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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello every, I actually joined about 6 years ago when I was considering buying an IS200, however that never came off, so have been a member for a long time but never posted Last October I purchased myself an IS250 F-Sport, it was a massive investment for myself and bit of a dream car. Loving owning it and its a pleasure to drive, however the urge to start to tinker with it is becoming too strong so I have ended up signing up here with ideas for projects and do a bit of tinkering with it. I am a qualified Sprayer and now work as a qualified Vehicle Damage Assessor so tinkering and fiddling with my car is in nature and cant help myself For anyone who I interested here are a few photos of the car So far I have managed to keep my urge to tinker at bay and only fitted an automatic folding mirror module with lock/unlock of the car and I am in the process of fitting a hardwired Nextbase 402-g dash cam to the car. But I fancy looking at potential engine mods so will do lots of reading into options!
    1 point
  2. With a philosophy like that, you should drive an Audi or a Beamer. You'd be in good company there....not here !!!!
    1 point
  3. That's just hilarious. I'm guessing you don't download pirate music either? And you always wait for the green light to come on before you cross the street? Not everything that's illegal is harmful. Some things are made illegal for the benefit of the government and the system. And I always do what I want to do, instead of following the guidelines. It's the only way to live, in my opinion. I don't think I have anything further to add here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Edited to replace step by step write up with a blog post: Many thanks to Hayne, without whom I would have bunged this into a dealer and probably spent 7-800 pounds on a pump or £3k on a transmission. If you have the P2797 code and suspect the pump bearings it's worth a go. Armed with some car lifting kit, new transmission oil and bearings for both ends of the pump I carried out the pump repair over the weekend. Also used basic tools, spanners, oil drain tray and a pump for squirting the new oil in. Allow a full day but if you're very mechanically minded with a good set of tools you might half it. Photos and steps attached: Took me twice the time Hayne did but I didn't have a ramp. So allow a day at least depending on access, tools and mechanical skill. Test drive it. Do a lot of gentle battery only driving to make sure the pump gets a good run and look out for dash warnings. Then a final check with the Mini VCI if you have it and hopefully no more P2797. Take it for a long run. I blasted mine up to Stansted and back to pick up the girlfriend! Brave I know! Then celebrate with a beer. After you park up the car! I did! Good Luck!
    1 point
  5. I'm a bit late on this thread, but congrats on your IS. That colour is absolutely stunning and being in the line of work you're in, that paint is probably going to get the best possible care!
    1 point
  6. Have a go here Mike.
    1 point
  7. Hi everyone Just bought my first Lexus. A 2006 GS 450H in Astral Black and what a machine Hope to be of use to members if I can and learn a bit along the way
    1 point
  8. Hi Marshall and welcome to the LOC, we are a friendly bunch and some of us even know how to pull them to bits and put them back together again, with of course the one bolt and washer left over. What a great looking Lexus. We recommend you spend a couple of mins looking over the rules of the LOC, we will be asking questions later. Regards Mike
    1 point
  9. Its a good idea however i wouldn't bother linking it to the PWR switch, i would have a separate switch that can open and close the valve on demand. I like leaving in normal mode as that's the smoothest driving experience for me and PWR just seems more eager. Helps when I have a full house in the car.
    1 point
  10. Thanks nice advice, the F-Sport induction looks great and will be nice and OEM I seem to have alloy pedals anyway being an F Sport from factory, any chance you could send a picture of your pedals and gear knob? Thanks and yeah loving my car Sent from my E6883 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. Sorry, I did try to photograph the boot tray but being black there was no detail to be seen. So I did a couple of drawings which might help understanding. Please note, I accept no liability for anything which might go wrong if you attempt to do this, I am merely describing what I HAVE DONE. :o) Sorry for the poor quality drawings. Drawing 1 shows the boot tray and the lines I cut (red lines) and the green dots show where I drilled holes. The blue arrow points to the front of the car. The green blobs are 10mm dia holes and help to ease the stresses left in the plastic (cuts coming to an abrupt end instead of a hole may split later) and make bending easier without puckering etc. Drawing 2 shows the side elevation and the blue arrow points towards the front again. The blue wedge shape is the bottom of the tray hinged upwards and inside the top half. The point "B" will have to be pushed backwards to meet the top rear edge. Heating the plastic with a hot air paint stripper or similar eases the bending. Measuring how deep the bottom must be pushed upwards can be done by placing the spare and tray back in the vehicle (after the cut) and pressing the tray upper half down until the top edge rests in place and then adding a few millimetres for clearance. Pop rivets can be used to join both halves together again. There is one warning on using pop rivets in plastic, use a washer on the outside otherwise the rivets will just pull through the plastic. I bought the cheapest riveter tool I could find on Ebay, black rivets and washers (I used about 30 rivets) and the total was under a tenner. When all was done the front right hand floor was pressing on the spare wheel so I heated the plastic floor of the tray and pressed down allowing the bottom of the tray to bow upwards by a few millimetres. Cutting was done using a jigsaw with a fine-ish blade, carefully! There are some thin web things (stiffeners ?) that need to be trimmed off of the bottom half, I used a sharp chisel but I guess a Stanley knife or similar would work. In my case the tray is about 80mm deep at the rear and original depth at the front. Hope that all makes sense.
