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Everything posted by TonyGoose

  1. I've noticed that on many newly released cars... Nice unveiling at motor shows looking low and sleek... By the time they get to the showroom they look like a 4x4 :duh:
  2. Long shot... Steves kit had a loom with relay etc didn't it ? If this kit is the same but without the relay loom, is it possible the cabling needs a polarity swap to compensate? IE. the plug is effectively wired back to front ?
  3. Only other thing i can think is try hooking straight up to a 12v supply. Or does anyone nearby have a working set to swap bits in + out ? Other than that, would seem something is duff... Haven't been sent a 24v truck set by mistake have you ? :)
  4. Think of the money you'd save if you drove 100+ everywhere :)
  5. Is the 'powerpack' a combined ballast and igniter ? Some are some aren't... and obviously you need both
  6. In an ideal world yes scrap ie. Sadly not practical as firefox doesn't integrate well in a 'windows world'. Problems with sharepoint portals for starters... and permissions etc... Oh and i notice it even formats some LOC stuff incorrectly. In reality, you can use firefox most of the time... but it's hassle at times and you still have to keep IE in reserve for some things. I had a go with webroot spysweeper which seemed to do well clearing adware etc.
  7. Welcome to the club... Invest some time getting used to your new car.. It just needs a bit of a change to your driving style B) I'm sure you'll soon learn to keep it on the boil. There isn't a simple chip / remap for the ecu. You'd need to get a piggy back device custom mapped. And even then, any change is likely to be very small + expensive.
  8. Looks better... Isn't there another one due soon too with HD + TV etc etc.. All in one entertainment system - in japan already i think i read. I kind of lost interest in games around the chuckie egg + robotron era ... I'm bored by the time the intro is done these days :)
  9. It's the red one... right there.... what are you blind :)
  10. If it's a 2.0 diesel, it'll probably have bags more torque than a 2.5 petrol.
  11. Ok.. Shame.. Hmmm, gap in the market..... Now where's my fatface catalog :P
  12. Are you sure that's the right way round ? I thought it was completely opposite to that
  13. Hmmm, some nice items there ... I've still got 2 tee's unopened in bags from the last time Is this stuff available with the 'Team Lexus' logo ?? always one isn't there ... And how about with no logo at all
  14. Maybe the weight + power drain of the hifi was holding the seat back. See dem speekerz... They'ze a million watts them iz :) An da 50 alt ampanator is total charjin the 400Farad baseball cap ! Or was it a diesel and had a tachograph fitted :)
  15. Combination of the equator and magnetic north ?
  16. TTE and errr TTE (middle) I'm happy with that at the mo - might tighten the bars sometime... Americans talking about this you say ?? When did they get corners ?? Heavens, they'll have roundabouts next :)
  17. That's good one I don't think so, not unless they moved the steering rack as well, best thing to do in found someone there who knows something about the mechanics of a motor vehicle, the dipstick you have spoken to clearly doesn't have clue. Well you may laugh .... My steering was spot on central ... Had tyres changed (nothing else) and then steering was off centre. Only lasted for a while and gradually reverted to being central again. Maybe due to tyres 'bedding in' or suspension extended while wheels off ? Come to think of it, couple of problems i've fixed for people. Cars pulling one way or another for no obvious reason.. Swap the tyres about and all then ok... weird :) So, don't be too hasty to pick holes - odd things happen
  18. Can probably get some of the mounting face machined off to increase the offset. Might run in to problems with clearance on brakes though ... Oh, and offset on standard wheels is 50 not 45 (common misconception). Or at least that's what's stamped on the backface of all the ones i've had.
  19. Washing up liquid should strip any wax / grease off ...
  20. I think you'll find that picture is pretty old. It's the same one as in the brochure for the compressor kit. Seem to remember asking about it before - and... vacuum bypass was used initially but replaced with cable. The airbox is the old type too - fibreglass... Some pipes were revised too... diameter etc. Incidentally, saw vacuum bypass like that on an RX.
  21. Belt was showing signs of cracking round the inside. Tensioner was making slight bearing noise... slight.... TTE parts fitted... Though i think the belt is just one from the gates range.
  22. A bit over 30k with mine.... No work done on blower itself but... Decatted manifold fitted and belt + tensioner replaced earlier this year.
  23. Legend has it ... Subaru UK used devices like this on some of their 'special' imprezas. The catalyst compensates for the fact the cars were expecting japanese grade fuel. Classic car owners use them too as a substitute for leaded fuel.... In fact, they've been about for yonks. Used during WW2 - particularly in Russia i believe to enable use of their crap fuel. There's quite a lot of stuff about such 'fuel catalysts' about. A lot of it is interesting reading too ..
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