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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. oh, and in answer to your questions (I have the Eibachs - which TTE rebadge and sell, same springs) mine was a SE..

    You can read my thoughts on the thread link, but i had mine fitted 2 years ago and havent had any suspension or shocks issues..

    just make sure you get your wheels aligned once the springs have bedded in...

  2. Its a bull ****, no such thing as a right answer, question that people post on internet forums to try and catch people out, and too allow those of us who have heard it a million times before to post the right answer to feel smug and superior.

    and a good excuse for some toilet humor jokes.

    Think thats ^ what you meant to say Ian :D

    yeah, i think perhaps that phrases it better... :D

    tis an old one... :whistling:

  3. ah ok, i need the cable to go from my PC to my cable modem as i think the one i  have is duff - so i would need a crossover cable in that case?


    You just want a normal cable...

    Heres a quick Q for the IT bods - whats the maximum operating length of a RJ-45 cable running fast ethernet?

  4. yeah, i hate to say this, but no 911 will be cheap to run...

    especially if you only spend £10k on one - your gonna have a lot of expensive repairs..

    As for the Type R ending as a small hatchback - you have a very valid point, but it is a good car regardless, and better than a Focus or Corrola...

    Its a tough one though...

  5. your probably right...

    :lol: Most unusual for you to agree fella, I was just getting worked up for a entertaining debate, are you feeling OK? :lol:

    What can I say - well, in all honesty I've just been in an 8-page debate on PistonHeads regarding whether tall people are disciminated against...

    But you did have a valid point - apple have hit the right chord with the Ipod, and while I still believe the device itself (due to its closed nature of software support) will see its sales figures dwindle, especially when people like iriver start offering more 'trendy' players, I think you are probably right about them changing direction for another segment...

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