    1 point
  12. Same here, presumably style is more important than safety? I see a lot of cars with illegal tints and normally then spot other offences, people seem to think having heavy tints means you can't be seen using hand held mobiles or not wearing seat belts, if I spot this I'm sure plod do as well, why advertise yourself. As an ex motorcyclist I am aware how important visibility is, and tinted windows only make it worse, that is why there is a maximum level.
    1 point
  13. Yes . Sounds like you have air in system . Fluid should be changed every 2/3 years anyway due to inducing water .
    1 point
  14. ............before you change over maybe have a think about and remember that the Ls400 was designed at a cost of zillions and with a specific wheel and tyre size in mind for maximum efficiency and comfort. Your choice whatever ! Malc
    1 point
  15. Phil, If I owned a 430 over 10 years old I would replace the radiator just for peace of mind. They are not expensive as far as Lexus parts go, and are very easy to fit. I would also make absolutely sure I had only Toyota Red/Pink coolant in it. Just my two pence worth.
    1 point
  16. I only have one or two vid to be honest which is on you tube. I need to get a go pro really and start filming more. Still trying to get to grips with it but improving each time. Drifting is very addictive. Another short vid.
    1 point
  17. Hey all. Just wanted to relay the story of what has happened to my IS recently in case it might be of some use. So, about a month ago, I started experiencing the infamous clutch judder when moving off. Since I have an extended Lexus Warranty, I took it to my local dealer to have a look. Sure enough, they diagnosed a faulty dual mass flywheel. Luckily, Lexus UK agreed to foot the bill for the flywheel under my warranty, and they would change my clutch as long as I paid for that part. So far, so good. The complications began after I collected the car and discovered that the judder was still there. I took it back to the dealer, who immediately agreed that the problem was not resolved. My old flywheel was worn out, but that was obviously not the end of it. During the next week or so, they kept my car for testing while giving me a Prius to drive around in. In that time, the mechanics check my fuel injectors, remounted my exhaust, checked my prop shaft and rubber donuts, examined the diff along with the drive shafts, and finally the rear wheel hubs. They even rebalanced my rear wheels because I had a vibration on the motorway. Still not fixed. So, for the next step, they took the car back and removed the gearbox again to check the flywheel and clutch. They found the flywheel slightly out of spec, so they changed that along with another new clutch. Judder still there. Running out of ideas, they next wanted to change the engine mounts, but at this point, Lexus UK let me down. The warranty people said that the mounts were wear and tear items and not covered. This is even though the dealership staff reckon they weren't wear and tear, and in fact have never sold a set! At this point, my dealer came to the rescue and a deal was done for changing the mounts. I picked the car up last Tuesday and have been giving it a road test since. Finally, no judder :) This, apparently, is such a rare occurrence that the master tech at the dealership is submitting a technical report to Lexus UK in case others experience it. Previously, they had contacted Lexus for ideas, but were told they didn't have any. Anyway, at this point all that is left to do is praise my local dealer; Jemca Edgware Road. The staff there have bent over backwards trying to solve this issue for me. For example, after I complained that the Prius was uncomfortable, they lent me a 65 reg CT with 400 miles on the clock for a week while they worked on my car. Also, because of the inconvenience caused, the service manager agreed the knock off £850 of the cost of the engine mount replacement. So in the end, I got my engine mounts changed at a main dealer for £150 all in. It is service like this that will keep me coming back to Lexus for my future cars. If you have read this far, well done :) Apologies for the essay, but I found it an interesting journey, so I thought I would share.
    1 point
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