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  1. Yep, just the distance control. I've given the button a damn good pressing, but to no avail. I'll see I can get the button off and squirt some contact cleaner in there. Thanks for that, I'll have a look to see if the connection is loose.
  2. I bought the car privately so that’s not really an option. Ooh, where’s this microwave transmitter doofry located? Normal cruise control mode works as normal, so not that.
  3. For the first week or so of ownership the adaptive cruise control wouldn’t allow me to set the following distance. I assumed I was doing something wrong, but it suddenly started working. Unfortunately, it’s now reverted back to its non working ways. Anyone else had this issue?
  4. Well, I managed to find one from an ‘08 car that was very nearly a straight swap. I just needed to swap the lcd display or connectors from the one old. I managed to break the old unit in doing so, but it all went swimmingly otherwise. I’ve not managed to get the air vent to fit properly though, I’ll get round to that at some point. After having the car for 2 weeks, I have absolutely no regrets!
  5. Hi all, I bought myself a 2008 IS-F today - much better than expected! Pretty much the only thing I want to do is fit the later, black sat nav/stereo. Is it a straight swap? Thanks in advance, Owen
  6. Hi all, I bought myself a 2008 IS-F today - much better than expected! Pretty much the only thing I want to do is fit the later, black sat nav/stereo. Is it a straight swap? Thanks in advance, Owen
  7. Glad you're pleased with them mate. After looking at the pics I'm starting to wish I'd kept them!
  8. There's certainly a lot of road noise at motorway speeds, but I doubt it's down to the tyres as 215s are not very wide.
  9. I'm getting a misfire at around 2500rpm. Is it possible it's a coil pack even though there are no warning lights on the dash?
  10. Isn't it just held in place by a screw?
  11. You say you noticed a difference straight away after getting the geometry done, what did you notice? As for tyres, I'd go with Eagle F1, I've never heard a bad thing said about them. Toyo T1R are supposed to be a very good budget tyre, but they've got pretty soft sidewalls and don't cope so well with cars weighing 1400kg+ Does anyone find their car to understeer? I've got Dunlop SP Sport 9000s which I had on my old e36 and thought they were amazing, however, I find I get a bit of understeer on the IS200. Is it a handling trait of the IS200 or do I need new boots?
  12. You're quite right, just found that thread a minute ago - Now I just need to find a knowledgable chap to help me do it! I'm not averse to doing things on the car myself, but I wouldn't really know where to start, even though it's fairly well detailed. Maybe I'll take some man-up pills and give it a go tomorrow.
  13. I thought I'd revive this thread as I discovered this morning that I have the same problem. Did anyone manage to get this resolved?
  14. I've only had mine for a week or so, but I too had a problem with the stereo. Mine didn't give an error, it just wouldn't let me load any cds. I took it apart to see if there were any jammed cds in there, but there weren't. I ended up buying one from eBay, it arrived today but after fitting it wouldn't play cds either! I took it apart and it was an easy fix luckily enough - the plastic cd drawer thingies were jammed. I think a common fault is the cds getting jammed so I'd definitely have it out and apart to see if that's the problem, or you may have the same problem I had with the latest one which is an easy fix. If you decide you can't be bothered with it and just want to buy another one, be careful as different players have different connectors at the back. I can tell you for sure that the 13903, 13906 and 13909 players are all interchangeable, and the 13905 players have different connectors so they won't work unless you're a dab hand with wiring. The number of your player is just above and to the left of the screen.
  15. Thanks, I'll give this a go sometime this week. You have PM by the way!
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