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Claire G

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Everything posted by Claire G

  1. I'll close this for votes on 3rd December which gives another week for people to make their views known. Once a charity has been nominated, let's sort out some more fundraising ideas!
  2. I've heard that before. Now I'm not sure where they stand with the Data Protection Act, but the odds are that you've signed something to allow them to pass your details on <-- even if it wasn't pointed out to you. Personally I'd ignore them. They'll probably turn up on your doorstep but if you're covered, let them have all the hassle! The TV Licensing peeps did this to my great aunt, she decided that all TV programmes were pants and got rid of her TV. The licensing people kept writing to her about her not having a license (she previously had one), then they cam round with papers allowing them to search her house for a TV!!!
  3. Dependent on price, I'd be interested - with an 'L' engraved on it
  4. Speak to Pete (Scorpion), he's used someone in/near London for his wheels before. I think both for powdercoating and repairs.
  5. He said they were brilliant, really, really good. I couldn't go as we couldn't get a babysitter.
  6. Due to the problems we've recently had, my original post and your answers have been lost. Just to recap, as a Club we're in a great position to raise money for a worthy cause. The Committee has kindly suggested that £1 of all Gold membership fees and £2 of all re-subscriptions be donated to our nominated charity. Your views will also be appreciated on other fund raising ideas. The nominated charity will be supported by the Club from January 2004 - January 2005 and after that period another charity will be nominated. So all that is left to do is to nominate a charity, please post yours here. Mine are: Ben - Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund CLIC - Challenging Cancer & Leukemia in Childhood Thanks, Claire
  7. I know Fargo got some really nice leather seats for his IS although I don't think they were refurbed, I think he got them from eBay. Might be worth dropping him a PM?
  8. Yep, driving fine my friend - Simon waved then felt a bit of a div when he remembered he was driving his Honda
  9. Not yet, we'll take a look at the posts at the end of this week. Good ideas about the fund raising - keep them coming...
  10. Can't remember which one of you has this reg, but you were spotted near Wembley on Saturday ;) Other half was on his way to see Linkin Park at the arena...
  11. Second that. I think Matt should do the judging and those that cheated (I'm sure we can get proof :P ) are disallowed
  12. Fantastic - if you right click you can copy and paste it into an email. My office is now suitably enlightened! Just as well it's my last day here ;)
  13. I leave it to be checked by the garage. Before I had the accident I had a go at my husband as his car had leaked oil all over our drive....after a call from the garage doing the repairs to my car I had to eat major humble pie. During the last service, who ever had changed the oil filter made a real hash of it as it wasn't fixed properly and they'd cross threaded it. I'll now be checking my oil monthly from now on.
  14. Edgware Road was approved by the insurance company, if I'd have wanted it to go to Bracknell it would have taken longer - and you know how impatient I was to get it back ;) Things not sorted with the lorry driver yet and still not convinced it'll get settled without my NCB being affected, but I'll look on the bright side and cross that bridge if it comes to that!
  15. Yippeee, at last, got my IS200 Sport back from the bodyshop after it's inappropriate relations with a lorry (they got too close for my liking ;) ). All perfect and back to normal. Hurrah, feels good :D
  16. I stumbled across LOC after I'd had my car for a few months. I really enjoyed the banter on the forums and the fact I could find out more about my IS200 from other owners. Their advice has proved invaluable - especially when I was told to look out for corrossion on the alloys and I was able to get them replaced under warranty. I decided to join GOLD as I wanted to support the Club. The site takes money to run and maintain and I wanted to do my bit to help. The discounts weren't of major interest as I didn't expect to be able to benefit from them (having a lease car). However, I was pleasantly surprised - I've saved money on a holiday, car insurance, and am planning to take advantage of the discounts on theme parks. Most, if not all, GOLD members save more than their first years subscription costs in a matter of months, especially if they are modifying their cars in any way. Even if you love your car the way it is and aren't planning any additional enhancements you are still able to make savings unrelated to auto discounts. I'm in my 2nd year of GOLD membership and will sign up again next year. I think all Forum users should support the Club in this way, it's a small price to pay for the wealth of information available.
  17. Next month there'll be a show of Southern Lexus, won't there chaps/chapesses?
  18. Wonder if Lexus will do that as an optional extra?!
  19. Welcome to the Club, I'd love to see some photos - post them for all to see !
  20. Yeah, it would be good to organise next month - I think our babysitters could do with a rest (in-laws had Kieran most of this weekend and my brother looked after him last night!). Ian can you get the next date from TOC or point me in the right direction and I'll find out. There's enough of us around this area, it would be great to meet up!
  21. Is it a regular thing Ian? I'm definitely up for coming along - just need notice to sort out a babysitter. Not sure if I can get one for tonight, I'll start ringing around!
  22. Under pressure?!?! What could you possibly mean Bear with Admin, it'll get done but I *think* it's a manual process and he's swamped at the mo'. Now we know you've seen the light, we won't pester any more :)
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