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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Those footwell lights are very nice and I also noticed the lights above the cup holders but didn't realise they change colour when in sport mode.
    2 points
  2. When I bought my IS I opted to have the paint work glasscoated and took out the smart insurance. Recently I was unlucky enough to get a scratch on the drivers door from some careless motorist who parked next to me. After I had washed and polished it the door looked like this. So I made a claim on the smart insurance. They came out to fix it today and I am happy to say the mark has completely gone. It only took him a few minutes and the paintwork is back to its best and it only cost me £10 excess. He said because I had the glasscoat it had saved him from having to apply any paint. Well worth the cost of the glasscoat and smart insurance if you ask me.
    2 points
  3. ok so almost 5 years of Lexus ownership both IS300 and GS430 time has come for me to part... picked up a nice 1 owner Accord 2.4 Executive Auto always liked these models its no GSV8 but its a nice place to be in and actually performs similar to the IS250 i test drove when my car went into dealers for some work done years ago the engine/gearbox does perform well for a 4 cylinder. some pics of my ride.. still have the GS430 but will eventually sell it at some point..
    1 point
  4. just bought one last night in white. Full LExus history from car giant in west london. I love Lexus and didnt take into account the bad reviews on the net. Suits me down to a T. Love it. Got all the trimmings too. When buying make sure you get the flip out sta nav if you at looking for one. The "advance" models comes with the ****y built-in tom tom sat nav. And not as nice to use as the normal ones.
    1 point
  5. Hi good choice ,very nice car to travel in ,and goes better than you would think ;my son has a 2004 , I look after ,bought at 17000 miles now on 130 000 runs like a watch regularly serviced ,oil changed every 6000 miles ,only problems , exhaust corrosion and a couple of seized callipers ;sound familiar to is 250 owners ? should serve you well Dave
    1 point
  6. Love the colour and the interior looks a great place to sit for a few hours up the motorway. Enjoy. Mike.
    1 point
  7. There are same as ones on amazon for £1.50 for 10 it's same part numbers.
    1 point
  8. Not sure it's a good idea to wrap a key in epoxy putty when you'll need to replace the battery in it at some point.
    1 point
  9. To put things into context, our local taxi company now only run Toyota Prius', which as mentioned above use the same drivetrain as the CT. The owner says that it's the best decision he has ever made and swears that nothing has ever gone wrong on any of the cars. All he has to pay for is scheduled maintenance.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I really don't want to send this thread on another EV trip [emoji6], but do you really need that range on a daily basis? Some do for sure, or need a full tank for emergencies or last minute change of plans, but I'd venture to suggest that's not the driving pattern for the most of us. I analysed my driving carefully and hardly ever do more than 100 miles a day, never mind nearly 200. With a home charger you can start each morning with a full tank of leccy. On the odd occasion I need more range charging points are available. We are all different of course, but a change of mindset worked for me. YMMV of course. [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. You think side windows are a problem.....try one of these then add in a cold and dark start. Mind you the engines warm up pretty quickly.
    1 point
  13. Lovely car. Enjoy. Looking forward to your first report. What colour did you go for inside?
    1 point
  14. I have to admit to using de-icer, mainly because the it is difficult to reach the middle of the screen with the RX. I agree, it often freezes again. I wonder if some are better than others, and also whether someone has found a reasonable alternative.
    1 point
  15. Who's a happy Lexus owner then? Enjoy. Can you do a couple of pics of the interior? Mike.
    1 point
  16. Thanks. Looked at rockauto. Seem to supply US spec & charge 14 squid postage. Might as well stick to good ol' FleaBay
    1 point
  17. As its the F sport, very comfy, the seats are so much more supportive
    1 point
  18. I was a bit disappointed that it didn't fit to be honest after I'd researched that it would and sourced a good quality one quite cheaply. There could be a slight difference between the pre and post 2010 I suppose. Don't want to take any chances next time, will have to be one specifically for the car. The Prius one is on eBay, hoping one of the local taxis might need a spare. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. I asked my dealer about this when my RX was in for a service a few weeks ago. I was told that indeed, the design adopted by Lexus does not allow for water/moisture to be cleared by winding the windows down and back up. This is for two reasons: 1. to protect the rain-repellent coating on the front side windows 2. to prevent the glass from being scratched. This is apparently in response to customer feedback. (Before you argue this one out, bear in mind this is customers globally, not just in the UK).
    1 point
  20. Wrap the key with milliput
    1 point
  21. Sadly, our Lexus keys seem to have a built in life expectancy. I've not had a car key that has been so 'delicately' constructed before!
    1 point
  22. Timpsons will cut you a new key, I had one done a few months back. It's just a Toyota key, the one Timpsons sell has a slightly longer blade but is otherwise identical. I say identical, it also has the same crap design as the typical Lexus key, which means that it too will eventually break.
    1 point
  23. Its pretty clear what Lexus/Toyota think of EVs But sadly for Toyota EV sales are only heading in one direction. And whilst EV sales are constantly growing the same cannot be said for Lexus sales in the US. The longer Toyota/Lexus refuse to accept they have backed the wrong horse interms of wasting time and money on hydrogen, the sooner they can start to develop relevant products people want to buy, but for now its head in the sand apporach. You might remember a small company called Kodak, 'invented' the first digital camera, but apparently there was no future in that product;)
    1 point
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