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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2016 in all areas

  1. One of the features in the IS300h that I didn't know i couldn't live without until I got it, is the AHB - Auto High Beam. However, some mornings I have noticed that it fails to dip for oncoming traffic - usually when the temperature is around freezing. It does switch between low and high beam based on how dark it is, but fails to recognize other car's lights until they are really close. Additionally, I noticed that the LDA (Lane Departure Alert) did not detect the side and lane lines on the road. So, what could cause this? The sensor for AHB and LDA is a camera. I decided to stop and take a look at it once it was not operating properly, and this is what I found: Inside of windshield is covered in dew/mist in front of the camera. Nothing on the rest of the windshield, and I do my best to keep the car dry inside... I have notified my Lexus dealer of this problem. Apparently, Toyota is having the same problems on the Avensis and Auris and have come up with a fix for it that involves installing a heater element in there with the camera. But no fix for the IS. While I wait for a fix from Lexus, I have simply put a small bag of Silicagel inside the cover for the AHB/LDA sensor. The cover is easy to remove and replace, it literally took me a few minutes. So far it seems to do the job - no more angry gestures from oncoming drivers. -Tore
    2 points
  2. Glad it's being sorted without too much trouble. My understanding is that it should be reported to your Insurer, certainly at renewal and possibly before, I would check your policy carefully. Normally at renewal you have to declare any 'accidents, incidents etc etc even if not at fault and even if a claim wasn't made'. The 'incidence' is something that is taken into account when calculating the renewal premium. It's also possible that the 3rd party Insurer will log the claim and your reg number will be in the database. I'm sure there are thousands of incidents that don't get reported but seeing as you've asked the question..... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. That sounds good. Is the sound creator from the 3rd Gen IS250? It'll sound great if you use that one!
    1 point
  5. You won't be disappointed IMO its possibly the best car ever made. If you can run to it get the 460 SE-l you get more toys than the standard 460
    1 point
  6. Well today I decided to complete the F-Sport intake mod. As most of you are well aware the F-Sport intake is a modified lower airbox and new intake pipe, I am looking to replace my intake with a sound creator intake anyway picture here: So seemed a bit daft to shell out £600+ from Lexus UK for an F-Sport intake or import one from the US for £300 with delivery and taxes, so instead I cut a hole in mine and removed all the air fins to replicate the F-Sport lower airbox I am far from the first person to do this but still thought some may be interested to see the work. Stock lower airbox removed and fins present: Hole cut and fins removed half way though: Easy enough job to do if you have access to any of these sort of tools: Pile of airbox innards, took about an hour of smoothing to make this mess! Airbox re-dressed and ready to go: Was it worth it? Yes! Really happy I never expected any performance gains and highly doubt there will be any tis was purely done for the increase intake volume. I could have just cut the hole and left the fins, but as I had the time tools and Lexus obviously decided on the F-Sport intake it was better to remove them so did I. The intake noise is nice and subtle, I think with the added sound creator once I get my hands on 1 in the next week or 2 I will have achieved as much as I want from the intake volume then, should give a very nice sounds when revving the engine but still keep a stock whisper quiet system when commuting and driving day to day, the best of both worlds
    1 point
  7. i totally like that colour!
    1 point
  8. Those dealership are fine, but not local to all. I'd never buy from a dealership I couldn't easily get to for a face to face. No-one anywhere got close to the deal I got from my nearest dealership, by 1k. Although deals are constantly changing, and not always advertised. If they need to shift a certain model that month, to fill quota's, and you walk in, or Carwow(or other like styled site) them. You can just get plain lucky. David.
    1 point
  9. Everything is available to the general public if you know where to look. Buy some FK1000P off ebay or some Soft99 Fusso. Can't go wrong and lasts 6 month easy
    1 point
  10. Can't see why not although it may be overbearing. You probably want to use the intake first and see if youre happy with it and then proceed
    1 point
  11. Unfortunately, as DJP (David) says. Now you are in the system, not notifying the insurance could come back to bite you. As the LPSO (Lloyds Policy Signing Office), database will be updated. David
    1 point
  12. The leak could have happened at any time but it seems very coincidental that it has done so within days of a recommended service. If as you say it was working perfectly OK before the service was done it may have something to do with that but proving it is going to be difficult as the condenser could have gone at any time ( it's a bit like checking your tyre pressures and getting a puncture the next day ). If the A/C service has been done correctly there should have been a print out of the gas levels before and after which should show the system was working before. I certainly wouldn't accept the quoted repair price for a condenser replacement, as mentioned by Madfish 25% of it is more realistic. Nearly forgot, welcome to the LOC.
    1 point
  13. Only report it if you've used an insurance company for repairs. So yes in your case you will have to inform your insurance company. Personally I would have got all details, tried polishing it and if it came out just left it, otherwise claimed. Only reason being is that your insurance will go up so I'd avoid claiming at all costs!
    1 point
  14. Wonder how much the service plan would cost :)
    1 point
  15. Its just a question of surfing the net Ebay etc untill some thing shows up. There is no easy answer sadly. Mike..
    1 point
  16. I am having air con issues with mine and after getting a UV die test performed it was discovered that the condenser has a leak... I was quoted £250 which includes new condenser with warranty, fitment, air con service and regass.. I wonder if they maybe over pressurised yours revealing a weak spot in the condenser? £1080 is way too expensive
    1 point
  17. Well, atleast it wont depreciate
    1 point
  18. You are obviously not au fait with all of the cars technical abilities, you can press the snow button as often as you like but it won't snow, the car is clever enough to know that you aint got winter tyres fitted and so therefore won't put your safety at risk!!!
    1 point
  19. Are you in South Africa mate, I can see by the sunshine, ahhh I miss it so, nice job :)
    1 point
  20. You do know that there is a heater in the IS & CT ? Yes but I think my Climate Control is playing up. I keep pressing the snow button but it never starts to snow.
    1 point
  21. Petrol/Electric converts are as committed as Smoker/Former smokers. There is a lot of passion and flag waving. We just all need to understand nobody is right, as said it is personal choice. Like a lot of people, the more you push a point, the less likely the others will swing in that direction way. David.
    1 point
  22. Surely if you are willing to spend £50k+ on a car, petrol consumption is not your primary motivator!!?? To get a true representation of the car's capability you need to test it in a variety of environments and conditions and yes, the engine will kick in more or less straight after starting the car and until everything gets up to running temperature. I hear you about full EV, Tesla etc. All very well but still very restricted in terms of range. To me, Lexus offers the best of both worlds... although a plug in hybrid would complete the range nicely.
    1 point
  23. So, my IS200 has made a new friend
    1 point
  24. Dangrant - thanks man. Appreciate the comment. Glad to say I picked up my car and it's got a clean bill of health. The dealership recommended that I replace the radiator cap as it was losing a bit of pressure. Other than that, all is well with the car. Very happy about that! She is approaching 100000kms... Just 200kms to go...
    1 point
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    1 point
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