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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. the fact remains, you were told it has FHSH... and it doesnt..

    you might want to talk to trading standards, but AFIK if you purchase something based on information either in an advert or are told verbally, and you find out this is false, you can return under the sale of goods act.

    I think this is a 14 day period, but this is from a distant memory, that seems harder to access nowadays ;)

  2. Basically, they will argue it doesnt effect resale, but you cant prove either which way.

    However, you can argue the car was not as described, if they advertised as having a full Honda service history, and it doesnt, then that is false advertising, and you can get a full refund under the trade description act.

    Make sure they know, you know this, and make them an offer, say, we both know it does have an impact, if not financial, then ease of sale, and perhaps not get money back, but get them to give you some extras (mats, storage stuff or something) as compensation

  3. Could be an air lock in the pump causing it to cavitate, try bleeding the pump.

    i wouldnt know how to do that? :blush:

    Usually a big screw in the middle of the circular bit of the pump housing. Slacken it back slowly and listen for air hissing out. If you hear air wait till some water drips out and tighten back up again.

    i have a plastic type screw head, i unscrewed it for a while, it came out quite far - no water, or air, but i wasnt too confident to keep going... because i didnt want to break anything...

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