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Everything posted by Haylands

  1. Hi Don't think so, I expect it's broken they usually are and when totally gone appear black all across, you can get replacements from a guy on ebay... about £80 I think Pete
  2. Hi Lexus state 63000 mile replacement for 93 on cars (60000 pre 93) so it's not due untill 126,000 if it has a full history I suspect it was done on time before, check with Lexus they should have the records. Personally I wouldn't do it before it's needed, only takes some idiot to run into you and write the car off in the next 12,000 miles, or it gets stolen, and you have lost the price of the replacement. Pete
  3. Hi I believe these were dealer fit at the time and if I remember right Scorpion were either out of business or no help at all, Lexus of course "know nothing". A half decent electrician should be able to take out the immobiliser and restore the car to Lexus intended spec.... Good Luck Pete
  4. Hi This seems to depend on your local service manager, I always have a good chat with them, butter then up etc etc then ask for a discount, I got over £100 off the last service just by asking, so get a quote from your mechanic then go and see Lexus (don't phone up) face to face and tell them you want to stay with a Lexus history and can they help..... All businesses are suffering at the moment so you will probably get a good deal. If you do get it serviced by a non Lexus mechanic make sure they use genuine parts, using cheap patten parts will destroy the Lexus reliability. If going down this route I think I would buy the parts myself and then get a Labour price for the service, it's difficult to tell cheap oil from expensive just by looking at it...... Good Luck Pete
  5. Well we all know that of course maybe they are lazy and rounded it up to 9,200,000,000......................
  6. Hi Just my 2p worth..... Us gallons are different to ours, their colo_rs are different, they drive on the pavement as well so maybe, just maybe their seconds don't last as long..... mind you thinking about it how do you time a second to see if it is........... Oh I've confused myself now.... I'm off for a liedown in a dark room.... Pete
  7. Hi All sounds a bit dodgy to me, the immobiliser, if fitted, and working before the battery was disconnected, should work now, what has changed to affect it, simply removing power from it would not make it not work. If you have an immobiliser fitted, not all did, then you will have a chip inside your key that turns it on and off.... As ROYT points out if the cam belt is incorrectly fitted this could cause it to not start, there are special Lexus parts required to change the cam belt to keep the cams from turning when the belt is removed, if these are not used then they can turn and mess up the timing, if it's not this then: More likely is damage caused to the wiring loom somewhere at the front of the engine, it's not an easy one to do and there are lots of things easily broken especially when they are a few years old and going brittle. Good Luck
  8. Be very careful when doing this, make sure the garage door is shut at the least...... Or perhaps you could give us your address and we can all come and watch..... could be a laugh..... Pete
  9. Steve I'm pretty sure these will fit, it's the offset that maybe different, if you have a shop near you that sells aftermarket wheels they should have a book which gives the spec of wheels fitted as standard, just check the offset is close, you want the same or slightly more as your front tyres are very close to the suspension arms and less offset will make them rub, mind you you could use spacers but they arn't cheap.... The offset is measured in mm and is basically the amount the mating face of the wheel bolt holes are from the center line of the wheel when looked from above... Mind you if they are cheap just buy them anyway as you can always resell them if needed. A power band and now new wheels...... are we turning into a boy racer.... you'll want a fridge next!!!! Pete
  10. Hi Welcome to the club, seat heaters are a fairly common problem, it's usually the heating pad itself, these are changable, but you would have to do it yourself or it would cost a fortune in labour, if it were mine I'd buy generic ones instead of the Lexus parts but there again if it were mine I wouldn't bother as I don't like them myself. Then again anything that doesn't work gets to me so I probably would fix them...... I'll shut up now and let you enjoy your new car... Oh and main difference between a Jag and a Lexus is that you know the Lexus will start in the morning...... Pete
  11. Hi I have a theory that Ferrari make their cars out of metal and plastic and a bit of leather just like my 430, now mine has a lot more in it than a Ferrari so a Ferrari should be a lot less money.... I will try this one out at a dealers and see what they say.... You cannot second guess car makers.... why does the 2001 LS430 US spec have different features to the EU spec car.... There are different part numbers for the LHD and RHD lights Pete
  12. Hi There are LHD headlights and RHD headlights, if you import a car you just swap the headlights, Having said that I've driven all over Europe with mine and never had anybody flash me up so they can't be that bad.... looking at the light pattern they tend to be straight ahead these days instead of facing towards the passenger side. I think as lights improved and they now have more spread then the old style of dipping to the passenger side has gone out the window a bit.... I think for the MOT they just test if the lights are too high or too low, if you have to pass a SVA on an import they would want the correct lights, but as most 400's are now over 10 years old I don't think you will have much problem. Pete
  13. Hi Welcome to the club Is the wheel wobble at a given speed or does it do it at any speed, can you drive through it? Pete
  14. Errrr If my maths is right thats less than 10mpg...... Don't forget you can only get 80% fill on a tank so a 95ltr tank will hold 76ltrs maximum..... Is it single point or injection??? Pete
