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Everything posted by Gareth

  1. Well I can start off with a "this hasn't gone so well". Ubuntu started up and ran from the LiveCD to start with, but then started to really grog down. I switched to the console and top showed me that it was memory-less. I realised, to my surprise, that this was a 128mb machine. No wonder it was so bad with windows XP. I've got to say though, for me, this puts 1 point in the windows box. It managed to install and run, albeit slowly, on this machine quite happily. I've now discovered that I can certainly install Ubuntu on this machine, but I have to burn an alternate ISO, and manually configure. Shame. I'm sticking with it though - I'm still hopeful that it will run faster once on there. If you're wondering why I don't just get more ram, the answer is simple. If I have to spend any money at all on this, it might as well be to replace it with a newer machine. Spending £20 on new ram for it, just to find out it's *still* too slow would be a pita. I'll let you know how the rest goes. G
  2. Though it's only a minor point, I would very much like to point out that there are many other rdbms' than Mysql and many other web servers than apache. I'm sure you know this, but I didn't want people to get the wrong impression. Anyway: I've been a linux programmer for a few years now, working on character based legacy applications, daemons, general applications and web servers. The later is why I raised my protest - I've worked on the core of apache and, most recently, lighttpd and I've found lighttpd to be a much nicer place to work in. My client is always windows, partly out of habit, and partly because of the ease of replicating issues quickly int he same O/S as the customers. I don't really have any stipulations over the client end, but the one thing I strongly believe is that windows has no place in the server world. Servers don't need a graphical interface. If someone doesn't know how to administer them without a graphical interface to make everything pretty for them then they shouldn't be touching the damn thing in the first place. Just a complete waste of resources that could be better spent in services that are actually provided. Spending even 2% processor time or memory on maintaining an interface for the rare occasions when the thing is administered is insane. Much worse is the fact that it's not 2% ever, and neither is it rare. Windows servers have uptimes that sound like F1 laps, and the whole server needs to be rebooted for the most insane things. Anyway, on the front of desktops: I'm trying, for the first time, a gui based linux desktop on a machine. I've opted for Ubuntu, and so far it's been very friendly to me. The reason for the switch is because the machine is slow/old (500mhz/256mb ram) and has been really struggling with Windows. I'll let you know how I get on with it.
  3. 24 Computer Programmer - Car rental software I work on everything from legacy to web development, and everything in between.
  4. I've test driven the GS450h several times. It was a 56 GS450h SE and also an SE-L, IIRC. The mpg I saw was north of 35mpg most of the time, and the average was 38. i test drove about 20 miles, mostly country roads, but with a few dual carriageway stretches, and a small bit of urban. I wasn't giving it much stick compared to my usual driving style. (What accelerator? All I see is this on/off pedal next to the brake?) I know this isn't much to go on, but I figured you'd like to know. I was considering the GS450h originally, but chose the 220d. The mpg and emissions in it are better, and it seemed that what I was really giving up was just the CVT (which I loved) and the 3.5 engine (which would tempt me farther into sin) G
  5. I'm seriously tempted to shop my new and much loved K1 if it doesn't work properly with the MM. I absolutely love the new phone, but not re-connecting would be really annoying.
  6. 335i isn't about yet, surely? Or am I behind the news?
  7. I'd be amazed if we didn't get the IS-F.
  8. What porker, out of interest?
  9. I drove the GS450h before I drove the IS220d. Whilst the GS was obviously better in a great deal of small details, I didn't notice anything with all the IS's I drove to suggest anything serious. I was actually quite happy with my choice because I prefer the IS's looks. The only things going for the GS for me were the hybrid, gearbox and the fact it hides those hideous seat ventilation controls. Undermining the former, though, is the better economy and similar emissions of the 220d. I think that if I found the IS unacceptable I probably would go for the GS, though. G
  10. It's interesting, actually. I remember seeing a torrent by Nikon cars about Toyota safety. Part of it was testing VSC and VDIM on ice. They claimed it was much easier to control, and showed videos of how it handled on simulated snow. I have to admit it looked fairly impressive, with VDIM being by far the best. It nearly tempted me to get the Sport over the SE-L, but then I thought about how rarely I'd actually NEED that.
  11. Well, whilst I wait for the 220d I've still got the GTA. Couldn't ask for anything better in the snow, really, turns it from "am I going to crash" into "how fast can I go round this corner". Unfortunately I've only got the GTA till sunday, then I'm stuck in my gf's old car until the lexus arrives :( G
  12. Two things spring to mind: Windows creates restore points. It's possible it's decided to revert to a previous one because of an error. When this happens, though, it normally informs you. or I've seen windows sometimes jump between where it believes the user profiles are stored. This can happen when windows 2k or similar is upgraded to XP. Something causes the registry key to be changed and suddenly you get different user profile data. In either case, or another situation, you still need to find out exactly what happened. Try checking the system log ( Control panel > Event Viewer ). Look for anything in either the shutdown period or the startup period that might suggest either a restore was done or that something went wrong. We'll check your user profiles if that doesn't throw anything.
  13. A bit. In other words: MM costs £3.5k in ireland In the UK it costs £2.3k Depends what it does to the value of the car in the future, though, especially if it's on finance. G If it's not important to you then I guess that makes a big difference too. Personally I love all of the little extras you get with the MM.
  14. ... And then I found a numberplate which also happened to end in LEX. I'm normally against cars with plates, let alone those that are that car specific. However at the same time, the rest of the plate is the personal bit, and I don't think it'd be too bad to have it on another car. ( If I didn't stick with lexus permanently, that is ) The other one I liked was a bit too noncy, I think. Might try and persuade the gf that it's a requirement ;) G
  15. Dude... what was the estate called... Scotland?!
  16. Thanks for the replies, guys. It's very doubtful I'd bother, since my number plate doesn't, in fact, suggest that I'm a homosexual phallus. I also don't want to be on the receiving end of a conversation I can't hear: "Who does that wang think he is with his fancy numberplate and his fancy new car" G
  17. So so. I got my new numberplate, and it wasn't too far from GY 07 COK. That scared the hell out of me, so out of curiosity I checked what plates were available. The one I'd want would be £499 all in. I've never really liked personalized plates, but I'm mildly tempted, to be honest. Do you have to pay the transfer fee each time you get a new vehicle? G
  18. Sorry, but I agree with Leddy too. Without the MM the residual value isn't as good, from what I've seen, since everyone wants it. It's unbelievably good value for money, too. Glad you like your new car, though! G
  19. I'm curious:, and the others, all charge the same as the dvla for buying a personalized numberplate excluding transfer and VAT, as dvla charges for the same plates including both. Why would anyone use these companies? Is it just ignorance? G
  20. I don't know about that - More often than not it's this topic that I get a reply to than any other I'm subscribed to. As for how much work it is, that depends on what's done, obviously. Just creating a new sub-forum is much less work than moving the relevant topics across. However, as I said, that could quite possibly be automated. I'd be happy to help if there isn't anyone with a programming background on the team that runs the board ( I don't know much about that yet - I'm a youngling here ). I can imagine several paths to success in the direction of automation. G
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