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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. There was a new GS on house last night ;)

    By the way, keep your eyes open, Lexus appear a lot in UK dramas (like Doc Martin, Spooks etc) because, apparantly Lexus have very little brand awareness compared to the german rivals, so whenever a TV company asks to borrow a car, they always say yes ;)

  2. if your in a queue of traffic or the car is turning right it is ;)

    "yes occifer, at that speed i figured he was slowing to turn right across the other carrigeway!"


    so if you are in the middle lane of a motorway

    doing a steady 60 mph

    and the outside lane is queuing up and only doing 55mph

    should you brake !

    or steadily pass on the inside :yawn:

    id say that is a queue, and therefore within the limits of the highway code to say you can safely pass on the left....

    as long as you dont pull into the outside lane once past the queue that is :winky:

  3. well, thats a complete load of tosh...

    considering the motorways are our safest roads - and based on above comments, the action is just going to cause illegal undertaking, much more dangerous than doing 80mph in all honesty...

    if it was on 30mph roads, or even 40 roads near schools at kick out time, id go - yeah, makes sense...

    but this is lunancy!

  4. hmmm... the electricals could be pricey to fix..

    but yeah, the engine probably is the most important - make sure you check it over properly, and give it a good run out - check for smoke, misfires etc..

    You also want to check the front brake discs as they can be prone to warping and might have something to do with the ABS light ;) , easiest way to check is light braking from 60mph, if you get steering wobble thats a sign its a problem, not a huge expense, but still pricey.

    Also the ball joints can go, as with other cars, its a knocking noise when turning/going over speed bumps...

    a new instrument cluster is very expensive, so make sure its bright and all working, as these can fade with time.

    Oh, and the gearbox, thats something else that will be pricey if it needs sorting... it should change smoothly without hassle - whineing and clunky shifts could be a bad sign.

    If all is well, 3.5 aint bad, with the seat and the ABS, you may drop him to 3 or lower if the discs are warped... just buy with your head, not your heart mate (remember what happened with the lotus!)

  5. maui...

    without a doubt, nowhere comes close...

    the only downside is the flights - 10/11 hours to LA, then 5/6 to Hawaii..

    You never know - buy that lucky Euro Millions lottery ticket and you could be on the next flight. :winky:

    if i won that money, id buy a house there! no hesitation...

    but if you fancy California, as Barrie says, go out of season, spring is a nice time... San Francisco is a rgeat city, so vibrant... I didnt rate LA too much tbh - but if you head north to Malibu, its lovely up there (where a lot of the movie stars live) and south to Laguna beach isnt bad.

  6. yeah, i understand your frustration - by the way, id take reviews with a pinch of salt - you need to remember people all have their different benchmarks...

    and me, if you go to the states, id reccomend california and hawaii ;)

    Mmmmmmm......California. That does sound good. We did have a look at Cali, but opted out cuz of the price difference between there and Florry - my Sister is married with two kids so she has to watch her pennies alot more than I have to.

    That is somewhere I must go to though before I peg it (not meaning to sound morbid). Which part of California did you go to ?

    Not sure on Hawaii. I don't think it'll be my cup of tea - my impressions of Hawaii are loads of sand and surf. Knowing me though, I'm probably just being naive. :D

    California ive been to Berkley, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Cruz, LA, San Diego and Carlsbad.. I think its great, and i intended on 'doing' highway 1 at some point in the near future - the coastal road from San Francisco all the way to LA - its supposed to be superb..

    As for Hawaii - you'd be surprised - I went to Maui Dec 04, and yes, there are a lot of beaches (if you want to surf, you need to go to Ouha - Wikkei beach) but the first day we were there, we watched the sunrise from the top of a 10,000 ft Volcano, the second day we drove around some of the most stunning scenery ive ever seen, and then hiked through a rain forest, and stood overlooking the waterfall from Jurrasic park helecopter scene... we also snorkeled with a vast array of tropical fish and giant sea turtles, and went into a beautiful valley... and this was all on one small island - which also has the resorts, if thats your thing, great restaraunts.

    Of course, if you go to florida for disneyworld and getting drunk, then perhaps Hawaii wont be for you... but i really want to go back, lots....

  7. okay, im tempted to invest in the stock market...

    and because of my job, im more in tune with whats happening on the Nasdaq than the FTSE..

    Has anyone any experience of buying/selling from the Daq - can i get it done anywhere? or do i need to go through a specialist broker? can anyone reccomend a broker?

    really, just looking for some help - since this is my first outing on the markets, well, apart from my stock options, which are precisley worth-$12 :lol:

  8. Okay, ive got an ipod, and spent a while importing my CD's into Itunes...

    im thinking of getting the missues one for her birthday - but can i hook a second ipod up to my machine and upload the same libary, or will that cause issues...

    also, will that be an issue when she gets home and installs it on her machine?

  9. why cant you move house? catch a train?

    I mean, if this is, 'a job of a lifetime' as you say it is, your an idiot to turn it down just because its a bit of a commute...

    I did an hour each way a day for 8 months for a good job - my missues relocated to another country for the job of her dreams..

    If you really wanted it, you'd find a way....

  10. okay, my apologies in advance for these, i heard them over beer and sushi, and were pretty funny in that context, i just dont know how well they will transfer...

    A research assistant is given the assigment to find out how a current shortage in meat is effecting different cultures around the world.

    Firstly, he flys to Moscow, and stops a russian on the street, and says "excuse me, how do you feel the worldwide shortage of meat is effecting Russia?"

    To which, the russian replies "what is meat?"

    he then flies to New York, and stops a typical american, and says ""excuse me, how do you feel the worldwide shortage of meat is effecting America?"

    To which, the american replies, "what is shortage?"

    He then continues to Tel Aviv, and stops a typical Israeli, and says "excuse me, how do you feel the worldwide shortage of meat is effecting israel?"

    To which, the Israeli replies, with a sneer "what is excuse me!"


    In the spirit of reglious peace and co-operation, the Jews and Catholics agree to work together to try and form a friendier relationship - so to begin, they start an exchange program.

    A rabbii flys to Rome, and gets a tour of the vatigon, when they get to the popes quarters, the Rabbii notices a red phone on the desk, and asks what it is. The bishop replies, that is a direct line to ***, so the pope may speak with him... The Rabbii is very impressed, and meekly asks if he could, perhaps, speak to *** through the phone.

    The bishop says yes, and the rabbii calls ***, and recieves his blessing.

    A few weeks later, after the rabbii has returned to Israel, he recieves a huge bill from the vatigan, when he calls to ask what this is for, he is told it is for his phone call, as it was very long distance, and very expensive.

    The rabbii is offended, but pays, and a few months later, a bishop from rome comes to visit jerlusam.

    He is shown around, and when he gets to the head rabbii's office, there is a red phone, and the bishop asks, is that, you know, a direct line to ***? The rabbii replies yes, would you like to speak to him?

    The bishops speaks to ***, recieves his blessing, and turns and offers the Rabbii money for the call, to which the Rabbii replies, no no, no charge.

    The bishop is confused, and says, when you visited us, we stiffed you with a huge bill, yet you are so nice? how come?

    To which the Rabbii replied, well when i was in Rome, it was a very long distance call - whereas here, its just local.


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