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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. Okay - my circulating pump off my boiler has started 'chugging' (sounds a bit like a tractor). Its not that loud close by, but the noise is travelling through the pipes, which is annoying.

    Its only just started tonight...

    Can anyone suggest what might be wrong - or causing it, and how much its going to cost.

    I switched off my heating, and it carried on for 10 mins, and has just stopped chugging, but if the pump is on its way out, i want to be prepared...

  2. Oh come on Taz...

    90% of your posts have been for sale threads... and from my recollection that included about 5 or 6 sets of alloys... which, if memory serves me correctly, when i asked to see a picture of them on the car, you provided a [rather obvious] photoshop image...

    And you say everything you sold was on your car first - well, the bodykit you got from Japan wasnt - you just said so in your second post on this thread that you sold your car before it arrived...

    and while you may be completley genuine - look at if from the moderators standpoint - traders pay for the privledge of trading, and to them, you appeared to be selling multiples of wheels and bodykits... perhaps a better tact would be a nice worded PM to said moderator to explain the situation, rather than posting a thread ranting...

  3. full size spare only adds weight to the car.. alot of owners remove it and take a can of tyre weld with them.

    Is that legal Steve ?

    What would happen if you were pulled over, your car was just randomly checked and they found a can of tyre weld in the hole where your spare should be ? :blink:

    Perfectly legal, some vehicles come that way from the manufacturer.

    Personally I wouldn't like it, tyre weld will get you by with a simple puncture, but if the tyre is badly damaged then you're knackered.

    I once ran over a brick on the motorway and it tore the sidewall out.

    You are not required by law to have a spare tyre in your car - however, if you do have one, it is required to be of legal tread depth...

  4. i dunno - itunes is so easy to use though, it really is...

    you can point it at a folder full of MP3's, and it will add them all - and the upload to the nano is so quick...

    When looking at players though, try not to get caught up in specmanship - i've got less than a gig of music on mine, (950Mb to be precise) and its 17 hours of music...

  5. yes

    it was what put me off...

    it also has a closed software architecture - so if you download a song from itunes, you cant use it on anything other than an ipod... unless there is some conversion software out there...

    but the advantages outweigh the downsides (by the way, you can send your ipod to apple to have the Battery replaced)

  6. C'mon Jane - you know Barrie...

    He's going to pretend he forgot - when in fact, he has actually booked a lovely restaraunt to take you out tonight, where he's going to give you his card and present...

    and if he hasnt, he will now reading this and claim that was his plan all along ;)

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