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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. it,s self defense. if you don,t shoot them bloodclat, they will come again, probably heavily armed. remember, one burglar less on da street, makes it abit safer, however slight.
  2. if am trashing it, then first but usually second. second hits 62mph - found out recently 3rd at 90 4th at 120 but i hardly trash it though.
  3. if i had my way, he would be awarded an OBE. As for Tony Martin, I don,t know. Maybe a knighthood. we are supposed to be living in a civilised world, but there,s nothing civilised about giving a burglar legal aid to sue a victim of burglary. sometimes you wish these thing happen to those who pass these laws and sentences, them they would know what it feels like to be a victim. Big up to da Hummer man.
  4. mine is very similar to this one and I dont know what it is. Emailed it to a couple of parts dealers and they still dont know. One of them thinks it could be a bespoke version. cant even find it on
  5. All of the new dealerships are separate to Toyota. You won't see a Toyota in any of my local dealerships. this is news to me. As I mentioned, am yet to see one (in the UK and Europe). I have seen a Garage that sells only toyotas but I haven't seen the vice versa. They may be trying to detach themselves a much as possible by doing so but .......
  6. hmmm... Interesting statement... Now I don't know about the car industry, but my company was a spin-off, and is completely detached in every way from the original parent company (even the board of directors is new). We have aquired 2 companies, and both of these have been fully integrated and no longer exist, except as a part of my company... This is the perspective I am looking from, my apologies if it is incorrect.. interesting indeed. You mentioned your company having acquired two others and being integrated into the parent one. That's what happens most of the time. Like GlaxoSmithkline. It took a couple of mergers / acquisitions to get that name and the names WELCOME, and BEECHAM have been lost from GLAXOWELCOME ,and SMITHKLINE BEECHAM. But in the car industry, you cannot afford to do that cos you are still selling the other companies product to the a targeted market. Ford own Jaguar, Aston Martin. GMC own Saab. As you said those two companies you acquired no longer exists, but in the car industry if Jaguar or Aston Martin name no longer existed, will the Jaguar, Aston Martin market buy a Ford? Nah. But people will still buy GlaxoSmithkline drugs even though GLAXOWELCOME ,and SMITHKLINE BEECHAM are no more. Lexus was spun off in order for Toyota to capitalise on the luxury market in Europe and States. It might be seperate but they still have a hold on it.
  7. Blitz S/C may be but certainly not SARS.
  8. Actually Ryan.... As of 2003 Lexus has now completely 'spun off' from Toyota, and is an independent entity (so i've heard). Now it's true that Toyota is still the parent company, but only in the way that VW is of Lamborghini.. so :P it may be true that they spun off Lexus but they make the customers believe it's a completely independent entity. They wouldn't make any dough if they don't let people believe that. Lambo and VW is a bit different. Just like VW, and SEAT, and AUDI. They were acquired, not spun off. They maintain a certain level of autonomy but not with Lex. Toyota run the whole thing. It's like the reserve team of a Premiership Club. They have the reserve team manager but at the end of the day the first team manager runs the show. You can go to a VW garage and wouldn't see a SEAT, Audi, nor Lambo, and vice versa. But am yet to see a Lex garage that doesn't sell a Yaris or Corolla. At the end of the day Lexus is a Toyota in a posh frock.
  9. Still can't remember how I got here. Must have been by accident and to be honest it was a "great accident". :zee: :winky: Tried desperately to contact the 200BHP PLUS Club and another Toyota club advertised in the Japanese Performance mag but nay. Just wanted to speak to someone about a couple of issues but when I stumbled on this site I realised everything was here. Big up to all da admin crew.
  10. At the mo, at Calais - Dover 3 day return on P & O is around 110 Euros. Don't know much it will be coming from the other side. Let's say £80- 90. That can be split into 4, instead of every car paying £80 - 90, then pertol as well. Car sharing makes more sense. These fares could be cheaper or dearer come November, but that's the average.
  11. As you will be heading from Basingstoke, Dover will be the best option. It would be cheaper to come in a group as the crossing is charged per car, not per person. So 4 guys in one car can split the cost. So those around the South can come to some sort of arrangement.
  12. "cockwell Inn"? I think it's owned by Lucy Lykes and it's in Tillit Herts. Lucy Lykes The Cockwell Inn Tillit Herts You can read the above address in one sentence
  13. Have you been to Luton recently? :) heh heh. not since me Northampton days
  14. Intersting thread and a few good points raised.... Have to make a few comments from an earlier post to be pednatic.... 1) Yes it is... 2) Agreed 100 %, sort of contradicts the first point though ! 3) ??? If there is a need for a speed limit as stated and you know the radar will catch you then you are a criminal.... In response to Tony 'No'.... Speeding is a problem in the majority of instances, the large number of people do speed in 30 zones, built up area's and schools etc, speeding in these area's is crazy... Speeding on motorways is subjective, as loads of people have pointed out, it all depends on the conditions, although 100mph in a 30/40, 156 top is never acceptable... I think the biggest problem on the UK roads is driver training, the quality of UK driving is abismal, last time I drove accross to Europe (chunnel - belgium) I was very impressed with the driving on the motorways over there, everyone appeared to be aware of people around them, if faster traffic was approaching from behind they would get out of the way and the roads were in a very good condition. I think we should make it harder over here for people to get licenses as better training is a necessity, linked with harsher punishments for people who do break the driving laws. Speeding is a risk everyone takes, not just the few, only problem is the small number the stretch the rules too far and put others at risk. hi there, don't know how many times you've driven in Belguim, but I strongly disagree with ya comparism of European drivers to UK. If a common thing here. Everyone knows the Belgians and Dutch are shocking for motorway driving. They know it themselves. They zoom right behind you knowing well that you are obvertaking someone. They don't respect distance between cars. If you are the fast lane overtaking two cars, the first car you are about to pass can step out in the fast lane cos they want to overtake the truck in front. You will be lucky if they indicate. Trust me son. Been here almost three years and still get paranoid when overtaking more than ONE car. Last november someone really pushed me off the road. I was overtaking, he didn't even have to look in his morror to see me, I was right beside him, yet he pulled out to overtake the truck infront of him. It happens all the time. There's even a joke here in Lux as to why we always get a phone call that there's traffic jam towards France or Belguim, but never Germany. There are always crashes. France is just as bad. Driven is Paris and if that's bad, try Nice or Milan. To stress on my point, a few months ago, there was a campaign in France about driving. The French used the English as a perfect example on road safety. They used zebra crossings in the video.No body respects zebra crossings. I was nearly mowed down once in Gare de Nord in Paris, and here in Lux. We may be bad in the UK, but man don't try here.
