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Mark W

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Posts posted by Mark W

  1. Ah right cheers, never noticed that you can see i don't pay attention to half the things in front of don't want me driving behind you at the wheel lol

    Can you send me your address? I have some forms I'd like you to sign :whistling:

  2. Hi,

    One of my front tyres has camber wear on the outer edge. I'll be getting a couple of new tyres, so can anyone recommend somewhere in the Glasgow area that'll check / adjust the alignment etc.? I've heard good things about Hypertech in Bonnybridge, and according to their website - - they "can carry out 4 wheel alignment using the Hunter Winalign System". That means nothing to me :-) ... any ideas if it's a good system?

    Also, I got a nasty (although maybe not surprising) shock when I phoned Lexus for the tyres. For the 18" Dunlop Sport Maxx, here are some quotes for getting the tyres supplied and fitted:

    Various online retailers: approx. £120

    Local garage: £118

    Kwik-Fit: £124 each if buying 2

    And Lexus Glasgow? £170.98 !! How can they possibly justify that?! Plus £92 + VAT for doing the alignment.

    Have no idea if they are any good but don't be fooled by what equipment they have as trust me just because they have the equipment doesn't mean they know how to use it......I have been to 3 places with the hunter hawkeye system and only 1 knew what they were doing and how to use it correctly. They know who they are ;)

  3. Whole thing must have been done as a joke.....came out with phrases such as "it's going to be quite cold over here, but over here, probably not....perhaps" and "it's warmer in the cities, but then again, who lives in a city anyway" also mentioned something about Falmouth then said "why might that be?" and moved on to next part.

    Had to rewind my sky+ to check I hadn't imagined it. ;)

  4. Maybe they should just close it to stop the losses, reschedule the loans, ask the Govt for a "bail out" like Metronet have had and Tubelines are asking for now.

    No problem it's their road and everyone can go back on the M6 for a while, or pay the toll, get there quicker and save the toll from fuel costs.

    IMHO the main reason people are not using is due to 2 reasons;

    1) the price - it's a lot of money over the course of a week especially combined with the high fuel costs we have been experiencing. To use it both ways every day of the week is now going to cost £47 a week or £190/ month

    I use it everyday to go to work as saves me about 15 mins on my journey but can't justify using on the way back.

    It's also further compared to the alternative route so fuel saving is more or less cancelled out but I pay it as I hate queuing.

    2) the route - I have absolutely no proof but I get the impression that most the traffic on the m6 is not travelling the full distance the toll covers ( Junc 11 to 4a). If I am correct then the toll isn't really an alternative.

    Like any business they should have completed their business case on a basis of being able to charge customers a rate which would attract the right number of users to cover their costs and make a profit. If the figures don't stack up then it's not viable. Most people I knowdont use the toll because of the cost and find alternatives. Maybe it's a false economy on their part but until the m6 toll convinces people differently , putting up the price will only put even more people off using it IMHO.

    They could possibly attract more traffic if they changed the rate time windows too- eg- at 9:00am why on earth would people pay to use the toll to save a couple of minutes compared to the m6? And if you see traffic on the toll at that time of the day you see that most people won't. Similar issue at weekends.

  5. Can't believe what I heard today...they are outing the price of the toll up by 20p as of Jan despite 12% less usage than this time last year, congestion worse than ever on M6, reduction in VAT and hard times for everyone.

    What planet these people on? Taking the Mick IMHO

  6. Contacts, Calendar, tasks etc all sync well with Outlook in my experience -reminders also sync freely between outlook and iphone

    You can also choose to sync piccies, Podcasts, videos etc.

    Cool, is it intelligent to know when you delete something off your PC for example, not to put it back when synching the phone? (That's what my N95 does and it drives me mad! :shutit: )

    I've just bought myself an N95 (i know its a bit dated)(version one with feature pack one) with the expension slot with 8gig memory card. Hacked it to bits and now i can install unasigned applications, play flv,divx, mpegs, realplayer etc etc and even makes phone calls! To me i think symbian OS is so cutomizable and is good for software developers. The only thing this doesn't have over iphone is the touch screen, which i wouldn't like as i would have to keep wiping it all the time. Im going to wait a yr or 2 before i change my phone, unless i end up bricking it installing mumble jumble into my phone lol. Got like 70 is200 images in it lol

    I'm not sure if the 1st N95 is different to the N95 8GB that I've got, but you don't need to hack it to install anything, I've got all sorts on mine without doing anything to it at all :)

    Can't totally remember if there's an option to choose but it just syncs... ie matches the 2 so whatever you did last is what you get on both. If there is any ambiguity it asks you there and then what you want to do.

  7. As I'm in a bit of a "sync" frame of mind, how is the iPhone in this respect? I'm not talking about music, as I'm sure it must do that perfectly with iTunes, but just for your normal stuff like contacts, calendar, tasks, etc. Does it all work pretty well with outlook?

