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Everything posted by Rory

  1. O, understood, could try a heavy spoiler... or some other weight on the inside of the bootlid for example, unless its easy to change springs/struts as previously mentioned?
  2. had a look myself Ormi, that bumper of yours that u took off doesn't look in bad nick at all
  3. so is there a nice cheap HID kit that members recommend?, sorry to hijack but it looks like Breets mind is put at ease, so i thought i'd ask a slightly off topic question
  4. crazy fool, i thought people only complained cos it didn't open enough, don't take it for granted lol
  5. I feel the need to post a pic of mine:
  6. test drive both, the insignia is car of the year 2009 and has lots of extras available but I don't know at what cost, nor do I know if they have a quality feel
  7. yeh I noticed I spot mistakes when I've missed letters out, but not when I've gotten them in the wrong order
  8. i'd like to reposition my horns into the passenger head rest so the other half learns her lesson beeping when i'm driving and trying to remain calm in the face of other road users lol
  9. Ah I never realised they were that visible
  10. I first found it a few years ago, thought it was quite interesting, thought i'd post it having come accross it again tonight Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
  11. may i ask why u needed to reposition the horns? also the clips will be more fiddly if for any reason the holes on the bumper and grille weren't perfectly lined up, I broke 2 of mine too
  12. lol, don't be silly, i'm sure mine will be fine, and they do come up cheaply enough for me just pick one up if the need ever arises, cheers tho
  13. hope this isn't becoming common cos I don't want mine to go...
  14. nice, looks very stealth, would look even better with a TRD kit, u goin for darker lights in the future?
  15. What are you doin with ur old bumper Ormi?
  16. What wheels u goin for? I wouldn't mind puttin 18s on mine but I can't afford at the moment
  17. depth is an issue, for example, i have RX caps on mine the diameter is fine but they don't quite go all the way in, so it'll be easy for some scrote to get mine off, hoping to find one more IS one to complete my set then i'll replace the RX caps i suppose i could try cutting them but its too much like hard work
  18. lexusbirm have the side skirts on the bay for £250
  19. I did spot an RX in there but its not a full shot, and I think its bright Green too lol
  20. where I come from is full of chavs, i've been lucky not to get more than 2 scratches, and mirrors getting kicked off does happen here, if I knew who was behind it i'd have someone beat the shhhhhhhhit out of them, make an example out of them
  21. i think if i was to go blackberry i'd go for the curbe 8900, but i think they all lack something compared to the N95, somethin different in each one tho, but never mind lol
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