  15. Hi James is right, it's been asked before on other Forums and the answer is it can't be done unless you swap the whole system from a later car.... a bit expensive..... Just buy a tomtom..... Pete
  16. Hi I think you will find the 460 will be fine, I find the seat in the 430 very good, it's just getting in and out that do me, probably something to do with being 6"5'!!!!!! It took a while to adjust the seat to the right position because it has so many adjustments...... you will get there in the end though.... and don't forget to memorize the positions as you go or some helpful soul will press the buttons for a laugh and you'll end up at stage one again...... You will love the car... Pete
  17. Hi You can run the 400 very well on a single point system, there really is no need to spend extra on a fully sequential injection system for an engine that isn't fully sequential in the first place..... The 400 doesn't need a flashlube kit, if a company are trying to fit one then they are doing it because they lack the skill to do the job properly and are using it as an insurance, they will just say that you let it run out of flashlube when problems start.... so stay away from anyone wanting to fit one especially for free..... (the straight 6 Lexus engine is the only one that needs a flashlube) A single hole tank uses 8mm copper to the filler, a four hole tank uses a massive reinforced rubber hose of about 30mm to the filler, they are substantially quicker to fill.... like 5 times quicker..... (both feed pipes to the engine are 8mm copper (sometimes plastic nowadays) this is maybe what they mean but it doesn't affect fill time) Never heard of Herts Autogas, but then I wouldn’t living up here.... ask them for some references, and check them, they will not mind, it happens all the time. Phone the LPGA and ask for a local fitter to you.... Good Luck Pete P.S. You could always buy mine..... have a look in cars for sale....
  18. Mark Slick50 advertised that they ran a briggs and stratton engine on just engine oil and also one on slick50 and engine oil, then drained both and ran them, they stated that the one with slick50 ran for 100's of hours without problems whilst the normal one siezed up very quickly..... Well briggs and stratton didn't think that was right so they tried it themselves and found exactly the opposite, they repeatedly tried it and the one with the slick50 siezed virtually instantly compared to the one with just oil that ran for a considerable time.... There conclusion was that slick50 has too many detergents and other additives in it that wash the oil coating off parts to clean them but the ptfe is not able to stay on the parts for any length of time.... If I were you I'd throw it away or take it back if you have the reciept.... Pete
  19. Hi, had it a week now, done 800 miles in it and it is very good, it's got lots of torques... over 300 so it is relaxing to drive, it is very good for my back, the seat is very supportive and I've finally got it in the right position with lots of trial and error. It's done 50.6mpg but it is still very tight, they say to run it in for 1200miles so I have been taking it very carefully... Hi. I know what you are saying, as RedDog says I don't get £258 a month it's £187, thats £6700 in three years, I thought long and hard about it but getting a car that costs nearly £20000 for that and one that suits my needs with no possibility of unexpected costs (not that I had any with the 430... one bulb was all that went in over a year) was too good a deal for me to pass up.... Where do those figures come from? Full mobility allowance is £46.75 per week. Therefore £187 every four weeks. I think your wife must be getting some care component with her money. Hi, RedDog you are right, there are various different levels and it's all in with other allowances as well...... Still haven't advertised the 430 yet, I keep waiting for a nice day to clean it up and take some pictures, still, it hasn't been out in the salt this year so that's one good thing, I will have to get on with it but just before Christmas probably isn't a good time to try to sell it, so if anyones interested..... make me an offer. I want it to go to a good home and I am very willing to haggle if you promise to keep it nice.... Pete
  20. Wozza I tried this when mine went a while back, the standard one fitted is the biggest size that will fit in the holder, on a lot of cars you can put a physically bigger battery in but you can't on the 430 as it's hemmed in by other things, you can't get a larger amp hour battery that isn't any bigger in size, I know because I tried. I fitted a Bosch Silver to mine, I have had them before and they last well, they come with a 4 year warantee. Now with a bosch battery and bosch wiper blades am I turning it into a Mer**des or even worse a B*W....... Pete
  21. Hi I seem to remember reading somewhere about the washer pump being under the front wing and getting exposed to the elements causing the plug to get a bit mankey and stop working, if I remember, people had success in removing it and giving it a good clean, then coat it in vasaline or something similar to stop it happening again. I've tried the search function but as usual it's pretty useless, maybe someone else remembers the thread. Pete
  22. Hi Powdered graphite is the correct lubricant to use for windows, you can buy it at good car parts stores, I also think Maplins stock it, it comes in a puffer tube, you puff it onto the window runners and all will become lovely again..... Pete
  23. Hi Try this first to see if you have any problems... The satnav unit is in the boot under the side floor panel on the drivers side, you have to remove a plastic trim clip to raise it, there maybe water or condensation getting in the unit, have a good feel around it. Good Luck Pete
  24. Hi I shouldn't really be saying this but I can get better discounts at places I use than you get with Gold membership, you just have to ask.... most dealers give a discount to older cars. There is a Gold members section but it's like the Mary Celest...... Pete
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