  15. might come across as a bit controversial here. 156MPH on an A road is a bit too fast, but doing 100 in a 40 zone deserves a trip to Broadmoor. anyway, my point is there should be a difference between overspeeding, inappropriate speed, and dangerous driving. doing 140 on the M1 on a quiet sunday morning (AFTER JUNCTIONS 1 - 4, pardon me) is overspeeding cos you are doing more than 70, but is it inappropriate speed? NON. Is is dangerous driving? Don't think so. Doing 50 - 60 in a 30 zone (on built up area) is surely dangrous driving and should be dealt with severely. school kids could step into the road etc. IMO it's far more dangerous than doing 140mph on a quiet MWay. Again, sometimes you could be doing 50mph in dense fog, heavy rain etc. you are within the speed limit but it's inappropriate speeding and it's dangerous. A couple of months ago, I was driving thru LES ARDENNES forest in Belguim at around 3.30am. I had to slow down to 40mph, and put me blinkers on even though the speed limit for foggy consitions was 60mph. so my point is commonsense has to be used by all. I mean the law makers, old bill, and drivers. Driving 60 could be far more danerous than 140 depending on where it's done and conditions. T
  16. Sod it. I work in Euroland but perleeez. It's monopoly money. it ain't going to work. on me way to click NO. and slighty off topic, The whole thing is a big mess. dover - calais is only 32milesof water but a big cultural difference it is. Imagine you driving from london to Luton and everyone's mentality is completely different. not saying which is good or bad, but why would somebody dictate interest rates to another person when he doesn't even have a clue how the other's economy work. for a start, there's going to be too much fighting between the Brits,French, and Germans. No one will be prepared to give an inch even if you think the other is right. rant over.
  17. lost me what language is this !!!! the older i get he less i seem to know im talkin bout hip-hop and RnB artists thats there names-DMX , 50Cent and the others i mentioned teddy BIG album life after death is wicked, bump that in the hi-fi regulary. "**** you tonight" ft R Kelly gotta be played wen u got a lady wit u. but 50 is the new breed love that album oh heres a phrase that makes me laugh u got some real spunk= english term for spunk.................... u guys no wot i mean sorry for da late reply. back in Euroland. dat is a rude tune but what do you expect when R KELLY is involved. "big poppa", "one more chance remix", and "juicy" were phat tunes on the "ready to die album"
  18. well, that sorts it then. Mine is a 99 and am impressed with the sound quality. It could be better but it's far better than most cars' standard stereos. Infact, I've had a few guys asking if I have changed the stereo but as you pointed out the bloody ERR3 is really annoying. The No.6 slot is useless for most of the time. It only plays when it changes itself automatically after it's finished with no.5. But can't complain too much though.
  19. BIG was da man though. He had some phat rhymes. Still pump them in the Altezza. 50 seems to be a cross between BIG, and PAC.
  20. I heard Lexus did some minor adjustment to the late 2002 and 03 versions but don't know exactly what they did. As for the brakes, I think it's normal. I have also experienced this twice. Not on an IS though but on other rented cars.
  21. Advance, below are some must know phrases in order not to embarass yourself. "I am ******" (UK, meaning I am drunk) = "angry" (Yanks) "****** off" in UK means "Angry" (Yanks) "Shag" in UK means " to bone someone" (Yanks) "Kerb" in UK means " a pavement" (Yanks) Admin, please forgive me for the 3rd one. I just woke up with a massive boner, so couldn't forget that one.
  22. if any of you guys live in the south, why not try the Eurotunnel for your trip to the Euromeet. They are doing deals till the 27th June. A three day return cost £59.00 and it's only 30 mins from Folkestone to Calais.
  23. can,t do till the next 2 to 3 weeks but Blackheath common is a massive place. loads of places to park, and it wouldn,t be far for da Eatsiderz as it,s just after the Blackwall Tunnel. That,s a great place and a good compromise, IMO.
  24. a mechanic told me it should last well over 80k. But it all depends on your driving style, and where you drive most. If your clutch is slipping, you will surely know about it. Lose of power which forces you to kick down is one sign. When it get,s severe, you canget stuck in 4th speed on the motorway and you will be unable to pull away in 5th. Put don,t let it get to that stage (as I found out) cos when you stop, you can barely get out of 2nd, and you will be cooking your flywheel too.
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