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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. Okay,

    I thought i would leave the title ambigous so if i end up with a lot of questions, they can all go in this one thread...

    But, key question at the moment is....

    Patio doors and anti-lift...

    I have tried B&Q and a specialist window/door company, but no-one can supply an anti-lift kit for my patio doors - does anyone know where i can get one, or any other good solution?

    thanks in advance!

  2. well, had so much hassle trying to get online, but here I am, at 56k for the minute....

    the move itself was very smooth - anyone moving and would like a small, but effecient and well priced firm drop me a PM and i will give you the contact details...

    the process of moving in was very stressful, but im getting sorted slowly...

    oh, and i have a bigger garage now :D

  3. thanks guys..

    Paul, can you do under-floor heating?

    oh and guys, before i start anything like fishtanks etc, i need a new kitchen - actually, im considering an extension for a BIG kitchen...

    anyone know any builders/plumbers/electricans around my area, please let me know...

    and now Broadband is off, so i will be back with you guys sometime soon!

  4. yep - today i became a home owner...

    and apart from the dissapointment of the house not being as i remembered it, a little more older and shoddier, oh and the stress of having to move tomorrow, not to mention move all my utilities etc...

    but anyway, yay :yawn: im a home owner... lets hope i feel more excited once im in!

  5. Yeah, but because of the way the contracts work - i have to have it under a US T-mobile contract for the first 3 months...

    Think your finance people need their heads seeing too..... :blink:

    Vodafone works out a lot cheaper (and we are a US company too)....


    You have no idea...

    Since we are in the process of moving the offices around (to get rid of excess space) they decided not to have last weeks sales conference in the office, and instead decided to ship everyone to a casino in Lake Tahoe for the week!


  6. The guy has a point...

    you can slag him off all you want, but when i drove the RX300 a couple of years ago - i really wasnt impressed, and posted my review on here..

    As for the 400h, yeah, great technology, but why buy a huge gas-guzzling SUV if your worried about fuel consumption - and if a Diesel equivalent is more economical, go that way, if you want something powerful, get the Cayenne Turbo...

    Sure, I'm sure the RX400h appeals to some people, but that doesnt make it a good car... (just look at the vectra)..

  7. even european imported models attract a lower price than UK models, mainly because the initial purchase price is lower, and if fully 'declared' insurance companies may charge more..

    Seriously - i would demand your deposit back, as the car isnt a great price, you could get as good, if not better deal and certainley a uk car!

  8. it depends whether it was imported from Europe or Japan...

    If it has come from Japan, it is a AS200, and may not have all the UK spec features.

    All IS200's have the reverse beep - this is down to the 6 speed box, it tells you your in reverse - handy when sometimes your in a rush!

    To be honest, £10k is a lot for an imported 2001 car.. where are you located, and what exactly are you looking for... as if i was you, i would demad my deposit back (on the basis they did not declare it was an import) and find yourself something of a better deal..

    I am assuming this is not a lexus dealer...

  9. symbian is a company - they used to make the psion PDA's, but have now gone into software only..

    They provide the O/S for most major 'smart phones', from Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola..

    The premis was to have interoprobility between the phones to make life easier, but as Ahmet pointed out - that just creates a vunrability...

    however, data transfer under the symbian system is much improved over standard GPRS ;)

  10. I'm sure everyones all heard the 'spoof' viruses for your phones, well, while they were all fakes, you knew it had to happen eventually, and here we are, the first mobile/PC crossover virus is out.

    First off this particular virus is nothing to worry about for the moment; it looks like proof-of-concept code put out by a hacking group to show how clever it is.

    The danger is that someone else will take this code, and work out how to automate it. And before you know it script kiddies around the world will be churning out copies and fooling themselves that they are expert computer underworld heroes, rather than sad imitators with too much time on their hands.

    But as the PC and phone converge it's guaranteed we'll see more of these types of attacks. As with PC-only viruses, be sensible and you won't get caught out. And never, ever accept unidentified code. Safe computing is a must.

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