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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. While looking at other cars, im getting a feeling for running costs, but then, i stopped and realised i didnt actually know how much the IS costs to run...

    From my quick maths...

    1 service a year - average {say} £250

    tyres, £100 a corner every 25k - call it £200 a year

    MoT - sub £50 a year

    ignoring fuel, insurance etc... thats it no? I mean, TVR's owners for instance, factor in from £500-£2000 a year for repairs, which i suppose is one of those contigencies, but has anyone had major outlays with their IS?

    I guess the point of this thread is, what is your annual running cost? because compared even like-for-like (e.g. german rivals) £500 a year running cost seems quite low!

  2. to be honest, buying a house is stressful enough - never mind one that needs a whole lot of refurbishment...

    and just because it needs work, doesnt mean its a bargin...

    All I will say is do your maths - work out how much its going to cost, both financially, as well as through stress...

  3. well, i phoned around, and a local place had 2 Sp9000's in stock - so I went this morning, took 45 mins - but good price... Got back to the car, and...

    They've put on Dunlop 3000's - which are bi-directional, and not what I asked for, I complained, and they made a call to get 4 9000's in this afternoon - so I can go back at 4pm to get them replaced- I might get the rears done while im there...

    But what hassle!!!

    and you can tell the difference - the 3000's are really bad by comparison! :ph34r:

  4. Okay...

    had a look at my tyres today - the rears okay, about 2-3mm around the whole tyre, I'll replace them soon...

    the problem are the fronts...

    The centre (and inside) is about 2mm - but the very outer tread goes from the 2mm down to, well, not very much (still some tread, but sub 1mm)...

    The legal requirement is:

    tread depth of at least 1.6mm throughout a continuous band comprising the central three quarters of the breadth of the tread and around the entire outer circumference of the tyre.

    Now, my interpretation is, that my tyre, while very worn, still is legal (just) as it is only the very edge (less than the 3 quarters) that is less than 1.6mm...

    I am planning on replacing them, but i have a long journey on tuesday, and as you probably know, finding somewhere with the Dunlops in stock can be a little tricky.... :unsure:

    so, i guess i was looking to see if my understanding was correct, and in the worst case of me not managing to get some new tyres, that i wont be in severe trouble!

  5. the thing is - britians are in the largest amount of debt ever - and its gotten to the point where people are suddenly starting to struggle...

    So their spending slows - you can see this if you keep up with the high street retailers quarterly reports - they've seen spending dropping constantly for the last 12 months.

    Of all spending the car is the biggest expenditure - and the first thing - people will 'make do' with what they have when 2 years ago they would have bought the latest model etc...

    If you look around the car industry in general, you will see manufacturers are suffering and struggling to shift used cars as well as new ones.

    Especially with the price of fuel, high end cars (like Supras etc) are even harder to sell, so if your looking for something a bit thirsty, you could really get a bargin if your prepared to haggle hard...

  6. I know this was a club car - it had the sticker in the window...

    would've been nice to find out who it was! cant be that many Blue Mk2 GS300 owners that were away the first week of September with their car in Heathrow long stay...

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