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Everything posted by TonyGoose

  1. If you're looking where i think you're looking, then it would appear they're not what you're after
  2. Book shows 4 bolts along bottom. Then it lifts out - 3 hook things into shelf.
  3. Hmmm, if i only had a workshop manual i might be able to help :)
  4. HA HA - Look at the links at the bottom of this thread :) LMFAO :)
  5. Is the wire on the car just for the seat pad sensor ? ie. the bit that makes the seatbelt warning light flash
  6. I reckon you wanna get to Gothenburg (Goteborg). DFDS used to direct from Harwich but stopped that route. Can still do it from Newcastle via Kristiansand Or from Harwich you can go DFDS to Esbjerg in Denmark. Drive north and get a Stena from Frededrikshavn to Goteborg. Do you have to drive there? Easier to fly i would think. Is this any help ?
  7. How many 850 ?? That doesn't sound very 'limited' And that's just the first 850 ?? Hmmm, some devious marketing flannel afoot here me thinks
  8. Oh forgot to add... DEFINITELY a worthwhile swap for those with an SE or earlier Sport :)
  9. I think you'll be hard pressed to tell the difference in unloaded springs. Swapped mine from 2001SE to 2002Sport. Thing i noticed was a difference in coloured markings. SE rear had white/yellow splodges, Sport had white/red instead. SE front had yellow/yellow splodges, Sport had red/red/red instead. Not sure if that's any kind of help or not Incidentally, the shock absorbers had identical part numbers.
  10. I've got a spare standard silencer if you want to do a straight swap. I'll even throw in the chrome trim for free
  11. For Escaine, read 'Ecsaine' Sorry, just removing nits from my comb + thought i'd pick some here too :)
  12. Mines in for 30k service next week. Steve better get the dealer review section ready for another war + peace epic :duh: I'm supplying oil. Duckhams QXR (shows age!) - OK, Q 10-40 as it is now. 2 immediate benefits i see... 1) £15 instead of £53 dealer tried fleecing me before (I refused - price halved :)). 2) It's green. So i know if they keep it and use their cheapo brown sludge instead Cynical?? Moi??
  13. 45quid for a belt ??? What's it made from - dodo pubes or something
  14. We could do a raid and steal that one in the glass case outside Friedel's office
  15. This could also be a gearbox input shaft bearing i think
  16. There you see - i knew you were older than me really
  17. Didn't think you'd get away without that being noticed did you Have a good one... whatever you're up to. Oh and DO have some pudding won't you
  18. Well if enough people start driving without insurance... they're bound to start crashing into each other. That way, ins co's won't have that excuse to use. So, maybe our premiums will reduce. Oh yeah, and they might find wmd's in iraq too :)
  19. Bizarre ... If you get caught, you'll only get a small fine. Pay that at about 5pence a month... Might as well risk it... The law positively encourages not having insurance. As such, the honest motorist is shafted once again... Don't suppose you pay 'insurance premium tax' on the fine either... So that's 2 fingers up to the treasury too - even more appealing :)
  20. Interesting... Says won't insure anything with performance enhancing mods. Is your NSX standard then Sammy ?? Blimey
  21. The spec will depend which order code the original supplying dealer used. If they use the code for a uk spec car, that's what they'll get. It's probably ok but might want to check, just to be sure. Most eu dealers will by now have experience of uk buyers. One dutch dealer has a seperate phone no. just for their uk customers What year is the car and what 'model' does it purport to be? S, SE, Sport ??
  22. Sorry to hear that Andy... Scum I'm puzzled how they do it without skimming the card though. Is this the thing where they put an extra bit over the card slot ? Hope the bank cover it mate - i'd have thought they should. Oh and Zee ... Thanks for the envelope full of cash to cover the ferry mate :) Hmm, that may be in bad taste !
  23. We've blocked over 1000 of these emails already today. I get a mail every time we block one - inbox of 200+ while i was out at lunch :) Trickling in at 2 or 3 a minute currently with the odd burst now and then. By far the most i've seen - beats both the biggies from last year. Fortunately not getting in so far - keep them buggers out
  24. Nice one - Ha Ha Were the earlier pics the ones you'd made ? If not, let's have some of this latest clawley creation
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