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Everything posted by mudzs

  1. Totaly agree with you mate but that is this country for you ,If i had a way out i would go live abroad and bring my kids up in a country that rewards B****ds like this with what they deserve .He should have got life or in the perfect world as you say be put down .
  2. Click on the link in my above post it might help you to compare
  3. Heres a better look at one ,nearly bought one a few years back they are a wicked car .
  4. It's the spitting i can't handle why do they do it ,every were you go there is some ****** spitting
  5. That site cracked me up reminded me of a day out in chatham ,full of chavies
  6. Is she a member of a union if so give them a ring sorry double post you only need to ring them once craig :P
  7. Is she a member of a union if so give them a ring
  8. Yeah must admit i have seen some pretty bad colour combo's on the mk1 like the brown dashboard.but overall the interior is not that bad just the colours of some
  9. Sorry to hear that craig no one should have to deal with that at work.I would go to the Citizens advice bureau and get some advice and they can put you in touch with a solictor who will take on your case on a no win no fee type thing.I took my company to court years ago ,takes a long time to get there and they useally settle before it go's that far.
  10. I would love to keep it but i run a van as well and the insurance would kill me if i had to buy another car as well as the lex .To be honest the running cost i could live with it's just that half the car is on lexus finance and i would like to free up the monthly payment .I would like to stick with lexus but have a feeling it will be an A4 or a volvo thats if the wife don,t get her way she wants a celica :duh:
  11. you have had some bad luck ,still you seem to be over the worst .As regards to your dad when i met mine i decided to bury the past as i knew we could never get along if it kept comming up time and time again ,perhaps you and your broth and old man should do the same before it is to late
  12. I did not relise until yeterday that your card no and expiry date is printed on the receipt .why is this nessacary.
  13. what a great idea can't think of many though .And i was gonna suggest forwarding my copy but it really did go in the bin i had a good look for it covered in beans and tomato sauce
  14. Ya i agree i think all black would be a bit much
  15. If i new what ethos mean't i would .I just think the mag is aimed at a particular type of person and not realy meant for the likes of myself who reads the sun newspaper and go's to work in boots not suits.Also i thought the sc430 was a sports car and why make a car and call it sport if they do not want to be known as producing sports cars
  16. never had you down as a yuppy ,how far from cheam do you live :D
  17. I think the mag is great if you wear tweed and shoot pheasants other than that bin fodder ,well thats were mine went anyway
  18. Thats the attitude the police should take in this country .Bet they had told her to shut up enough times .certainly beats the please be quiet madam or i will be forced to get in my car and drive of attitude our police take .
  19. But my card is a visa debit card is this ok
  20. Why did someone not tell me about that padlock thing before
  21. Its alright steve mine is a debit card and they are refunding mine .As colin said dos'ent matter were you shop you can still get caught just check your statements from time to time .
  22. Good point colin did not give that a thought just blamed the internet ,worst thing is the bank could have stopped the payments going out as it takes 3 days for them to go through, but they are not allowed to do so by law .Good job they are insured so i will get monies reimbursed after a week .
  23. Yes very weird, but why break the habit of a life time we will await the pics :D
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