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Everything posted by TigerFish

  1. If it is a cat back system, then the sensors won't be interfered with.
  2. I'm still part way through this myself. I have some LED bulbs, although not exactly the same, I just need to get the dash out again and try them.
  3. sorry dude, don't get what the plate is trying to say..... I think someone is either taking the mick, or they don't really want it on their car. You could say that the 13X part could be spaced to look Like L3X, but I read the whole plate as saying "A L3XBN" aka "A Lesbian". Each to there own
  4. Funny you should ask that. I have used the exact thing to try and sort mine out. Didn't work for me, but might well work better if you have a screw at the top like you have done. The problem I had is that it couldn't quite keep things together and then once it eventually set fully, it can't be clamped shut anymore 'cos of the glue in the gap
  5. I was going to say that they are both adjustable independently. Not easy to get to mind you, but still do-able.
  6. Maybe the diagnostics for the mk1 will help as far as resistence across the terminals of your sender. I think the sender is reasonably easy to reach from the boot behind the trim panel. Sounds like it may be stuck.
  7. No idea on the later systems, in my mk1, with a Parrot ck3100 handsfree kit, my iPhone works flawlessly, as did my Nokia navigator. My N95 seemed to drop connections now and again. I have also used a couple of other different samsungs, sony's and nokia's and they all worked fine.
  8. I have not I said I have never gone over the speed limit. I have had 12 points all told over my driving life time, not all at the same time, and currently have 3. The last time was 38 in a 30. I have no excuse other than the fact that it was an industrial estate and everyone goes at that speed. Doesn't mean I tried to get out of it, I was speeding and have the points and a lower bank balance to show for it. However, I can say hand on heart that I would never have been doing 60 in a 30 in a residential built up area. Infact, I can say hand on heart I would never have done 60 in any 30 limit. Because I consider 100% over the limit to be considerably more dangerous than 30% over. But as you say, we are not going to agree.
  9. Not sure if I'm honest. It may be ruby red, or something to that effect. I'd agree with that. Mine is lowered on RS*R springs, just a smidge lower than the Sport normally is, and it catches speed bumps far too easily. No idea what there is out there for the normally aspirated supra engine as far as useful gains go, other than tubo conversions etc. Very expensive at a guess. K&N panel filter is the only change to mine. I have ditched the stock headunit, amp and sub. From that point on it is whatever kit you fancy. I have a sony headunit with ipod convertor and a Vibe CBRA10 Active sub in the boot. Oh, plus the Parrot CK3100 handsfree kit.
  10. Whish i could help mate, but I have a mk1, not a mk2. Other than checking the fuses, it would only leave the sender and the wiring, or the dash guage itself of course. On the mk1, there is no fuse specifically for the guage, only a 7.5A "Panel" fuse that supplies the whole dash. Again, on the mk1, you can check the resistance on pins 2 and 3 of the sender unit, you should see readings of approx 3 ohms at full fuel, and 110 ohms at empty.
  11. If the fuses and bulbs are definately ok, then checking the wiring into the boot lid would be next I would think, and checking the reversing switch in the gear selector.
  12. There isn't really a decent range of stuff anywhere for the mk1, but what kind of stuff do you mean? Suspension, ice, bodywork/bodykits? Cats are prettyy cheap on eBay at the moment, or this place seems decently priced clicky
  13. Not sure "easy" is the word I would use, but not hard either. I have swapped out my head unit for a single din unit that I have been using for years in most of my cars. There may well be the relevent conversions cables to fit the plugs in the back if the factory head unti to ISO connectors on modern stereos, but I didn't bother. I chopped off the plugs and put ISO connectors on, so that I could plumb the parrot ck3100 handsfree in at the same time as the stereo. I also ditched the amp out of the boot by disconnecting the amb and joining the relevent wires on either side. This avoided having to run new cabling into the factory speakers. I ditched the sub out of the shelf and have a Vibe CBRA10 in the boot. As far as mounting the unit goes, autoleads supposedly do a surround, but beware ebay sellers who are selling the ones for right had drive cars. I have not managed to find one for a left hand drive yet. All is not lost though, as Toyota (for the Aristo) do a surround (double din) and a little lidded cubby hole (to convert to single din). Lexus don't have a part number for this so you have to go to Toyota. There may well be some proper factory toyota fixings for the face plate also, but haven't managed to confirm part numbers for that yet. I made my own fixings. A few details in this thread clicky
  14. No I'm not, I'm saying you can drift over as a genuine mistake, i.e. as you put it, you would apply your brakes. Well, unless you had sped up, why would you apply your brakes? So genuinely, without any will to speed, you can drift over. You can't drift over by over double as a mistke, it would be on purpose. Either way, it is still speeding. I wouldn't be trying anything on with the police. I would've been caught for speeding, take the points, pay the fine, end of. How am I being pedantic? you said 35 is no better than 58, it is. for the exact reasons I stated above. Next time you see someone whizzing past your house at 60mph when your kids are outside on the pavement, come back and tell me it is the same. Who, the OP, or someone doing 200 and me doing 35? If you mean the OP, he is a gnats knacker away from an automatic ban. Infact, as far as the OP goes, he would've been over the threshold of an automatic ban at the time, as his speedo would've been indicating to him that he was in excess of 60. At 35mph, you or I wouldn't be anywhere near that penalty (not withstanding other points on the license of course). However, we would still be speeding.
