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Posts posted by Fidgits

  1. I'll tell you what gets me about inheritence tax...

    The Queen....

    When her mother died, she inherited the best part of 100 million...

    and didnt pay a penny...

    as for me, well i just tell my parents to spend and enjoy it now, i plan on making my own way in life, and enjoying it, so there wont be any (or anyone) to pass it onto!

  2. Hi Ahmet...

    I have no idea why you dissapeared, or what happened around the time, but all i will say is...

    Welcome back...


    Yes, I am back :D

    I wont be leaving again because of a few individuals :angry:

    while that is a good sentiment, and you shouldnt let people on the internet effect your personal life

    I will be excersising my ban finger more often B)

    I think that is a very bad attitude to return with.

  3. I agree with whats been said...if someone has the guts to go out alone and form a company which turns into a respectable profitable business, that in turn produces a good product/service, then more power to them. Like Ian said, good luck tho them and they deserve all they get!

    One thing in this country that really makes me mad is the people who do well are punished more (in terms of taxes and deductions). You work your life trying to achieve for yourself/family and improve your quality of life...and in turn your pay cheque gets slammed hard to provide the bone idle no hopers with cushy mobiles phones and free houses!! :tsktsk: :tsktsk: ...oh man don't get me started!! It's all wrong i'm affraid!!

    yeah - thats the major thing that frustrates me in this country...

    as someone said - the divide between the working and middle classes has never been smaller (the extremes at each end are the exceptions, but its back to the good old 80/20 rule - so were talking 80% of the population)

    BUT - this is because in this country, as Neil says, those that work hard to achieve their goals are penalised even harder the more successful they are. And those that chose to do nothing are given more and more.

    Its no wonder this once great nation, that drove the industrial revolution, that had some of the greatest inventors, the greatest engineers and buisness minds is slowly sinking into nothingness...

    Where once you were rewarded for greatness, you are now penalised for it, and Labour has just quadrupled the amount of red tape you have to get through if your willing to give it a shot...

  4. Im all for capatilism..

    I hate all this 'share the wealth' nonesense..

    If you have the drive, ability and do the hard work to achieve something, then why shouldnt you be finacially rewarded...

    If hippies want to get stoned and hug trees, then they should be content with living in mud huts and starving...

  5. to be honest the public transport, certainly in london has improved considerably over the last few years, as for our train system, its the best in the world !!, anyone can run a few lines from major towns, but we have a system which covers a huge amount of the country, the trains have also improved considerably

    immissions and economical methods apply to public transport as well

    im not canvassing for the goverment ....honest

    having 6 vehicles to tax is not easy, but you gotta face the facts :D

    Barrie - i spend a lot of time using public transport in other european countries...

    and for you to suggest that british trains are anywhere close to French or German standards, well, its laughable!

    For a direct comparison, british trains are overpriced... From my town to London - the cheapest i could possibly get is in the order of 40 quid - thats for just over an hour - if i had the audasity to turn up on the day, it would be 90 quid return (and it has been)

    Germany has a wonderfully efficient train system, with very informative signs, easy to understand processes, and clean reliable trains, all for a fraction of what similar journies cost over here.

    The french, well it isnt as clean, but runs on time when they dont strike, and again, is much cheaper than here...

    im sorry, anyone that says we have the best public transport system in the world, hasn't left these shores and, i would suspect, has had tony visiting them every night whispering these lies into their ears while they sleep...

  6. *sigh*

    you know, i keep my mouth shut these days, mainly by not spending that much time here...

    but i read this thread and despair...

    yes, yes, we all know what a hard job the mods do, hell, were reminded on a weekly basis lest we forget..

    and yes, were all greatful you keep the forums spammer free and nice and proffessional, and we appreciate you giving up the time...

    but there seems to be an ego trip every 6 months on LOC, and whether its members, mods or both, who cares, it shouldnt really happen, and as with mike - im on quite a few other forums that seem to do just fine, even with many more, and arguably less mature members...

    As for Ahmet, he's a nice guy, but lets not forget, he really wanted to be a moderator, and worked hard to get where he is, if he's wants to throw his toys out of the pram thats fine, let him get on with it.

    I don't, however, get the point in this thread. If you wanted to know where he was Mark, im sure you have his email or phone number, because to me this strikes me as a sicker-fantic exercise.

    in all honesty, i dont know what happened on this 'doughnut day', and not surprisingly, i dont care, I like Ahmet, he's a laugh and does a lot for the club, as do a lot of other people who come and go... do each of them get a 'oooh where are you' thread? no.

    At the end of the day, its only the internet... its nothing worth getting worked up about!

  7. New cars 2001>

    CO2 Emission | Band | 12 months duty


    <100 g/km | A | - £0 (down £65)

    <120 g/km | B | - £40 (down £35)

    <150 g/km | C | - £100 (down £5)

    <165 g/km | D | - £125 (no change)

    <185 g/km | E | - £150 (no change)

    <225 g/km | F | - £185 (up £25)

    >225 g/km | G | - £210 (new band)

    For Diesel Cars:

    CO2 Emission | Band | 12 months duty


    <100 g/km | A | - £0 (down £75)

    <120 g/km | B | - £50 (down £35)

    <150 g/km | C | - £110 (down £5)

    <165 g/km | D | - £135 (no change)

    <185 g/km | E | - £160 (no change)

    <225 g/km | F | - £195 (up £25)

    >225 g/km | G | - £210 (new band)

    Older cars pre 2001

    Lower Band Cars <1549cc = no change = £110

    Higher Band Cars >1549cc = plus £5 = £175

    However, dig a little deeper...

    The IS200 has 231 and so falls into the higher band (thank goodness mine is a 2000 ;) ) and so does the new IS250!

    So much for the 'top 1%' more like 10%!!!!

    the RX300 is 311 g/km

    but since the prius is 104 g/km, i dont see anything that fits in the 'free' section!

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