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Everything posted by GWilso

  1. Nice pics mate were did you get the gold badges from?
  2. If you haven't already try Zurich I was truly amazed at how much they saved me as a young driver compared to other insurance company's although I don't have any mods yet :D
  3. your right mate qoute from Lexus to replace calipers £1632.42 Vat & labour. painting the calipers it is then lol the hamerite paint that everone seems to use ist that a special caliper paint? I'd paint 'em black. Besides whats the cost of four calipers !! Probably a deposit on a newer car with clean calipers !
  4. My 99 IS200 is showing the signs of old age well at least the callipers are, all rustic and old looking it looks out of place as i keep the body shell in tip top condition anyone had any experience of ordering new ones on line? any recomendations etc. Not really keen on painting as i just can't make my mind up on colour to go with the green Ta in advance
  5. Than 2 premium seats it is then thanks for the info
  6. Has anyone up there been? was thinking of going next weekend to the london show with misses tickets are pretty expensive though is it worth it?
  7. GWilso

    Cheap Tyres

    Just had 2 of these *(Eagle f1s) fitted to the front by the doctor @ Watford a bit more than you paid but very nice looking tyres all the same
  8. Thanks for the input guys strange that this should happen without some sort of reason but hey just one of those things I guess.
  9. Afternoon all As the topic title states it took me 10/15 second to get the car fired up this morning. It was just turning over and over I eventually with a cough and a choke she started this is the first time this has happend i'm wondering if this is an early indication something may be wrong? Any ideas ive tried it a few times sinse and all appears well just back to normal Wasen't Cold last night had a new starter motor 6 mths ago battery is fine
  10. Was there myself last weekend it's amazing to think those slight adjustments can make such a large diffrence that you really do notice the minute you leave his forcourt keep it up Tony......
  11. I've had a company card for a few years now, When I was given it i asked the question does it effect your credit scoring in anyway and I was told no its completley down to the card bill payer etc ie My work place it won't even appear under my name as its the responsibility of the provider I was recently turned down for credit which i was a bit supprised at so i ordered my credit report/scoring from equifax and on there it shows the limit outstanding/balance of my company card etc???????? Its never lightley that the bill won't ever not be paid because i work for local goverment but what if they mistakingly forgot to pay i'm the one who's gonna have the bad credit scoring etc. I'm starting to wonder if i'm being turned down for credit as i have a card in my name with quite a large credit limit? Can anyone shed any light on this?
  12. arrhh if your within 5mph of the limit their is a new system were you are asked to attend a 3hr course and you will not get the 3 points unfortunatly you will still pay the £60 Well the limit is 50 as far as i understand i tend to drive to my GPs and have gone through cameras before at the limit on the GPS and been fine. As a rule the speedo on the car reads 10% out so 55mph is actually 50mph its more a case of which is right as far as i see it the GPS is more accurate. Will have to wait and see if a letter drops on the doormat
  13. If the limit was 50? and you were at 52 I thought, correct me if im wrong you were allowed 3mph over the limit?
  14. Poor guy really hope he pulls through TG wouldn't be the same without him
  15. I have the Bridgestones on the front of my IS200 the tread is still perfect but the gaps in between the tread depths has all started to crack!!!! for this reason only I would probably not by bridgestones again. Maybe its just unfortunate to happen to me but doesn't really inspire me to go and buy another set
  16. The err3 is a very common fault most people on the LOC take the route of aftermarket stereos. And would certainly work out cheaper than a Lexus repair or risk buying another unit and the same thing happening again. Good Luck
  17. I should have said in my last post that the techy who fitted my stereo said he would not be so generous with 2 1/2 hours labour for the next IS200 he meets as mine is bottom loading it took a lot longer than he expected and qouted me no more than £100 b4 he ripped the stereo apart as he expected it to be quite a simple job :P So my advise is get a firm quote before they fit Good Luck Oh and Dibslpg thanks for the info on cornering noise a trip to my local ***** fit later i can't have my wheels falling of now can I LOL £100 fitted sound realy good thanks a lot i will start to ring round my local installers to see what prices they quote me.. Cheers DibsLpg
  18. £25 for new facia and £75 for 2 1/2 hours labor Cheers mate, at least i know that i can not get a wirring harness or adapter for the Se model. trying to find another way and will post once i find a solution. B) what did tintersound charge for installing the headunit and amp please, sorry to be cheeky but need to find out so i now what costs i'm looking at if i go down that route too Cheers once again mate Dibslpg
  19. LOL Saw subject i never actually done the work myself but took it to my local intersound they could find NO adapters whatsoever to fit the amp so they easiest option for them was to disconect the amp completley hope this helps apparently a universal adapter won't even fit No conections or cables just the amp on its own its from a 99SE IS200 if anyone has any use for this let me know ive just had a new stereo fitted after the dredded err3 message and the amp had to be bypassed so they fitters disconected it and gave it back Gordon Gwilso; When you had your aftermarket stero fitted did you use a Wiring Harness? Reason is that i have the same model 1999-Se car and been hunting high and low for a Wiring Harness adapter etc. all very confusing :duh: what bits and where from please.. or i might just hand it over to someone to install it all for me and what did they charge you need to know if it is worth / or not getting ripped off once i start to ask round. Any guidance appreciated. :D Dibslpg
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