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Everything posted by TigerFish

  1. No mate, you want the dip beam kit. (MAIN BEAM are the lights you turn on when in extra dark places and no-one is coming towards you or when you flash your lights - DIP BEAM are your normal night time driving lights)
  2. It depends I guess. A fella under the car can't waggle the parts about as much as two tons of car can. Normally, unless the geo was set up with worn parts, things should go pretty much back to the correct settings once the worn part is replaced, but it does depend a bit on whether they installed the vectra bushes in situe, or wether they marked the position of all adjusters if they removed it all (I don't actually think any of the adjustable ends need touching when removing the hub anyway). I'd still tend to think the rubber is not hard enough in the bush and is letting things move too much, but maybe someone else has some suggestions.
  3. I remember the thread with the vectra bushes (you didn't actually reply about which vectra bushes you used!). It sounds a lot like the vectra bushes are not up to the job and are allowing too much movement of the suspension arm.
  4. I've got 6000K ebay kit on my Mk1 GS300 Sport, they look great. My Mk2 Sport has factory HIDs, they look great too but no idea what colour temp the factory units are.
  5. I would have dissagree with you. On the GS430, the starter is on top of the engine in the "V", so no matter how high up you jack the car, it won't help. Having to take manifolds and throttle bodies off etc I would class as very awkward. I would also class the job on the Mk1 GS300 as awkward. It is very, very tight for space, even just getting the starter out once you have removed the bolts. No idea on the mk2 GS300 as I haven't had to look at the starter on my mk2 yet. However, having looked at the oil filter on the mk2, there is masses of space to get to that in comparison to the oil filter on the mk1, so going by that, I would suspect the mk2 to be better for space. I would also recommend having a few UJ's and extensions, wobble/Bendy bars etc to hand if you are doing a mk1 starter.
  6. For me, it is the mk1 GS300 Sport, then the mk2 GS300/430 Sport. I also like the original IS a lot so that would be third, but not a big fan of any of the newer models (IS, RX, GS or LS).
  7. Yeah, not entirely legal and was hoping the font would be a bit bigger so less obvious, but I do have proper plates in the boot just in case. Koyrul, the pictures are hosted off site and linked to here.
  8. Like William, I'm a bit confused by what is being said. As far as the Dizzy being at fault is concerned, It kind of depends where there is only one spark, and what exactly you mean by one spark. The coil feeds the centre of the dizzy, and should produce a spark for every cylinder on every rotation of the engine. It is the dizzy's job to route all of those sparks to the correct cylinder, it doesn't control when the sparks come from the coil. So if the coil produces just one single spark to the centre on the dizzy, it is unlikely to be the dizzy at fault. Can you clarify what you/the mechanic mean?
  9. Shame I can't keep both, but for the time being, a fab line up on the driveway B)
  10. I got the same email from Stella. It wasn't sent to the email address that I have linked to this account, but to the email address I have in my profile for MSN. I would imagine this is where it is getting it from. I would just suggest removing your MSN address if you have it filled in.
  11. Are you talking about the slide pins which hold the caliper to the torque plate? I know these are screwed and need replaced - didn't think this would be causing the clunking. Would this also explain the throbbing brakes? Yup, those are the ones. If the pins are dry, you will have a metal pin banging against a metal torque plate, so a clunking will be heard. If the slide pins or calipers are seized, then they may be binding and causing a disc to overheat. This can cause vibration/throbbing. One way to check is to take the car out for a run and after a decent journey with braking involved, feel the centre of each wheel. If any are signicantly warmer than the rest, then they would be the ones to check the pins/calipers on first as it would indicate more heat being generated in that brake.
  12. Might be worth checking the slide pins on the caliper. with the wheel off, give the caliper a thump with the ball of your hand, if it clunks, you could need a re-grease/renew of the slide pins. There is a link to a tutorial I did on my GS slide pins in my signature which may help. In itself, there doesn't look to be an issue with the track rod end. The grease looks nice and clean still and I would expect to get some ouze out if you squeeze the gator/boot, especially if it has been well packed with grease.
  13. If you mean the auxilary belt, I did a tutorial a few months back which may help. clicky
  14. Big thanks to Andy. 4 centre caps arrived today B) Cheers Rick
  15. I think the part number for a 2000 (mk2) car is 88320‑3A180 and a 1996 (mk1) is 88320‑30651, so the numbers would appear to be different for those years anyway. No idea if it is something to worry about though.
  16. If you get in touch with a member on here called "sorted vti", he makes stickers. He did a set for me in white. He can do most colours. Here is a pic with it fitted.
  17. Yes mate, that's the ones. Do you have a price in mind? Cheers Rick
  18. I seem to remember something about removing the battery from the fob, keep the button pressed to disharge any residual charge held in the fob. Then put the battery back and with the ignition switched to acc, press the button to re-sync the rolling codes. Not sure if that is correct or not, but has worked on my second key fob before.
  19. Good luck with the sale mate. You will miss the old girl!! Mine is going up for sale soon, just changed to a Mk2 Sport :)
  20. A bit of a long shot I know but does anyone have any Mk1 GS300 Sport centre caps for sale? I am after 3 or 4 if anyone can help. Cheers Rick
  21. I still can't understand that. I've seen outer cv joints for sale on eBay, is the abs ring on a different part?
  22. There are suppliers on eBay for the cat and back boxes. Chances are if you needed a cat back system, it would b e cheaper to get a custom system.
  23. Same here assuming I am not already somewhere else.
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