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Everything posted by reganlives

  1. hmm well I very much doubt it would fit in an IS200 then lol..think the seller dont know what he's on about
  2. Whats this? Never seen or heard of one before...
  3. drop steve, the main admin guy a pm and see if he has anymore mate.
  4. all sorted :D thanks everyone. as for the sticker..I thought that was only on cars that were actually made in japan as I've seen ones that have made in great britain written on em.
  5. hmm interesting...wonder whats been done to the car. oh well, it was a mad project after all lol. gonna go swap the arms around now.
  6. just measured again drivers side blade..from top of the blade to end of the arm is the same as urs..14cm...Looks like the arms are on the wrong way round. Doesnt make sense tho as the car hasnt had a windscreen replacement ever I think as its an original lexus screen on it but then again I did notice water marks/corrosion on the amp then I did my audio...not had any issues with leaks or anything while I've own the car tho.
  7. Right...the drivers side arm from hook to the bottom line where the cap is is 50cm...the passenger side is 47cm
  8. its exactly 11" mate between the two red marks on the pic which i've made. gonna go remeasure everything now....
  9. ok steve...i'll go check... u mean from the middle of the blade/end of the arm to the tip yeh?
  10. I only swapped the blades over not the arms. Previously when I adjusted the arms all I did was loosen the nut, adjust em and then tighten the nut. What overlap do u see mate?
  11. seems like the drivers side one is slightly too long as well...hmmm
  12. I've already adjusted the arm itself in the past steve exactly the same way u said by removing the cap and loosening the nut but coz of the black plastic area at the bottom of the windscreen, the arm wont go any further down. I'm uploading pics atm mate.
  13. thanks for the pics steve.when urs is at rest it seems to be sitting at roughly the same height if not lower than mine. when its straight up the highest point of mine as hitting the A pillar so its defo sweeping much wider than urs. will go and take a pic now.
  14. yeh mate, drivers side arm sweeps too wide n the top edge of the wiper hits the A pillar. I'm sure that if I were to put the old wipers back on it but the right way round this time, it would still do it. i'm quite sure they're the right size tho as when I did the other thread about wipers other members said they used the same supplier and sizes.
  15. The blades are the right size as far as I know mate. 22" drivers side and 19" passenger. Previously for some odd reason the old blades were the other way round..
  16. When I bought my car I noticed that the wipers were on the wrong way round but didnt think anything of that but after using the wipers I noticed that the drivers side wiper sweeps so wide that it touches the A piller. After talking to gord about this I adjusted the wiper arms by taking off the little cap at the bottom and loosening the nut on each arm then tightening it again. Anyway, I just fitted my new flat wipers but the wiper is hitting the A pillar again. As far as I'm aware the arms have been adjusted as low as possible so can anyone tell me what I should do now? Is the wiper motor on its way out possibly?
  17. yeh mate they should fit as they're basically the same car apart from the engine really..
  18. Just realised the other day that its steve off the club that was selling these lol..he's despatching them sometime today.
  19. Cool...I'll try one of those suggesstions lol...Which toothpaste? Aquafresh ok? ;) lmao! edit: do I need the prep the wipers as well?
  20. Used to work in IT as 3rd line techy but that was part time otherwise I'm a student, well just finished my final exams so fingers crossed I'm technically not a student anymore nearly as I graduate in july :D I'm unemployed now lol
  21. got the flat ones off ebay mate...will find u the link.. edit: these are the ones mate... they're actually quite good quality I think. just hope they work well and last long as for some reason I never have luck when it comes to wipers lol
  22. My new wipers arrived on the weekend but as I've been busy with uni I havent had a chance to fit them but seeing as I've now finished whats the best way to prep the windscreen for the new wipers? I've never prepped a windscreen in the past but I've heard you should clean the screen with soda or something and the wipers as well... any suggestions?
  23. I thought u told me that u sold ur lexus gord?...i'm lost lol
  24. Steve if the dome light fuse has gone it wont work even with the switch mate.
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