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Everything posted by Steviewevie

  1. They can't tell you how much to put in the bottle though, I'm afraid that doesn't make any sense. That's because they have no idea of the rate at which their product will come out of the bottle, as I said before that depends on your foam lance, your pressure washer and your water supply. The only thing they can try and define is the dilution ratio that works well at the end, i.e. out of the nozzle and onto the car. For example, if another pressure washer delivers 10x as much water over the foam lance contents as yours, then they're going to be putting out the solution 10x as dilute, if they use the same ratio as you in the bottle.
  2. Ooh, is it ? I thought it was just a switch blank.
  3. Thanks for all the kind wishes folks :D But it's my birthday though, not my car's, isn't it supposed to get something for me ? Actually, looks like my timing isn't right for the C-One ARB Group Buy, so I'll be getting some of those anyway for myself (I mean, my car !) :D
  4. Yes, I see what you mean. It depends if the 5ml amount really is enough to achieve the desired effect. I use approx 300ml of the BH foam per clean, which works out at about 85p a go. I don't begrudge paying that for something that appears to work well. sorry about the typo,it is of course 50ml which works out at 10p per wash and 8.5p after i have reclaimed the vat. ok, are you sure it's 5% in the bottle they recommend ? And not delivered at the car ? Because after it's diluted by the foam lance, although it might foam well, there's going to be very little product on the car.
  5. Lol you were doing exactly the same as me then. Glad you found the right one now though ! :D
  6. Just checking that you're looking at the "right" cover. Because I wasn't when I tried to find the OBDII connector. It's the one right under the dash, it's not hard to get off. Initially I thought it was perhaps the blanked off connector that's low on the dash on the left (on my car, at least), and I was trying to figure out why I couldn't get the cover off
  7. Yes, I see what you mean. It depends if the 5ml amount really is enough to achieve the desired effect. I use approx 300ml of the BH foam per clean, which works out at about 85p a go. I don't begrudge paying that for something that appears to work well.
  8. No BS, dgman. The ratio of 4% recommended by BH is the ratio that comes out of the nozzle and onto the car, not the ratio in the bottle. That thread shows how to calculate how much to put in the bottle depending on the anufacturer's ratio, your pressure washer, your foam lance etc. As an example, when I did the test, it showed that I need to use approx 300ml of BH Auto-foam and 219ml of water to end up with a 4% ratio coming out of the nozzle. These figures are meaningless though if you don't have exactly the same pressure washer and foam lance (and foam lance setting) as me, and the same domestic water pressure as me. When I did the test, I had 1L of plain water in the foam lance bottle. To totally empty the bottle I put 13.45L of water through my pressure washer, so that was 14.45L of water coming out of the nozzle to the car. Therefore for 4% of Auto-foam out of the nozzle I need to use 0.578L (578ml) of Auto-foam in the bottle, since 0.578L is 4% of 14.45L. If your supplier recommend 1-5% then do the test as per the thread link on Detailing World, and see how much product you need to put into the bottle.
  9. Have a look at the menu at the top left, there are three "New Car Features" sections, one for the initial car, another for changes from July 2001, and another for August 2002 updates.
  10. This sounds like an job for the LOC team ! :arrrggg-matey: :shruriken:
  11. I agree with Wozza. TomCooper, sorry, but that was really not sensible at all, and you were very very lucky to get a payout. Also not the best idea to admit to insurance fraud on a public Internet forum As I've previously said, it depends on the insurance company for mods. Some companies won't cover the mod itself (i.e. won't replace like with like), but some of them *will*.
  12. The current cold weather will probably help to kill off some batteries that were already on their way out !
  13. Sorry to hear about this mate, glad that you're unscathed, hope the :tsktsk: get their just desserts soon. Please don't start carrying item(s) for your protection though, IMHO it's just not worth it, sod's law says you'll be the one who gets into trouble yourself.
  14. If you really are "blasting" the hose at the car, then potentially you're inducing scratches by forcing any dirt/grit into/over the paintwork. Better would be a gentle of trickle of water over the car so that the dirt can be loosened without any real force. Or use a snow foam as discussed in this thread. If the snow foam stays on the car for a few minutes and then disperses, it's gradually working that dirt loose. Personally I was quite suprised at how well my first snow foaming attempt worked, i.e. how much less dirt there was on the car when I subsequently used the two-bucket method.
  15. Different snow foam products might need to be used at different strengths. And then the rate at which the foam is being delivered at the car is going to vary depending on the characteristics of both your foam lance and your pressure washer, possibly also your water supply too. So comparisons aren't really going to be helpful. Bilt-Hamber recommend a 4% strength of their Auto-foam product at the car, and as previously mentioned, I used this method to calculate how much snow foam to put in the bottle. The same method can be used by anyone with any product to calculate how much is needed, it's just that you need to know the manufacturer's recommendation for the strength coming out of the foam lance.
  16. Yeah, I've similarly seen some reviews that say those mini aerials are absolutely hopeless. If you're prepared to get one and try it and see, then I guess that will tell you ! Or if you know anyone who's got one you can borrow ? Or if you can get one from a company that will accept it as a return (for refund) if you don't like it (i.e. if after you try it you're not happy) ?
  17. BT don't charge for using 1471 but they do charge for using ringback. Think you will find out they DO From BT's website : :winky:
  18. I'm no expert, but surely you need the foam to be "wet" to loosen the dirt ? After all, the foam just sits on the car, it's not like shaving foam that you rub in to your face, you need the foam on the car to loosen the dirt as it sits there. I would have thought if the foam sits for ages then it's not really very "wet" and perhaps is not doing its job properly ?
  19. Yep, I think so. If you have a weak-ish Freeview signal and have a proper roof-top aerial for your main TV, then it's pretty unlikely some tiny aerial on a computer's digital TV card/device is going to pick up anything worthwhile. Do you have an existing TV picking up Freeview ? If so, what sort of aerial are you using ?
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