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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. well, it just so happens the central branch called to discuss the viewing (even thought the branch office do this) - so i explained i liked the house, and called to put an offer in, but due to the agent, have decided to withdraw and will not be using them full stop...

  2. There is a protest to these cameras planned..

    There's going to be a protest about the M4's new speed cameras in Wiltshire.

    It is planned that a protest convoy will leave Membury services M4 westbound at 10:00 on Saturday 30 April, and drive slowly along the motorway to junction 17 (the other side of Wiltshire). Another convoy may leave Leigh Delamere services eastbound at the same time.

    This is the weekend before the general election, so is your chance to pay back the government for all the anti-car nonsense they have enforced on us over the last 8 years.

    The media are bound to be there in force, and are likely to video the gathering at the services beforehand, so print some of our speed camera signs from the ABD website and display them in your car, make them into banners, make up your own banners.

    When in the convoy, put your lights on and wave at any TV crews you see, make it clear to the powers that be that drivers are not going to tolerate speed cameras on motorways.

    If you don't want to join the convoy itself, there are over a dozen bridges over the M4 betweens junctions 14 and 17 where you could show your support with banners and flags.

    The organiser, M4 Protest, said it hoped this action will show the driving public's dissatisfaction with speed cameras in the run up to the general election, and show that safe driving is too complex to be measured simply in miles per hour.

    Campaign founder, Robin Summerhill said, "After £700 million pounds of speed camera fines, road deaths are going up, yet the greedy camera partnerships simply keep expanding, placing more and more cameras. The motoring public is at breaking point and something has to give.  I believe it is important that the entire ethos of speed cameras in the UK is re-examined from the very foundations."

    Robin said, " We've been running for less than 24 hours and already the response is amazing.  I hope drivers and riders will turn out in big numbers on the day.  Speed cameras are an issue that affects road users everywhere. Let's hope that the politicians get the message - we're not going to stand for it any more."

  3. well... this probably isnt going to happen...

    called the estate agents to make the silly offer (1/3rd asking price) and the bloke basically gave me a gob-full, talking about 'losing credibility'...

    I carefully explained about the fact, i knew how repossesions worked, and the bank just had to meet their bottom line - and he just ranted away etc etc...

    I'm well :tsktsk: off

  4. I was just wondering about engine conversions...

    Firstly, Mat, did you ever figure if the Rover V8 block would fit in the IS engine bay?

    Secondly, how hard is it to link a gearbox to an engine from a different manufacturer - and what is the hp/torque ratings for the IS 6-speed box?

  5. The biggest problem is though....

    Now the cameras are there - if the number of accidents increase, they can just say it justifies the need for the cameras

    and if they go down, then the cameras are effective and should stay..

    Did you hear about the scamera, sorry, camera in Somerset in its first 2 months netted £750,000 in fines..

  6. no, if i had a scanner, I would scan it in.

    It was a letter telling me about the 'All new IS250' which will be released in November 2005 with a 2.5 litre V6 engine - with a diesel varient following in 2006.

    A nice press shot of the car (similar to the ones on here) and an invitation to 'be one of the first people in the UK to take delivery of the new IS' by placing a £250 deposit - which is refundable until I choose specification and colour.

  7. I've said it before - and i'll say it again...

    I reckon at the very least the first moon landing was faked, to 'win the race'

    But not only that, consider other US space-related incidents - back when everyone was loosing interest in moon landings, and funding was being cut, we had Apollo 13 (and taking off on the 13th of Jan at 13:13 wasnt a little, erm convient)...

    no one really cared - until! oh no - theres a big accident - they could die - but in true hollywood style - [cheesy texas accent] we got those boys home safe..

  8. Just to add a little further...

    You see, if you wake up in the middle of a dream - 30 mins to an hour after waking up - try and remember the dream in any sort of detail, or even at all, and you'll struggle - you really will..

    BUT, you try and remember a day or so later - you think you can remember - but in all honesty, you probably cant, in all honesty, your sub-councious has probably filled the gap with something which isnt actually what you dreamt.

