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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. 2 points...

    Firstly, dont.

    really dont, they are chavvy regardless of the car - on a Lexus, thats pretty much sacrilidge (sp?)

    so dont, under any circumstances.

    secondly, any lights from the front of the car should be white, from the rear red - any other colours are illegal.

    From the side is a grey area - you cant display blue, as that is an emergency vehicle colour - but any other, there is no specific law against it, well, expect from the taste police...

    but regardless, dont do it...

  2. If he caused death by dangerous driving (regardless of wether his car is no match) then behind bars is the best place for him.

    thats a little bit judgmental isnt it?

    so your saying judges are right?

    in the end its human it not...and with a good lawyer its very easy to sway.

    As I said.

    We do not have all the facts, infact, from the information you posted, we have near no actual facts...

    He had legal representation, and was advised to plead guilty to causing death by dangerous driving - a very serious offence, which, due to the solicitors advice, must have had significant evidence against him.

    And he was happy to do this to try and recieve a reduced sentance...

    Which, in my eyes, suggests his guilt.

    and yes, the judges were probably right, as i said, they dont hand out custodial sentances on a whim....

  3. I've read about this on a lot of other forums...

    and to be honest, judges DO NOT just hand out 5 year jail sentances willy nilly, and not just for dangerous driving...

    That sort of sentance would be for Causing Death by Dangerous Driving, and there must have been some significant evidence against the SX driver (whether physical or witness) for him to recieve the sentance he did...

    I do not buy the information on the other links - and claiming he couldnt possibly have had anything to do with the Fiesta accident because 'his car is so much faster' seems a very weak counter-argument - but that said, I personally feel there is a lot of information omitted from the 'plea'.. and we don't have enough facts to know whether or not he was responsible...

  4. I have a new question regarding the mortgages..

    So, i have had my offer accepted, and instructed the solicitor to act on my behalf...

    BUT - we do not have a completion date yet -

    What should i do about a mortgage? I can get one in place now, and pay for the 'holding fee' as well as the 'survey', but of course, if the vendors pull out between now and then, thats £700-900 down the drain..

    When do you typically setup the mortgage?

  5. for what reason do Al-Qaeida have to propose a Terrorist Attack today?

    my bet is still something to do with The Olympics. Although MSN News is brainwashing people to make it appear to be part of the G8 Meeting.  :blink:

    Doubt very much it's the olympics, it's only 24hrs since London was announced. No, it's G8

    Yeah, this was well planned and synchronised - there is no way its about the Olymipics..

    And think about it - its taken all the news focus away from G8... part of me wonders if this has anything to do with Mugabi???

  6. what gets on my nerver is that all news channels like BBC, Itv are not showing these images  :tsktsk:.

    Do we really need to see images of dead and wounded people?

    I have to correct you mus - BBC 24 showed an image of a burned man on stretcher having chest compressions...

    I very nearly threw up - its not the sort of thing I want to see at lunchtime...

  7. then it would be in Edinburgh, not London surely?

    It affects London too mate ........ I was working it on Sunday, full riot gear ........

    what im saying is though - if you wanted to make a statement against G8 today - then you'd do it in Edinburgh..

    Not at 8:49 on London public transport on a Thursday morning!

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