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Everything posted by Steviewevie

  1. Not just that, it was cheap lending and lending people way more than they could reasonably afford to pay back.
  2. Sounds like perhaps it was the original belt, and if so perhaps it shows that Lexus were crazy to originally think that a 100K interval was ok ! Will be interested to see the pics.
  3. They're on order at the moment. I'll let you know when I get 'em ! :D
  4. Some members may have noticed the discussion yesterday about some Group Buys (from said forum) that had been removed. Just in case any interested parties hadn't noticed, those Group Buy threads have now been reinstated, so come over and check them out. Thanks to the moderators for sorting this out :D
  5. Yeah, everyone knows that Platinum Ice is the best colour ! :winky:
  6. My (very limited) understanding of this is that just installing springs is slightly risky because you might find that your shocks are quite worn and don't handle the new springs that well. Although from what I remember, your car hasn't exactly done a huge mileage Dan. I also understand that the ARBs shouldn't affect anything to do with ride/comfort when you're going in a straight line, just make the car flatter through corners. No doubt someone who actually knows what they're talking about will be along soon to help you a lot better than me though !
  7. ok, here's another one of my "can't make a decision by myself" threads I've recently bought a Dremel, following Aztecbandit's recommendation for it being useful for cleaning up things like the rusty radiator brackets under my bonnet. I can see a mind-boggling array of accessories on Dremel's website. I've also seen various accessory kits, e.g. the polishing one here and the general one here I'm a bit confused by all the choice :duh: . For example, the polishing kit has some brushes in, but I don't really know whether this type are going to be good for rust removal. I realise that the Dremel website has something to supposedly make it a bit easier to narrow the choices down, but it still gives various options for each type of use. Do any Dremel owners out there have any particular recommendations for must-have accessories, particularly with regard to doing little bits and pieces on the Lex ?
  8. I can see why you'd say that, but as you say it is hard to tell from the photo. I don't think there was any danger of imminent delamination. To me, it looks more like a slight groove worn into the belt in places (not all the way round), rather than any actual delamination.
  9. That date is the cut-off for when you *bought* your car, not for when it's been originally registered. Maybe that's what you meant, but I just thought I'd clarify :winky:
  10. You won't be able to sell your car (or parts) on here if you're not a Gold member of LOC :winky:
  11. Check the sticky thread near the top of the main IS200 forum :winky:
  12. Looks like it's just the retrospective bit (i.e. for people who already had these cars before the changes were announced) that is being delayed - although that's certainly the bit that made the least sense. Good news for those who already had the later cars, although I can't help feeling that it won't help anyone who wants to sell a car in this age bracket. Also it doesn't look like it helps anyone who bought a later car after the changes were announced in 2006.
  13. Just a little follow-up on this. As I've already posted elsewhere, I got my new water pump fitted yesterday, along with new bypass pipe and o-rings, when I got my cam belt changed. Despite having earlier written : on inspecting the old pump, this is what I can now see : So the old pump already had a small leak underneath (where you can see remains of the pink coolant), which I didn't notice when I looked at it from the top. I'm very glad now that I changed it. Thanks to all who helped me choose the sensible course of action here ! :D
  14. Here are some pics of my old cam belt (52K miles) : It looks like it's in excellent condition (that's about the worst bit of wear in the first picture). The garage wondered if it had been changed previously, but I don't think so, because I spoke to the garage who did the previous few services and they didn't have any record of having changed it.
  15. Admit it Chris, this is your new motor after the accident in your old one, isn't it ?
  16. Thanks. Yeah, that moment when you have slammed on the brakes, and all you can do is wait and hope that it stops you in time There was no-where else I could swerve too that would have helped, it was either hit the other car or stop just in time. Thankfully it was the latter. Luckily no-one hit me from behind either (which was something else I was half-expecting). Mike_B's suggestion was a good one, I can only think that for some reason the other driver did make a mistake and then just panic ?
  17. Not sure if Lexus dealers might still have them ? Think they come unpainted. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for your motors, I don't live far away from you !
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