    So, when a dream comes true (in a manner of speaking) could it not be like i mentioned above - because you have this void from dreams, that as something happens, this is stored in your memory as a dream at the same time as it happens, making you THINK you dreamt it, when in fact you havent?

    Dont get me wrong, im not saying all this is impossible, just improbable

  9. I already covered dreams....

    ahhh dreams...

    I completley missed that one... this is good as well...

    I read in the new scientist about the latest research and scientific reasons for why 'we do actually dream'...

    You see, sleep is a time for the body to repair and recover itself (the liver is the only organ which cannot heal over time you know) and this includes the brain..

    Now, its commonly accepted, when you fall asleep, you go into whats known as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is when you dream, from that, you go into 'deep sleep' and then, you come back to REM before waking. (there are exceptions, ill get there in a minute)

    So, new research suggests, that REM state is almost like 'a scandisk function' - which is, as you fall asleep, the brain fires the synaptics to see which are working correctly, and which arnt, so it knows which ones to repair while you sleep. Of course, firing synaptics can cause all sorts of things, movement, talking, but most commonly, it will cause memories/thoughts - in other words dreams...

    And of course, after the sleep and repair, the brain checks its repairs in the same way, which again causes dreams.

    And think about it, if you woken up early out of a deep sleep, its really hard to get going, and you feel more groggy than normal, as if your brain isnt quite up to speed...

    just some food for thought there ;)

  10. Well, i can set you straight on the Déjà vu thing, we've all have it from time to time, its just the signals from the eye, being slightly delays before getting to the brain.....simple :) .

    yeh i heard about this, i believe in the science side of it, so i'm not going to argue on that.

    BUT i'd like to play devils advocate for just a moment, and let you know, that when i get this feeling of de ja voux, i can specifically recall and REMEMBER when i saw it the first time, previous to it happening just then.

    Normal deja voux is just confusion...

    ah - and just a counter point here, not fact...

    is it not possible that the deja-vu you refer to, could actually be a memory problem.

    Such as - you see something happen, have this deja-vu feeling due to a glitch - then remember when and where - BUT, what the glitch has done, has overwritten what actually happened with what you have just seen...

    In computer terms, you accidently (without knowing) overwrote your old CV with your new one - so when you look at the old one - you see the new one BUT accept it as the old one, because thats how it is filed?

    Oh, and I thought Neurology/radioology etc all worked by firing ions/radio waves at your brain and reading the reflections? I dont know of any medical device which just reads 'aura'..

  11. i just used a butter knife.

    You slide it between the top of the heater controls, and the dash tray, and carefully twist.

    Do it on both sides, it should 'pop' up, you just then lift slightly and slide out. voila...

  12. the cameras are in 'safety vans' on the bridges Paul... they are not fixed Gatso's (or specs)

    and having to drive the stretch they talk about frequently, i can tell you for a fact, speeding is not the main cause of accidents on that stretch.

    It is a combination of bad drivers and bad weather - people driving too fast and too close in bad weather - when it rains spray really reduces visibility.

  13. ahhh dreams...

    I completley missed that one... this is good as well...

    I read in the new scientist about the latest research and scientific reasons for why 'we do actually dream'...

    You see, sleep is a time for the body to repair and recover itself (the liver is the only organ which cannot heal over time you know) and this includes the brain..

    Now, its commonly accepted, when you fall asleep, you go into whats known as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is when you dream, from that, you go into 'deep sleep' and then, you come back to REM before waking. (there are exceptions, ill get there in a minute)

    So, new research suggests, that REM state is almost like 'a scandisk function' - which is, as you fall asleep, the brain fires the synaptics to see which are working correctly, and which arnt, so it knows which ones to repair while you sleep. Of course, firing synaptics can cause all sorts of things, movement, talking, but most commonly, it will cause memories/thoughts - in other words dreams...

    And of course, after the sleep and repair, the brain checks its repairs in the same way, which again causes dreams.

    And think about it, if you woken up early out of a deep sleep, its really hard to get going, and you feel more groggy than normal, as if your brain isnt quite up to speed...

    just some food for thought there ;)

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