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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2016 in all areas

  1. "All the gear, no idea" springs to mind for some of these guys. They can buy the equipment, but if it's a lazy/unskilled person using it, it might was well be switched off. My LS400 had inner wear on the fronts and would sort of 'wiggle' with some types of pothole. I found the local Hunter-equipped place and the guy did his best, claiming some adjustments wouldn't budge. Oh well. I drove it away and it now had a VERY drastic pull to the left. Absolutely unsafe, drove it back and got him to revert to the original settings. Then took it to Wheels in Motion: same equipment, but a completely different outcome. Totally sorted. (I chose WiM as they had some success with the infamous IS Mk1 alignment, which Lexus dealers couldn't diagnose or fix.)
    2 points
  2. I bought the black 58 Plate one. Bought it same day it went on sale. I pick it up tomorrow :-) Will do a "Hi I'm new and here's my motor" once I get it home. Trading in my E90 335i for it. It was between an B7 RS4, E90 M3 or an ISF. Tried all 3. Lexus won :-)
    2 points
  3. An interesting observation... looking at the Fuelly website, the best years to buy for fuel consumption appears to be 2011. I guess that all the hypermilers must have rushed out to buy the all new CT200H in 2011 or Toyota/ Lexus somehow made the early ones the most economical in order to boost sales? Who knows?
    1 point
  4. Took out the passanger amber led today The light slides apart and exposes the led Zener and led The resistor is 750 ohms which seems a little high but would lead to a long life. The led is soldered in and I was thinking of changing the led itself to a white one. I dont see an obvious way to get the led out. Perhaps after de soldering it may be easy. Perhaps the 8vDC i mentioned above was measured when the interior lights were dimming and I would treat the supply voltage as 13.8vDC The LEDS i mentioned above were like except they were 1 inch diameter and i got 10 for the price quoted now but that was 7 years ago
    1 point
  5. Sounds like the Smart Car Radio is so smart it is stupid (and same for the Honda) Bring back 8 track I say.
    1 point
  6. I use a cassette adaptor for my MP3 player, way better quality than a wireless transmitter, also means in the background the tuner is tuned into Radio 1/2/3/4 and I cans till get the Traffic reports,which you cannot do with a wireless adaptor. Just a thought
    1 point
  7. Debt free would be awesome, now my wife have just received her final pay slip i have to able to afford to run 2 cars, keep the kids clothed, feed and all the usual house hold exspenses. I have now come up with a financial plan to be out of debt in 3 years, with just my income coming in alone and hopefully in time she will be able to find another job that works around mine and the kids. I will be back in a Lexus at some point in the future but for now that will have to wait. I am glad i waited another day before deciding to put purchase the car or not, as we got the news that day about her job. I will have to stick with VW Diesel Passat for a but longer.
    1 point
  8. I've had my 11 plate Premier for a few weeks and I've achieved 65mpg over 250 miles.. Driving extremely conservatively and going no more than 58mph on dual-carriageways (sorry other road users).
    1 point
  9. I swapped my spare key over to a switch/flick one like those in the picture as the original case had cracked. IMO, the flick blade is a gimmick and crap quality which always pops open by itself when shut. Could just be a crap quality one out of a million but I wouldn't bother again!
    1 point
  10. Might be worth taking to a good Indy garage as they have wireless mics they can hookup and go for test drive. You typically get four and they can place one over each suspect area to see exactly where the sound is originating from (although this probably doesn't work for bearings). I don't know enough about the hybrid so can't help further, if it had them, I'd say possible CV joint that's lost it's grease but wouldn't think that the CVT gearbox was a likely culprit.
    1 point
  11. Hi Piers, certainly got your money's worth! £600 is actually a good price from the dealer, maybe parts have come down in price a little of late? Timeboy: I think the inner diameter of the air entry port is 8mm, but the tube/"injector" from the air line has a couple of 'o' rings at the bottom to make it airtight. If you pop your one good one out from the other air strut, wrap a sheet of paper around the end of the tube to get the circumference of the tube and mark the paper where it butts up where it starts to wrap over, then unroll it and use your ruler/tape measure to measure between the top edge and your mark, once you know the circumference, you can look up on google to get the calculation to get the diameter using a calculator. As for the thread on top of the strut that the air tube goes in, I'm rubbish working out thread pitches, too! I'd find a bunch of nuts and try them until you find what fits - if your lucky the nut will be marked so you can look it up on the net or find a bolt that fits the nut as that should have a number like M18 so you can look it up!
    1 point
  12. I took my trusty 400h and 137000+ miles from the Surrey Hills to Scarborough early [very] on Saturday 9th and apart from the M1 being closed at Dunstable! I arrived in Scarborough in just over 5 hours, Mileage was 334 and consumption [on the computer] was 31.9 mpg. Not bad for an old girl in filthy weather and tyres at 32psi. I would think 37psi would offer less grip IMHO. Rain and potholes on the M1 caused a few bumps to put it mildly - you just don't see the potholes with so little traffic at 4 in the morning. Big Sci-Fi event at the Spa Complex was a hoot! Loved Scarborough and I will never have fish and chips anywhere South of York ever again!
    1 point
  13. Hello and welcome, best spot to stick a build thread would be here I have done similar but in the is250 section and seems to work fine
    1 point
  14. Same issue with my RX450h and previously with a RX400h. I can't help but wonder whether there is in fact no issue and whether the problem is that over time, the temperature within the car slowly increases (due to driver and passenger body temperature) and that it reaches a point where the system starts blowing in cold air to re-adjust the temperature to the selected one. I think there is also a physiological/psychological element at work here: I have a similar argument with my wife just about every night where she complains that she is feeling cold and turns the central heating up. Eventually, once the selected temperature + 1 degree has been reached, the system shuts down and the house gradually cools down. Wife complains she is getting cold... and turns the heating up further... and on it goes... Once night it got so hot, I changed into my swimming shorts: that was enough to convince her to add/remove layers instead of playing with the central heating. :-)
    1 point
  15. Very similar in concept to the Prius plug-in but with very good on paper performance and economy stats. Now all the manufacturers are focusing on hybrid technology Toyota are facing some strong competition and it does seem they have been resting on their laurels for a number of years now, although to be fair it is always easier to copy and improve on something rather than invest the R&D into something new. At this stage it really is only Toyota and Honda that have proven reliability with hybrids, I'm not sure I'd want to trust something new from VAG. Whether this will impact CT sales is a good question. The Audi is substantially more expensive, even with the government subsidy, than a base CT and Lexus have really pushed the CT total cost of ownership for company car drivers which will still be better. IMO the biggest reason for choosing a CT, or any Lexus, remains, you want to drive something different - you don't want a Golf, A3, 1 series, or A class like everybody else.
    1 point
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