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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. urgh...

    ive never gotten on with linux...

    and im having some probs with RH9 console

    so, i know we have a few techies, so if you can help - it would be most appreciated...

    ive tried mounting my CD drive -

    i did a dmesg /more

    followed by

    #mount /dev/hdc -t iso9660 -r /cdrom

    which was my understanding to how to mount a cd - except i get the error:

    "mount point /cdrom does not exist"

    now, i cannot find the /cdrom directory at root, which is what i think the issue is.... but, i have no idea how to resolve this...

    so, any help and guidence would be most appreciated...

    oh, and if anyone has a pointer to a good online tutorial/guide to RH linux, that would be handy!

  2. Strong points, but completely true. How the heck can you fine someone for putting litter in a bin ??? :duh:

    They had an article in the paper yesterday (slightly off topic) where a Headmaster has said that he doesn't mind the children having snowball fights, providing they get permission from the person they are going to throw the snowball at first !?!!?

    Where is this country heading ?

    i actually think you have taken the headmaster statement out of context...

    I believe what he was saying was a snow ball fight is fine if all parties involved are consenting to the act...

    in other words, some poor kid isn't being bombarded unexpectantly, or snowballs being thrown at cars...

    just kids wanting to throw snowballs at each other is fine..

  3. Well, this morning I heard on the radio that the goverment are trying to force on-line gambling sites to have lots of warnings about gambling being adictive and warn about betting too much money...

    This is, the same goverment that last year gave the go-ahead for US style super-casinos to pop up everywhere in the UK?


    and then i read this:

    Fined for putting rubbish in bin

    A man has been fined £50 for putting rubbish in a bin.

    Andy Tierney of Hinckley, Leicestershire was issued the fixed penalty notice for dumping two junk mail letters.

    Hinckley and Bosworth Council accused him of committing "an offence under Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Domestic refuse from your property was dumped into a street litter bin the fixed penalty is £50."

    The council classes letters as "domestic litter", which should not be dropped in public street bins.

    According to The Sun Andy said: "How on earth can they fine me for being tidy? It's absolute madness.

    "I could have easily chucked those letters on the ground, but I put them in the bin. What has happened is a joke. The council is barmy. I never thought you could be fined for putting rubbish in a bin - that's what they're there for."

    Andy was walking from his house to his car when his postman handed him the junk mail. He opened both letters as he strolled - then dumped them in the bin on a lamppost.

    Council officials traced him from the addresses on the envelopes and issued the penalty. The letter threatens Andy with further action and a conviction if he does not pay within 14 days.

    Andy insisted: "There's absolutely no way I'm paying up. You get fined for chucking rubbish on the ground. You get fined for chucking rubbish in the bin. So what exactly are you supposed to do?"

    A spokesman from the council said: "A fixed penalty notice is served to people who we believe have committed an offence. Our litter bins are there to keep streets tidy, as they enable the public to deposit small amounts of litter. They are not provided for household waste."


    So basically, in this country the goverment is constantly contridicting itself, and finding everyway to fine the general public..

    i'm just waiting for someone to be fined for driving too slow, just to re-inforce the stupidity that is this labour goverment some idiots with no brain cells actually voted in AGAIN!

  4. Hi, i was hoping some people could help me out - as i need a few restaraunt reccomendations..

    Firstly, a good lunchtime place in High Wycome - im aware of the TFI's up near the hotel, but are there any other decent places? any reccomendations..

    Second, a good place for dinner in Stoke?

    ta muchly!

  5. I was just wondering how many of the IS200 owners have test driven the IS250 and 220d?

    Lexus bristol keep calling me to go try them out, which i'd like to, the only problem being:

    a. I never seem to have time

    b. I might actually really want one

    c. And with regards to (B) for the price of even a used new IS - i could get a 18 month old S4, or some very nice pieces of machinery...

    But, i do like the SE/SE-L spec, and the style is growing on me... but i was kinda wondering what peoples opinions were - to whether they would buy one or not etc...

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