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  1. Love the look of this personally and has the 5.0 V8 from the RC F... no mention on price yet though!
    1 point
  2. I was planning to see the grey/green one in Swindon on Thursday, but I spotted this one on Gumtree and only 35 miles away. Mint condition, 117K complete Lexus history to date, and owned by the present guy for the last 10 years, he's just bought an LS460. Even the steering motors both work! It could be 3 years old, I've rarely seen a car of this age looking so immaculate. Picking it up next week. I may well be having coilovers fitted, well, at the first sign of trouble anyway! I'll put some better photos on when I get it back.
    1 point
  3. Hi all, Just wanted to post a quick review regarding Hybrid battery conditioning. I think it was off this site I learned of Hybrid Battery Solutions based in Northampton who I contacted after getting a diagnostic from Lexus. The car lost it's initial surge of power from the battery and would always move off using petrol engine only. Battery indicator would drop to purple very quickly. MPG dropped from about 29/30 to 23-25mpg. I had a CHECK HYBRID SYSTEM message, but it was solid - not flashing check VSC etc as others have described. Lexus ran two separate diagnostics and said it was a smart battery ECU which needed replacing at a cost of £1250 + vat. They gave me a print out of the error code and when researching online it was more common that it was 'Battery pack seriously deteriorated'. I couldn't find much literature regarding the smart battery ECU other than a workbook note suggesting that this is replaced first then if this doesn't work, the battery pack should be replaced. Not knocking Lexus at all but I wasn't overly convinced or filled with confidence. My car is probably only worth £3000-4000 (ambitious?!) and has 150k miles so didn't want to pay for this smart battery unit and then a battery if it didn't work! Using my logic I thought it was more likely than not to be the battery - after all, all batteries do degrade and this seemed to be much much more common when looking online. I contacted Richard at Hybrid Battery Solutions in Northampton who gave some advice and we had a chat about hybrids generally - in fact, we didn't even discuss him 'selling' me his service until I asked (always a good sign I think!). Anyway, cutting to the chase I drove from Teesside to Northampton and averaged 26.2mpg. Left it with Richard for the week and I was astonished when I got it back. It felt like it had been remapped - it was better than before (probably cause I never had from brand new myself). On the same journey back (about 190 miles) I averaged 38mpg. Even after almost a week of short journeys, spirited driving (and traffic light drag racing again ) I am still on 33.4. I am almost gutted that I didn't go for the grid charger (which I think uses some kind of witchcraft to keep the battery cells in their best possible condition) but I might well need a bigger boot to fit a pushchair later on in the year so the car might go although with hindsight, this would have been a good selling point when selling the car. He can do this separate from conditioning I believe or both at same time. It has given me confidence to go and buy another higher mileage hybrid. There is a solution which is significantly cheaper than Lexus and urge others who were in my situation to have a look at this. Hopefully this isn't breaking any forum rules - it's just my experience of this company and that others find it informative.
    1 point
  4. I've had leaking rear taillights, a leaking water pump, an air con leak, and a seized brake caliper fixed under the warranty so far. All faults came to light <80,000 miles. Lexus play the 'wear and tear' card much less often than any other warranty company that you could find.
    1 point
  5. It's staying there. It's a scrapper. He was honest though. When I said I wanted it for me he said don't bother.
    1 point
  6. Definitely worth taking it to the dealer: the important thing is for the fault to be registered BEFORE the warranty expires. If it continues after that, you are more likely to get some good will gesture on the basis that it was reported within warranty.
    1 point
  7. When I spoke to the guy selling his car in Swindon he said he had a call from someone in the Midlands offering to buy it without even seeing it, offering a silly price of course....I wonder who that was...
    1 point
  8. Hold down the "Home" button, and than you can "talk" to Siri using hands free. Actually using it a lot (not just in the Lexus). It's even pretty good at replying txt messages when hands free. The most used phrase I use is "send a message to my wife", followed by "ok"....No point in saying anything else really, regardless of the content of the txt
    1 point
  9. You sound just like me when I was looking, strangely I had started to loose hope when out of the blue the one I now own popped up on AT. I'm sure your patience will be rewarded. I will ask Lexus Bristol about the bonnet when it goes in for a service next month although I think I know what they will say! Another thing worth checking Mark, is the condition of the tyre pressure sensors, if they look corroded you may be looking at replacements when they are removed as they may break. Think they are around £60 each from Lexus. As soon as I got my car I started spraying GT85 on them, as it turned out when I had the alloys refurbed only one broke thankfully, it's something I do now by way of regular maintainence. Continued good luck with your search, it's worth it as they are lovely cars.
    1 point
  10. When you think that owners of petrol supercharged Range Rovers are reporting 10mpg and not much faster. It shows how good the RX is.
    1 point
  11. It is a great install. I like this camera because it matches the way Lexus fitted the mirror & rain sensor so looks stock. Mine recorded the mechanic at the dealership saying to his colleague " that's the best fitted dash cam I has ever seen, I didn't even notice it" Ed.
    1 point
  12. Stuart, I've not had one sleepless night since owning my Mk 4. In fact I've never enjoyed owning a car so much as this Lexus. Yes, I've replaced a few things to keep it running nicely and they weren't always cheap either, but every car needs some TLC now and then. Enjoy your LS while you can I say. Many modern cars you ride in nowadays shake your fillings out and have more problems after 5 years than my LS has had in 15. For me the LS is easily the best car by far, in every way.
    1 point
  13. I am indebted to my learned friend, doing 3 things at once never a good recipe.
    1 point
  14. It will do when I tell the wife
    1 point
  15. Here are 2 iPhone shots from today that sum up the highs and lows of owning a black car. Lovely beading on the corrected and waxed bootlid this morning - The aftermath of driving back in the rain yesterday - I guess this is where the washing and drying routine will need to be spot on to prevent any fresh marring or swirls in the future. Great!
    1 point
  16. I mentioned earlier that a friend of mine was having the same issue with the low tyre pressure light. He took it into Lexus this week and they found he had a nail in the tyre causing a slow puncture, so the light was working correctly. And as Ian said, they repaired the puncture FOC, now that's good customer service! Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
    1 point
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