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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. mmmm......we seem to have a lot of doubters


    hey, im not doubting him - just trying to understand the point... as he has very specific information...

    if he wants a pickup for the practicality, why not buy one?

    If he wants a pimping lowrider pickup Lexus, well, he's already got a lowrider lexus, so it would be quicker and easier and cheaper just to convert the IS200..

    And of course, why 4-5 years? that seems an awful long time...

  2. We all like to winge and moan when we get bad service!

    But i have to say - i phoned BT about 20 minutes ago - to ask a question about something i ordered - the annoying (press 1 for...) system informed me (when id gone through the options) that they were busy (shock horror) and that i could hold for an operator...


    They would hold my place in the queue - and when i reach the front, they would return my call (to any number) to deal with my request... (within an hour)

    Lo and behold - 15 mins later - they call me back...

    Gotta say - fantastic idea - i think more companies could benifit from this kind of system!

  3. Yeah - thats an old wives tale about 'gunk in the tank'..

    Yes, there used to be sediment in the old days, but fuel refineries mean petrol is cleaner and more pure - and you should be able to run your car on very low tank without any problems...

  4. I dont know Barrie - but i have called a locksmith to see what he can do for me - a slightly pricey alternative, but at least i know the job will be done right... and a lot cheaper than new doors!

    as for the heating, well i have carpets, but i know what you mean Paul...

    oh, and another 'heating question' - these towel rail radiators, could these connect on top of an existing radiator (i noticed my bathroom radiator has connectors on top) or does it have to replace it?

  5. these are existing Alu patio doors i want to add anti-lift to...

    i cant afford new ones!!!

    I had a look in Focus, and they have the 'patio door lock', which goes at the bottom, may help a little - but i dont think it will be great...

    I'm looking for an aftermarket solution to make my patio doors more secure... without breaking the bank

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