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Everything posted by Steve

  1. i get this too.. sometimes it doesnt want to lock.. sometimes unlock I always have to stand real close.. i thought it might have been a security feature in case someone has some sort of scanning device.
  2. Iwant to get some MB Quart speakers throughout... I loved the sound of MB Quart i had in my windom which I still get to hear now and again when my mate comes round... sounds really nice. The sub is not that good in the GS either... I dont want a super system but better sounding.... i never have it very loud but quality is the main thng i am after.
  3. actually i dont think they are clear on the side they do but stright on they have a bit of orange
  4. For the last year we have had those horrid post errors I imagine all of you have been getting them. This was due to AOL spitting errors back out our SMTP which causes errors. It was based on that some members were subscribed to the forums... some were subscribed to threads and some were subscribed to actual forums where everytime a new post was placed in say the GS forums they would receive an email notification. Now if a certain member was with the UK AOL (or AO Hell) this would cause errors for everyone. I myself got an error everytime I placed a post in the IS and GS forums. So.. to eliminate this I am having to Un-Subscribe mail notifications to stop these errors until AOHell get their act together. The main reason for this post was to ask all members to notify me of any strange errors over the next 2 days as I basically had to emtpy certain tables to stop the errors. But I am not sure if any of these tables are shared.. so anything strange might happen.. but doubtfull. Some of you might have problems with errors on the PM system.. well this works in exactly the same way.. the person you are PM'ing is getting an Email notification but the SMTP receives errors. cheers
  5. Where can i get clear side indicators? Fronts are already clear just the side repeaters need replacing
  6. How far do can you be to activate the alarm? I have to be about 5 feet from the car for the remote to work... installed new battery and it is still the same. Do any of you guys have the same thing?
  7. Would i be ok to change the speakers and sub woofer to a different make on the GS (1) I take it this is not an active system? Anyone changed the sub before and was the quality better?
  8. i tripped over a matchstick and broke my head
  9. I am hoping mark will give notice..
  10. hmmm when is the testing starting mat?? I might take a trip up on the day.. i have asked mark to inform me when.. hopefully with a bit of notice.
  11. i tried to cheat and just laquer them took it to the jet wash today and took all the laquer off
  12. congrats mate/.. getting quite alot of GS owners here lately ! apart from my wheels and a bloody good polish mine is perfect... i think i picked a gooden!
  13. horried position to be in .. especially if you enjoy your job and there is a gobby a*****e working in the same place. I would tell him direct how you feel.. if he gets worse then take it further... at least you have told this guy how you feel.
  14. check to see if they will ship to the UK also remember the customs costs too s they will charge you... something like 20%
  15. Steve

    Soarer Parts.

    Hi yes it should fit ok
  16. ok.. if its a sunday then i may be interested...
  17. why dont you add the address so to tempt other people.. i dont know where it is.. so i cannot give you an answer
  18. i have checked mine and its good for 2mb but i always believe what you pay is what you get.
  19. Is anyone with these guys? 2mb for about £35 is damn cheap!!!!!
  20. i had the same problems myself we have upgraded the forums since the last time so probably need alterations in the code.
  21. ok.. the system at the moment does not accept 3 charectors usernames (this is sperate from these forums) so you need to create a 4 charector username. We are developing much more adnanced system with better explanation of errors next time.. system at the moment is lame. Peter.. try adding a dash in between your username buddy.
  22. sorted mate Any more members need upgrading please let me know The reason not all are done is because sometimes some members upgrade to gold before registering on the public forums or they have a different username.
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