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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Tony I will sort this out for you today. I would be interested to know which email address you tried using as I did not get this. cheers Steve
  2. dealers wont give info.. but are willing to let you look at the screen data protection act apparently
  3. ciagrds are the worst.. i am also a second time smoker and thinking the odd cigar will be ok was the worst thing... rum tipped cigars got more and more.. i was then hooked on them... I stank! (still do)
  4. granite is a very dark silver They wouldnt state dark silver but just silver. Like different colours of blue/.... they would just call it blue. check with other granite owners
  5. Acupuncture Acupuncture involves needles being inserted into key pressure points on various parts of the body. The process is not painful and patients are then left to relax for half an hour or so. The needles are then removed except for two tiny ones which remain in the ear. The idea is to touch an ear lobe when a craving comes on. There are no clinical tests to prove the effectiveness of acupuncture in helping people give up, but some smokers have found it valuable. Cold turkey Stopping without any kind of aid. Although physical symptoms can be more extreme in the early few days, they fade away within the first two or three weeks. Most people give up smoking using this method. A resolve to get fit can be a great way to help you, go to Getting fit for life for more advice and information. Email motivator Sign up for regular email messages tailored to specific points in your recovery to update you on the progress your body is making and give you plenty of reasons to stay strong if you're tempted to give in… Hypnotherapy Although nicotine is a physically addictive drug, smoking also has many psychological associations. Hypnotherapy tries to alter the subconscious mind's dependence on smoking as a habit. There are no clinical tests to prove the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in helping people give up, but some smokers have found it valuable. Laser treatment This is a new treatment developed by a former smoker, which uses a painless, low-powered laser to stimulate energy points on the body. These in turn stimulate production of endorphins - the body's natural pain relief chemicals - and, theoretically, relieve nicotine cravings. There are no clinical tests to prove the effectiveness of laser treatment in helping people give up. NHS Smoking Helpline The NHS Smoking Helpline is an excellent source of practical advice and support on smoking and giving up. Friendly helpline advisers can also provide details of your local NHS Stop Smoking Service, and information packs. Lines are open daily from 7am - 11pm, with specialist advisers available from 10am - 11pm. Call 0800 169 0 169 (for deaf and hard of hearing people, please use textphone 0800 169 0 171). Alternatively, if you would like specialist advice relating to smoking and pregnancy, call the NHS Pregnancy Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 9 169. Lines are open daily 12 noon - 9pm. NHS Stop Smoking Services Evidence shows that you're more likely to stop smoking for good if you get the right support. Local NHS Stop Smoking Services offer free, specialist advice tailored to your individual needs. Most services offer both group sessions and one-to-one support, and can help you get nicotine gum and patches on prescription. Find your NHS Stop Smoking Service. Alternatively, call 0800 169 0 169 or text GIVE UP with your full postcode to 88088. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Now available on prescription, NRT is clinically proven to be twice as effective as the cold turkey method. NRT eases withdrawal symptoms while the smoker gets used to not smoking and the dose is gradually reduced. For the best results, follow the instructions carefully and consult your pharmacist or GP if you are unsure about anything. NRT is available in many forms allowing you to choose which will suit you best. * Patches: discreet and easy to use, patches work by releasing a steady dose of nicotine into the blood stream, via the skin. Some patches are intended to be worn during the day only and other "24-hour" patches are designed for 24-hour use in order to help stave off early morning cravings. Patches should be applied to a hairless part of your body such as your upper arm but don't use in the same place two days running. You shouldn't smoke while your patch is on or use any other form of NRT unless advised by your GP. A week's supply of patches costs in the region of £15, although you can now ask your GP to make it available to you on prescription. * Gum: gum allows you to control your nicotine dose. Learning to chew the gum properly is important. The idea is to chew gently until you get the flavour and then "park" the gum in your cheek so that nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the mouth. * Nasal spray: this is the strongest form of NRT and is a small bottle of nicotine solution, which is sprayed directly into the nose. Absorbed faster than any other kind of NRT, this can help heavier smokers, especially where other forms of NRT have failed. * Microtab: the microtab is a small white tablet which you put underneath your tongue and leave. It works by being absorbed into the lining of the mouth. * Lozenge: is like a sweet that you suck slowly. It gives you nicotine in a similar way to the microtab. * Inhalator: is a plastic device shaped like a cigarette with a nicotine cartridge fitted into it. Sucking on the mouthpiece releases nicotine vapour, which gets absorbed through your mouth and throat. Inhalators are useful for people who miss the hand-to-mouth action of smoking NRT is generally safe for everyone to use and certainly much safer than smoking. However, if you are pregnant or suffering from a heart condition, you should consult your GP first. For more information about NRT products, see the following product manufacturers' sites: Publications A range of self-help materials are available that provide information and advice on stopping smoking - from the physical side-effects to details about health problems and smoking related disease. You can download some of the most popular resources, or order from the full range of resources free of charge. Zyban (buproprion) Zyban is one of the newest drugs to the market and is available on prescription. It works by suppressing the part of the brain that gives the smoker a nicotine buzz when smoking a cigarette. The smoker starts taking Zyban before giving up, and the drug puts them off cigarettes, because they no longer get the "hit". It reduces the cravings as well as the usual withdrawal symptoms of anxiety, sweating and irritability. Some users of Zyban have reported unpleasant side effects such as nausea, headaches, dry mouth and blurred vision. Zyban is not recommended if you are pregnant, breast feeding, have a history of epilepsy, liver disease or an eating disorder. Early findings show it to be highly effective, but for maximum effect it should be used as part of an overall give-up smoking plan.
  6. Get angry with yourself mate... then just stop... dont bother with patches and all that nonsense.. although just plain old chewing gum is a good one Then.. count the days mate... Good things are to read things like this : Also check out the process of what you body does when giving up. Like 7 days and the carbon dioxide from smoking leaves your body. Count the weeks and what repair your body has done.. this will drive you forward mate Then.. after 4 weeks the urge will be really easy to control... I found after 10 days I did not feel like smoking... I was really please with how far I had got with it and was the best challenge ever. Bad side was I put on 3 stone.. so now on a blimmin diet
  7. aido.. dont add in my eyebrow money as you wont have them done
  8. cool.. you should frame that cert mate!
  9. great stuff!! Look like postie ruined the certificate with all those creases.
  10. I have a spare brand new LOC T-shirt going.. it was an over ordered shirt. Its Navy Blue with silver stitching, the shirt is in XL size £10 inc Del First person to say I will have it and can pay by paypal can have it.
  11. what you want HER scareface?? Oh shut up!!.. Johhny fingered sarah for a bite of his funny foot! :P :P WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off topic.. but what the heck.. its my thread!
  12. Full Article Here
  13. Ford KA designed in Bournemouth... for the old people..
  14. you probably have a max power jag with the IS200 looks
  15. I have noticed that most european built cars have the petrol cap on the driver side of the car.. Jap cars are on the passenger. What is really great when there are 6 cars waiting to fill up per right hand filling lane when the left hand filling lane is empty!.. ahaha great! I presume they put the petrol cap on right hand side for left hand sided cars and left on right hand drive... But Uk fords, pugs, and citroens still have them on the drivers (right) side. Work that one out :o Next time your in a busy petrol station.. check it out.
  16. tree fell in my fish pond last night....
  17. i have had loads of traffic cops behind and they never worry... although i do worry. but you see they must think "he's looks a bloody nice bloke"
  18. your old posts still exsist but under Bazza-old otherwise there will be 2000 odd posts all screwed. No way to merge though.. sorry
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