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Everything posted by P38Aaron

  1. Aggghhhhhhh! my count was on now! :)
  2. Just checked my service manual and it says 100k or 10 years...I don't know if the newer models are the same, wouldn't think it would make any difference.
  3. when its that low and the camber was set up spot on would it not rub on the arches? or have they been rolled?
  4. They do look good on your colour cars, think on my silver one they look a bit to clear might try and smoke some, although they are impossible to get apart :( I have used tinting spray in the past...can get a good finish too. the top lights are done with the tinting spray, used to be yellow and white...does not effect brightness.
  5. I have just had this done at a non-lexus garage (well 120k) and it cost me £220 with spark plugs. You can save yourself a few £ by getting some IK20 Spark Plugs and fitting them yourself, just tell your service centre not to change the plugs but do everything else. Cambelt is correct as stated by P4ul its required at 100k or 10years.
  6. hi i got alot of my stuff from ebay or on here. Aaron
  7. could be a coil pack? have you looked at a spark plug after trying to start it? fuel pump or filter? type of long has this been happening...after Tesco fuel problem? had the ecu been reset before the diagnostics? a bad earth somewhere. when it does start, does it run ok? performance? does it hesitate?
  8. i had this with a previous car, i left my car with them for a day as i was at work, i was charged £30 (i think) to get all 4 off.
  9. I remember, I still got them, the dash tray is great! <~~~~~~few pics of the car now :) you have any pics of the 323? Chandru, that i have found theres only temp fixes, the clunkyness seems to come back in time.
  10. not seen a stereo like that before...but it will probably be something like right to left. aerial aux supply? power supply...12v, ground, ant, dimmer, speed control. speakers out/amp supply signal is this the standard Lexus stereo, i never see the stereo as mine had a different stereo when i got the car.
  11. only way to really tell is by keeping and eye on the tyre wear and how the car feels. I had my car lowered about 18months ago and its only now that i feel it needs a geo check...
  12. hi other than radio and wheels the only thing i can think of is the ball joints and the annoying clinky brake pads shifitng in the calipers. i have had my IS200 for 2 years now and with over 120k on the clock no prob's. where in Essex are you? as im also in Essex. Aaron
  13. Mat has side the side skirts for sale.
  14. Oasis is great...its worth a drive in the Lake District too, look out for Kirkstone Pass and go up to Windameer and hire a littlew putt-putt boat...there great! Centre Parcs...hmmm need bikes, they do paintballing also :D we did the horse riding...very scarey! tennis etc we had no problems booking as they have quite alot of courts. the high & low ropes are good fun too Hope you have a good one! Aaron
  15. welcome back John. you have a good holiday? Im going to sit this one out...will be at Japshow on 24th June
  16. spot on! looks good. seems im waiting for the rear bumper part for my car...anybody?
  17. sorry to see that, glad your ok! did you shout at the other car for parking in your way?
  18. What does your user name mean? Mine is P38Aaron. P38 - not because i love car body filler, its a WW2 aircraft, Lockheed P38 Lightning. the other bits my name :duh:
  19. when did the brakes get fitted? could be the brakes not reasembled correctly? pads not a great fit? something not done up tight enough? coil spring?
  20. is that off ebay? if not member gtfour88 sells them. If so i have used him, but it does come from Hong Kong.
  21. great job, alot of hard work, nice one! whats have you got just behind the front wheel on the wing at the bottom? i cant quite make it out.
  22. if its TRD it should be bolted on the underside of the car and glued on the rest. Pics will help!
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