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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2015 in all areas

  1. you know what really makes the difference? what makes this make/model stand out above the german companycarmarket? when driving it it feels just special, exclusive, different. when looking at it it just looks special, like a study made it into production, from every angle there is a different view when you take a friend for a spin you see them thinking, looking, trying to understand what is going on underneath the bonnet you like or loathe the looks, the grille the interior, dash. the Lexus is not mere traffic not just transport going from A to B it is a car that you have to discover, experience and every time i drive off i find it interesting, fun, i think of ways to improve performance, efficiency etc. even after 6k km i still discover new things it is my car, my Lexus i like driving it like watching it ( oh oh i hear violins playing maybe a bit over the top with this love letter haha)
    3 points
  2. The debate continues - here Jason owned a LS 460 and he has bought a LS 400! The mind boggles! Are the Ls 460's really not as good? Or are we just searching for nostalgia? Owning a LS 400, the hairs on the back of my neck tingled when I read Jason's comments! Took the LS 400 out for a spin last night .......... yes.... they are something special. I came out of McDonald's (can't afford a decent restaurant!) and the lights were shining on the alloys (though they are a bit corroded) - I thought it was a flashy Mercedes, then I realised it was mine! (Smug look - aka Jeremy Clarkson). Enjoy Jason .... compared to other cars costing that much, you have got a bargain!
    1 point
  3. Lexus in Holland...... Phil, The Lexus is a rare sight in Holland. Mercedes, BMW and Audi have, pretty much, got the market. You might see a few IS, the odd RX, but the LS is the rarest. In the last 3 years, I've seen one 400 and one other 460.
    1 point
  4. Boot struts are easy, pull a small clip remove and replace. You'll find the boot (usually) to be a heavy old thing that will need holding up with a stout piece of timber. I don't know about the mirrors but I would pop them off and look at the motor working without the mirror in place, it may just need resetting or lubricating. I've never heard of the paint causing issues with a sensor, have a look behind at the wiring. Swap with a known good sensor to see if it's at fault or the wiring is the issue. Good luck and enjoy.
    1 point
  5. i had the exact same problem mate. turned out it was the DOME fuse in the passenger footwell fusebox, just if you didnt check that one incase
    1 point
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