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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. I found it buy using Hijack this, just download, save into a folder.

    Run it, select 'system scan only'

    You will get a long list of processes, and most of these you need...

    you need to go down and look for c:\windows\system32\req.dat - if you see this file, you have the virus.

    DO NOT CHECK ANY BOXES, AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CLICK 'fix checked' - this can do significant damage to windows...

  2. Okay, the reason I'm posting this is because:

    a. I was infected with this Virus/Trojan

    b. I have spybot, Symantec etc, nothing picked it up

    c. You might just have this and not know...

    What happens is, when you click a link, say on a thread, that window locks up for about 30 seconds (you can open new ones) and you are unable to open the link.

    Okay, its a trojan, a rather unsofisticated one.. the file is req.dat, which sits in your system32 folder.

    Dont try doing a windows search, it wont find it, its a process.

    I do have a fix... but it uses tools that would allow you to do some serious damage...

    If anyone has this, and wants me to post the fix, I will, but I wont accept any responsibility if you wreck your computer...

  3. I was actually impressed with the race, IMHO BTCC really went downhill over the last 5 years or so - but this was pretty good...

    Unfortuntaly the IS200 (it has lexus badges scott) was an 'also ran', and dissapointing!

    But what do you expect when its racing against cars like Astra's, Integra's and Leons?

  4. UNGRATEFUL :tsktsk:

    Just listening to the radio - and hearing how the goverment is spending £6.5million of tax payers money to pay the MG Rover workers wages for another week...

    and they cut in a quote from a worker

    "What good does one week do us - they might as well have sent us home"

    Well if you dont :tsktsk: want the money - give it back so the goverment can spend it in a hosptial or something!

  5. So have they or havent they?

    To be honest Mat - I think your way off the mark saying 'its the British fault' - well, while your right, as it is a british company, and the poor workmanship, strikes, bad deals, lack of development etc is all down to the Brits that work there.. but you can't go blaming Joe Bloggs for not buying an overpriced shoddy car just to support a local company..

  6. nah, i never bought gt4 to complete it - i just love setting the cars up realy. love how just one degree of toe in can ruin or improve a cars ability to handle.

    Would be nice to have the F1 cars tho, would be good to try and set one of them up!

    ahhh, im with you.

    You see, i bought the game to play it - not to cheat...

  7. yep got the Speed12 too - the GT wing helps BTW..

    and i got all this without cheating and 12 million (again without cheating) is more then enough - and out of interest? do you have the F1 car? The minolta Toyota? the GT4 Pace car?

    Oh thats right - you cant buy those :P

  8. yes thats the spirit lads...

    forget the fact under Labour, all but the top 10% rich are actually poorer (as in money left after tax)

    Forget the fact the current goverment took us to war under false pretenses...

    Thats it, all politians are the same (no arguments here) yada yada...

    except for one thing - lets get that lying cheating *cough* out of office and give another one a chance eh?

  9. Urghhhhh  :blink:

    Think most of you have missed the point here?

    UK / Europe / North America / Auz/Nz have democracy (not sure about dubYa)

    Rest of the World have Dicatorships/un-democratically elected leaders

    At least in the UK we can vote for our Idiot of Choice. In other places they can't.

    Where would you rather live?

    Would you prefer to vote for a dictator?

    Please use your vote


    Its you that is missing the point :unsure:

    I am saying your theory doesnt stand - surely the point of living in a democracry is the freedom to choose - including the choice of not to vote...

    And saying you should vote because someone somewhere can't, doesnt make any sense to me...

    You should vote because its your chance to make a difference in how the country is run...

    Brewsters Millions was an excellent film...

    Oh. and who are we to say our way is better - I mean since Iraq has become a democracy, has the quality of life improved??

  10. Guys & Gals

    I am not preaching party politics or religion of any kind.

    I'm just saying that in many countries the voters pay with their lives.

    In the UK we all get a vote. Please use it to vote for the w***** of your choice - because you can!

    My point wasnt political.. well not really .... it was more... well your statement doesnt make any sense...

    Thats like saying - go and buy a McDonalds because there are people in China who dont have access to fast food restaraunts...

    My point is, vote because Tony the Thief cannot be allowed another term (or perhaps you want to vote to keep him)... vote because it is your right to choose the leader of our country - dont vote because someone else cant...

  11. Use F1 as an example, thay use Nitrogen in the tyres and "never" in a race would you hear any mention of air pressure, now use Indy car, all theory for handling, good or bad is 1lb more or less, all due to the fact Indy have to use tyre heat and predict the expansion of the air in advance of the you!

    So... on the Bahrain GP - when I heard the radio chatter and one driver requested the pressure on his tyres dropping... that would never happen :yawn:

  12. Thanks for the advice, as I expected there was quite a bit either way.

    I got some morgage quotes today, and I am going to start looking at houses, but I will definaltley wait a while - as doing the math, I'm not losing anything by staying renting a bit longer..

  13. The GPS systems dont fall under this new act, as they are a passive system rather than an active one.

    The new road safety act is to 'recievers', whereas the GPS system simply notifies the driver of his location and any 'blackspots' in the vicinity - it does not work via recieving and idenitifying radio signals from speed detection equipment.

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