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Everything posted by steve2006

  1. steve2006


    Ok that saves money try this link for more details Cheers, Steve
  2. steve2006


    There is a fix for this problem and the fuel gauge if you can solder or contact Chris Vince on the LS400 forum. Does the dash light when you been in the car for a while? At last another Celsior owner! Cheers, Steve
  3. Burrs?? Yes the hole in the centre of the disc is not always finished very well ( more so on cheaper discs) and this causes them to stick on the motor spindle on ejecting the disc causing jamming. I always run a piece of sandpaper along the edge of the hole before using them only very lightly though.
  4. The Celsior doesn't have any rear foglights as standard as they are not required in Japan so you will see them with the add on single fog mounted on the rear valance ( looks naff!) or in my case with a relay and a bit of wiring modification they are integrated into the exsisting light clusters and the switch for the yellow front fogs operates the rears also. Two pics showing fogs off/on I think the Celsior boot will fit in place of a Lexus physically but you may have to redesign the loom in some way,also the Lexus centre badge will not fit without major surgery as the locating pegs fit into nylon inserts in the boot. Trying to obtain a Celsior boot lid may prove the most difficult problem!
  5. A few years ago I had a Citreon XM and the exhaust was knocking somewhere so I called at my local KF and popped down the road whilst they "had a look". Called back to "it's sorted" "great how much do I owe you?" " no that's ok" " Oh cheers,have a drink on me" A few miles later and no rattle but a strange smell of burning rubber! Had a look underneath and they had forced an old exhaust mounting rubber between the top of the centre pipe and the floorpan! Never been near them since " You can't get better than a kwik Sh*t fitter"
  6. If its auto it could be the inhibitor switch next time see if it starts in N
  7. Mine does but make sure the plastic around the centre hole doesn't have any burrs or they may jam in the mech as one of mine did.
  8. steve2006

    Engine Light

    Which runway did you use to get into London? Heathrow 4R? :D My Celsior is converted to MPH but the speed limiter is still operational so the transmission disengages at around 113 mph I don't mind it's enough for me.
  9. Hi, Thanks, " Every Little Helps!" now where have I heard that before? BTW Your personal information says LS400 Turbo??
  10. Thats the pump though, not the solonoid on the rack. Arrr! I realised that after posting sorry, This link may help
  11. Hi, Don't recognise the part but it looks like it has 2 brake pipes going to it? there is a tutorial on this link and although not specifically for the LS it may give you a clue as to where to look.
  12. Hi, You say the charge voltage is 9.5v? If I remember correctly the battery should be 13.5v when the engine is running and charging correctly if it's as low as 9.5v it sounds like it's not being charged. Why not run it to one of the auto places that does a free alternator and battery test to confirm. I would with the output being so low suspect the diode pack has a phase down. You haven't in the past had the leaking PS pump problem which can result in alternator failure?
  13. Wiring diagram I have is a bit vague but the moonroof control relay is located in front of the moonroof opening and it is a 10 pin plug. Pin 9 ( green/black is the open moonroof lead ) and pin 10 ( green and yellow lead is to close the moonroof) this is done by the moonroof switch connecting these to earth to open or close the moonroof. I would start by disconnecting the plug to the moonroof switch incase there is an internal fault in here then closing the roof by remote control. If the moon roof now behaves normally it would point to a dodgy switch if not let me know.
  14. There are always a few breakers on ebay so may be the starting place.
  15. I think I've sussed it! It should be mounted just to the left of the coilpack and according to the wiring diagram it is a "noise limiter" shown as a capacitor in diagram or in my book a suppressor. Probably there to limit back emf ( technical!) from the coil packs. They may have altered the design from series 1 to series 2 as mine only has one wire into the plug (black/orange according to diagram) the casing being the earth. Managed a picture but a bit dark down there!!
  16. Normally suppressors use a very short earth path ( hence the use of the metal bracket) otherwise the "noise" is carried on the earth wire. You could check for 12Volts on the wires ( I would only expect this to be present on one of them) but it may only appear if the item it is connected to is in operation. I'll try and get a picture of mine tomorrow and then compare findings.
  17. Was going to " convert" my Celsior to Lexus but discovered that the centre boot Toyota badge has 3 locating pins which fit into plastic inserts fitted in the boot lid which would have meant filler and a paint job. Also the front grill only accepts the "T" badge. I've never seen another Celsior on the road so I'll keep the uniqueness with the luxury of Lexus underneath. With nobody knowing what the car is I still get the satisfaction of leaving the GTI/VTI boys perplexed from the lights when they sit in lane 2 and I've gone before they let the clutch out!
  18. Just had a look on mine and it's located below the top hose can only see one wire on it ( the bracket if metal will be the earth),light grey in colour. If yours has 2 wires one will probably go to an earth point nearby. Looks like capacitor ( suppressor) designed to eliminate electrical spikes. On my early cars they used to have them fitted to the alternator/dynamo to prevent interference on the radio.
  19. Hi, According to the wiring diagrams the sub amp is a separate unit ( I think it's located near the sub itself, mine has the nak so different) There is a 10 pin connector to it pin 3 white/blue wire) is the 12 volt feed ( check presence with a meter) and the outputs to the speaker are pins 9 ( light green/red) and 10 ( light green /blue).
  20. I'm glad mine isn't a "straight 8" can't see the edge of the bonnet with a v8!!! and it's Toyota badged!!! See me in my office tomorrow! Your Boss
  21. Hi, Don't leave it for too long as misfires can damage the catalytic convertor due to unburnt fuel going into it ( expensive!) Steve
  22. Hi, Also need the year as they changed the system from boot mounted amp/changer to glove box/under seat amp later. Cheers, Steve
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