    Contacts, Calendar, tasks etc all sync well with Outlook in my experience -reminders also sync freely between outlook and Iphone

    You can also choose to sync piccies, Podcasts, videos etc.

  8. Well I'm on 2G and Iphones 2.1, lost all my apps. when for some reason I must have clicked on update in iphones to 2.1. The local unlocker failed to fix the phone,I manae with a bit of hep from e www.

    My apps. ar all free ones:


    Apps - allows you to organise apps into folders

    Boss Prefs

    gTxtEdit - cretae text files / note files

    MxTube - dowmload to iphone from youtube and store

    EyeTricks - illusions

    Google Earth

    iPint - pass apint along the bar game, then it poors you a pint you can drink


    Those eye tricks are the piccie where you stare at the dot then turns into colour picture until you move your eyes

    Shrinking one pretty wierd too

  9. Sparky: I wasn't having a go mate, I was just trying to reiterate the irrelevance of Bluetooth for file transfers.

    Yep, typical apple way to look at things : "We don't care how you might do things at the moment, *this* is the *best* way to do things so that's the only way we're going to let you do it". i.e. don't worry that lots of people use Bluetooth to send files, force it have to be done by other methods, even if you don't use that (e.g. email).

    No-one is forcing anything....if you don't like the phone you don't buy it...same as any other gadget.

    If I needed a2dp then I wouldn't buy an Iphone because it hasn't got the functionality...

  10. MMS - Jailbreak and add Swirly MMS - Excellent app and adds MMS functionailty - you have to pay (7 USD I think) but thats a one off charge with free updates for life......Its also linked to your phone so whatever you do (wipe etc) with your phone then you can always re-install Free of charge.

    A2DP - You got me on that ability at mo but think phone is capable - it just needs software "unlocking" by apple

    Poor Camera - I'd debate that one.....Ive had some excellent pics from mine - 2mp is fine for a phone camera - any more then I'd use a "camera" instead. The main issue is its missing a flash.

    Bluetooth file transfer - same as A2DP - But you can set your Iphone as a webservice - and let people connect and transfer via the internet instead - larger range than Bluetooth ;o) or you can email files as easy.

    Cant think of anything else thats missing and to be honest - the main problem I had with mine was when I jailbroke - Safari would crash on certain webpages sometimes (including this site if you tried to add comments or reply to a post) and it always seemed a tad slower.

    However, with the 2.2 update its like its been supercharged....and no more crashes.

    But now I'm starting to sound like a salesman so I'll shut up...... ;)

  11. Here's what I have;

    16 gb 3g 2.2 jailbroken using quickpwn and cydia installed

    Swirly MMS - Adds MMS capability

    Winterboard- Allows you to theme/skin your phone

    MyRail lite - Excellent for rail users - enter your station for live status updates of trains

    Icorder - Video capture on your Iphone

    Imapmyride - Uses phones gps to capture and log your bike or jogging training sessions, uploads to Internet where you can view your route online. Keeps record of all your training and times

    Google Earth- cool with tilt ;)

    Shazam - Capture any tune using your phone and will tell you what it is

    Customize - Customise loads on the phone including all text , carrier name etc

    UK trains - full rail timetable - Not an app as such but website customized for Iphone

    SB Board - Replacement for Boss Prefs

  12. Although having just upgraded my Iphone to 2.2 software and re-jailbroken I really think if anyone asked me I'd just have to recommend...2.2 has made huge difference to speed and no more safari crashes.

    Found a cool theme too that makes it look like a bb storm....which is another cool feature...when you get bored with the looks...just load a new one which looks completely different ;)

  13. he was here when he shouldn't have been and ran from the police when bombs were going off.

    I wonder what peoples viewpoint would have been if they hadn't shot him and he turned out to be the bomber and blew up killing loads of innocent people including a relative of yours?

    It's a terrible mistake and if we lived in a perfect world wouldn't happen but we can't hold the police responsible for anything more than a mistake IMHO.

    They are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

  14. I personally wish they'd drop this case, they were highly strung times, the world was in fear, and he ran from the police when they suspected he was trying to blow up a tube station............

    It was an absolute tragedy that he was killed, but no one intentionally killed him, the police have to react within seconds in the heat of the moment and for them the risk of killing hundreds should he set off a bomb was too great.

    If he'd simply stopped and put his hands up, he'd be alive today as well.

    And this ^^^^

  15. I'm sure the Coroner knows his job as to what is correct in law & what is not, a tragic case for sure,

    but it does come back to the very very unpopular fact....if he wasn't in the UK (when he shouldn't have been)

    he would very likely still be alive.

    My thoughts entirely...well said.

  16. Had a think and The only thing that can be stopping the wheels turning are your brake pads perhaps.

    Are the new discs thicker (ie no wear) but your pads not retracting fully?

    Old discs not sticking as gap is big enough but the extra width on new ones causing prob?

    Tightening the nuts may just be enough to press agaings the stuck pad ?

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