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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. i was wondering...

    as this year at JAE, I am planning on arriving, leaving my car on the stand, but not staying on site.

    So, if i pay for the weekend - but stagger off to a hotel, leaving the car behind - am i going to have to pay access for the following morning on foot?

  2. Its another idea by the Labour goverment to:

    a. Price us out of our cars, rather than offering a viable alternative. (dont forget, if we end up paying 10 times more road tax (and on average, we will) then the train companies can increase their prices to match)

    b. Being the 'nanny state'

  3. Below is a statement from the Wiltshire Speed Camera Partnership (issued 18/02/05) which indicates that they will not be pursuing prosecutions against drivers caught speeding on the A303 at Folly Bottom during 2003/2004. This has several repurcussions :-

    Any drivers who have already been prosecuted for speeding during the specific dates can have those convictions quashed, the points taken off their licences, their fines repaid and make a claim for compensation for any losses they have suffered as a result of the wrongful conviction (eg increased insurance premium).

    Other drivers who have been caught in the area and who cannot recall having seen clear speed restriction signs are now having their cases reviewed. These matters have been adjourned until 30 June 2005, but the CPS are expected to make a decision and statement about these cases before this date. If you have been caught speeding on this stretch of road over the past 2 years we would advise that you contact us with details of the case so that we can give you further guidance.

  4. yes, it also does close the throttle down slightly as well - but that really isnt important, as if your a good driver, it should never kick in..

    Singh, if yours is kicking in under acceleration and cornering, perhaps you should try being a bit more progressive and fluid with your car control - as I can drive my IS very hard without the TRC ever kicking in...

    The best traction control you can have, is your right foot, the electronic device is just there to stop wheelspin...

  5. No. The TRC does not effect fuel consumption.

    No. The TRC does NOT effect performance.

    Yes, when the little yellow 'skid' light flashes, the TRC cuts back the fuelling to the engine - and that is the only time it has any effect on your car.

    As has been said, if you switch TRC off, your car wont swap ends, but that said, it could do with it switched on - and contary to statements made in this thread - IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO YOUR CAR EXCEPT WHEN IT ACTUALLY ACITVATES..

  6. also, turn up the volume loud - see if you can just hear the bass...

    that would point to the amp tripping - it has a protection circuit, so if you short the speaker terminals, it wont output..

    I turned it up loud and I got a hissing sound. How could I have shorted the amp?? Do I need a fuse? Where do I put it?

    if your getting a hissing, then the amp hasnt shut down - sounds like an output from the headunit issue...

  7. Ok - obviously some mis understanding by me ........

    We'll start again ........  :D

    I totally disagree with the coppers breaking the speed limit because they are late for refs ..... or in fact ..... for any other reason than having to attend an emergency :D

    Hows that ?  B)

    yep - sounds right to me...

    of course, as Barrie says, what circumstances actaully require the use of excessive speed?

  8. Has your dad complete the Advanced driving institution ? done by the police ... or the actual advanced police driving course (and obviously practised it?) - like I do on a daily basis.

    Yes, my dad did the full advanced police training at Penrith, and spent many years using the skills 'on the job' so to speak..

    I'm in the Metropolitan Police Service ... and yes, I have done the advance police driving course, needless to say that nationwide, the police driving courses all look @ the Met for courses, as it was the Met who introduced the driving courses, and "the system" in the first place  :D

    fair enough - so when you quote the rules & regs, this is in black and white, and not just your interpretation?

    Point taken, I did jump on the defensive .... however, that does not mean I agree with those who break the law, (in police cars or not) - and I totally disagree with it ....

    I was on the defensive, mearly to say that "don't tarnish us all with the same brush"

    Which is often the case mate .........  ;)

    I wasnt mate - hence why i said

    Its double standards, and IMO, if you were an honest copper*, you would stand up and agree its just wrong..

    I was trying to say, most coppers would say this is out of order - in other words, giving the majority the benifit of doubt...

  9. i wasnt suggestting you wasnt honest - if you read my post properly you'll see it was a figure of speech that i specifically made a joke out of not calling you dishonest... chill man B)

    And i didnt say they HAD to use their lights, i said if they were answering an emergency call which required them to travel in excess of the speed limit, or go against traffic markings/lights they should make themselves visable - and in answer to your question, my dad has done the Police advanced driving course, and okay, it was a while ago, but i ask you Ahmet, what division of the police are you in? have you done the advanced drivers course? where does your info come from - from your perception of the rules, or black and white from the guidelines?

    My point really comes down to, that article suggests a least some of these officers werent answering emergency calls... and i think you were very quick to jump on the defensive... but you are agreeing with my point..

  10. I'm sorry Ahmet, but you are SO wrong...

    The lights can be activated without the sirens, and if you are on an emergency call, you must display the lights, even without the siren... and you seem to be missing the key fact, it appears most of these officers were not on 'emergency calls'.

    You can rant all you want, but this is plain wrong - from my reading, these are officiers speeding, not to a call, but just plain speeding, and they have been let off..

    Its double standards, and IMO, if you were an honest copper*, you would stand up and agree its just wrong..

    I mean, if a copper was caught dealing Class A drugs, you wouldnt be on here saying he should be let off, and its all cop bashing, well, wheres the difference? If a member of the public does the sort of speeds a lot of these officiers have been caught at, they'd end up in jail - whereas, these boys in blue dont get so much as a slap on the wrist... its just wrong!

    *I'm not saying your not honest, but i know of quite a few boys in blue that are speaking out about the double standards in road safety enforcement

  11. I agree with Zee...

    The TRC is only helpful if you give it too much right foot on the bend by mistake - it stops you becoming part of the scenery, but does take the control away..

    Whereas, with TRC off, you have so much more control to balance between the throttle and steering...

  12. A joke is a short story or short series of words spoken or communicated with the intent of being laughed at or found humorous by the listener or reader.

    :whistling: :shutit:

    no i cant see the funny side of that

    explain it ian :unsure:

    i was trying to say your joke wasnt a joke because it wasnt funny :winky:

    yes but my joke was a joke because i found it funny and niraj found it funny

    so therefore it fits your criteria for being a joke

    so therefore can be classed as a joke

    the fact that you didnt find it funny doesnt not make it a not a joke

    does it

    cmon ian just smile it wont hurt you :D

    yes, but my satirical come-back on your joke made me smile - therefore, by your logic, is also a joke..

    so neeeeeeeeeer :P


  13. A joke is a short story or short series of words spoken or communicated with the intent of being laughed at or found humorous by the listener or reader.

    :whistling: :shutit:

    no i cant see the funny side of that

    explain it ian :unsure:

    i was trying to say your joke wasnt a joke because it wasnt funny :winky:

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