a plane ) Malc ps, guess I'll be keeping mine to the bitter end regardless and without discrimination for old age ....... the car that is, not just me
  14. Guys, whatever positive views one may have of this specific Trader the simple fact is that even when, just the once, he is found out for falsifying mileage then he is totally damned in my book. That is an illegal practice and makes him totally untrustworthy............................ no IFS or BUTS ........... it's an illegal practice Malc
  15. ok, can you give me the name and contact details of the person with whom you spoke please. I will make that call. Thanks. Malc
  16. t'would be brilliant if you could get Lexus to do a full recall on these Ls models to sort the issue. Does anybody know ( or able to determine ) if it's a recurring problem across the whole Lexus range or just specific to the Flagships !! ?? Malc
  17. Well now, just looked at my Lexus service history and Lexus Hatfield in 2006 at 96674miles had the car in for exactly the same problem .................... couldn't find an answer but decided to reprogramme the ECU ......... what's happened between then and 2011 when I bought the car I don't know BUT it's occasionally recurring .............. and if it beats Lexus then I don't know !!!!! probably just the ignition barrel as they say on here Malc
  18. hahahahaha ................. provided it's not a Lexuschap, thrice changed cambelt model eh !
  19. Adam, I hope you're not intending to swap your carefree, almost cost free luxury motoring for a potential nightmare costwise !! Malc
  20. Don't forget you will have to change the bulbs too !! ....... presumably Malc
  21. But they can all look this good with a bit of tlc, and spit and polish !! Seriously though, I agree with you on the best shaped version by far .............. And the fact that at 210,000 miles they can look just as pristine as this one with 21,000 miles speaks volumes for the integrity of the marque.......... and probably as reliable too............ and at £4k less The engineering on the later models WAS an improvement though, well, up until the demise of the Ls400 that is Malc
  22. would have been a bad move to view at night anyway, nor in the rain ........... hides all sorts of potential issues Malc ................. btw I used to have a car sales business
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