  15. I did the same when I changed the one on my mk1 GS. New gasket and exhaust paste, warmed up on tickover and then allowed to set full overnight worked perfect.
  16. I don't. It is an add campaign designed to shock people into paying attention. Which is fair enough. But you can dice and slice the figures in anyway you wish to back up almost anything, which they have. In a similar vein, I could be struck by a car at 30mph and survive, I could walk into a lamp post at 2 to 3 mph and hit my head in just the wrong place, and die. It is not the same. You can end up doing 35 or even 40 in a 30 just because you are going down an incline. We all know how easy that is to do. Anyone doing 60 in a 30 is absolutely without a doubt making an effert to break the speed limit. It was a predetermined act to do it. Sorry don't agree speeding is speeding thats what we have the speedo for ,if you are on an incline which does start to increase your speed (fair point)then thats what the brake pedal is for obviously if you are paying due care and attention that is. Read again. I'm not saying speeding isn't speeding. 40 in a 30 is speeding. You are telling people to cut him some slack as doing 200 mph through a 30 is no different to doing 31. I am saying it is not the same as the intent to do 31 is not the same as doing 200. We all know what the speedo is for, but I personally dont spend all of my time looking at it, otherwise I would not even make it off my drive before hitting something. Hence why a drift over, whilst still speeding, is forgivable to a certain extent. Even a glance every 10 seconds going down a hill would see you build enough speed to go over (at which point you would brake or change up a gear. See what I mean? You just wouldn't drift to 60mph, you would purposely be doing it. Now whilst this scenario is not the same as it was for the OP, he knew the limit where he was, he knew it was a built up area, and here is the daft bit, he knew they did speed traps there..... D'oh. And then to make a conscious decision to continue at over 60 (which his speedo would've been telling him if he was clocked at 58) rather than slow down, deserves no slack cutting IMO :)
  17. I don't. It is an add campaign designed to shock people into paying attention. Which is fair enough. But you can dice and slice the figures in anyway you wish to back up almost anything, which they have. In a similar vein, I could be struck by a car at 30mph and survive, I could walk into a lamp post at 2 to 3 mph and hit my head in just the wrong place, and die. It is not the same. You can end up doing 35 or even 40 in a 30 just because you are going down an incline. We all know how easy that is to do. Anyone doing 60 in a 30 is absolutely without a doubt making an effert to break the speed limit. It was a predetermined act to do it.
  18. No one is saying they haven't. doing 40 in a 30, or 50 in a 40, is not the same as doing 60 in a 30, or 80 in a 40. Not a difficult concept to grasp surely.
  19. I'm impressed that you have actually come on here and admitted your guilt. Lets hope the coppers aren't reading this thread. Especially as you have told them exactly where you were, what car you were in, and roughly the right time. Shouldn't be hard for them to pin you down. With all that in mind, just take the points and try not being a pillock doing double the limit again. Remember that if they clocked you at 58, your speedo was probably reading closer to 65. 5illy billy.
  20. erm......Do you want to borrow a 4x4 Hilux Yeah, that would definately help. Needless to say, after lots of snow since 5pm last night in Basingstoke, I don't care what Peterborough is like as I'm not going anywhere.
  21. I meant to be driving from Basingstoke to Peterborough at 6am tomorrow, anyone in the Peterborough area with an update on the snow there?
  22. Looking good mate. You can fit the "Lexus" wording on the rear calipers, the logo doesn't fit though.
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